Results of community voting and the recent side quest, plus a few more items to vote on.

in #contest6 years ago

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

Welcome back peoples..

Here are the results of our recent votes in regards to season 2 and also the results of the side quest winner.

Also before we get started, it was a bit difficult to decipher the votes since people often didn't outright say yes or no and added stipulations or additional framework, myself included I think.. So in the future hopefully we can try to be more precise with our votes and also if I got anyone's vote or position wrong, please feel free to correct me!

Here are the issues we voted on.

#1 Should judges be required leave detailed feedback on the entry they vote for?

#2 Should we allow people to pay for certain things to get XP, like finding the IFC a sponsor?

#3 Should anyone in the community be able to vote like the judges and also play in the game and remove the barrier there? Including myself and other co-owners...?

#4 Is there a way to have the IFC without a winner?

#5 Change the name of Marketplace? Or even the IFC itself?!

#6 Should we do groups? How would it work?

@Apolymask votes

1 Yes.
2 Yes. (Within reason)
3 No.
4 No.
5 No to changing name of IFC, open minded to changing name of Marketplace.
6 Yes, but need to figure it out properly.

@Bengy votes
1 Yes.
2 No. (Except for cosmetic sort of things)
3 No.
4 N/A
5 No, and no opinion on Marketplace name.
6 N/A

@Plushzilla votes
1 Yes.
2 No. (Except for cosmetic sort of things)
3 No.
4 N/A
5 No, and no opinion on Marketplace name.
6 N/A

1 Yes.
2 Yes. (within reason)
3 Yes/Maybe/needs more info.
4 No.
5 If there was a change replace "information" with ideas/experiences.
6 N/A

1 Yes?/Not sure
2 No, Not if you can buy an advantage in the qualifying sense.
3 No? /Not sure
4 Could do it, but no preference.
5 No preference
6 Need more information.

1 Yes.
2 N/A
3 No.
4 Possible but would be less fun.
5 Don't change IFC, Open minded to changing Marketplace.
6 Open minded to it in the future.

1 Likes feedback but proposes a grading option.
2 No if it helps someone win the contest.
3 Open minded.
4 No preference.
5 N/A
6 Yes.

1 Likes idea but doesn't clearly say Yes.
2 Yes within reason.
3 Yes.
4 No.
5 Yes to change the name of the Marketplace, no to changing the name of the IFC.
6 Really likes idea but doesn't say yes.

1 Yes.
2 No unless the IFC needs it.
3 No.
4 N/A or No.
5 No.
6 Yes.

1 Yes.
2 Yes within reason.
3 Sort of yes, though with conditions.
4 No.
5 Change name of Marketplace or add to it, keep IFC name as is.
6 Likes idea but didn't say yes.

Okay now here are the different issues and how many votes they each got and with more explanation where necessary.

#1 Should judges be required leave detailed feedback on the entry they vote for?

7 voted in favor of this and 3 lean in favor of but were unclear in their answer.
This passes overwhelmingly, next season judges will be required to leave some kind of thoughtful response when they vote.

#2 Should we allow people to pay for certain things to get XP, like finding the IFC a sponsor?

5 said no except in certain limited cases and 4 said yes within reason and 1 was N/A. This one is difficult to measure up cause the responses were so diverse but virtually everyone said that they think you should only be allowed to purchase things that don't significantly effect your position in the rankings or your chance to win the entire thing.

So... For now let's just assume people will not be able to buy any kind of advantage, but if we do think of something that people can buy that won't give them an advantage in the future.. We will do a vote on it in the future to see what the community thinks.

#3 Should anyone in the community be able to vote like the judges and also play in the game and remove the barrier there? Including myself and other co-owners...?

5 said no and 2 said yes and 3 were unsure/openminded
This issue is now voted down and has been rejected.

SO.. Because this was rejected, @kryptocek and @iexplore and any other co owners who want to play for the grand prize must resign from being a co owner.

However.. I don't see why this should have to be permanent? Just.. Keep playing the game as long as you want, and then when ever you feel like you're ready to become a co owner.. There will be a place for you.

But.. As per the wishes of the community, you can not both be a co owner and play in the game for the prize. You can be a judge still, but not an actual player for the grand prize.

And in regards to the wishes of @charisma777 to be able to play in the rounds for fun and not as an actual competitor.. I don't see why not? We did that during the regular season.. I even entered into the scavenger hunt round once just for fun and not as an actual competitor.. So.. I don't see why co owners or others couldn't just play for fun? Though at this point in time the community doesn't want them to be able to play for the prize.

#4 Is there a way to have the IFC without a winner?

4 said no and 6 N/A

This one is also rejected, no one voted yes. The majority didn't seem to have a preference so a minority of 4 says no.

#5 Change the name of Marketplace? Or even the IFC itself?!

4 said no 2 said change the name of Marketplace another 2 were N/A and a further 2 were open minded to changing name of marketplace also 1 said if there was a change that the word "information" would be good to change.

The IFC name stays, however there could be an argument for changing the marketplace or adding to the name, however.. There's not a strong call for it. So.. I think in order to proceed in that direction. Someone who wants to change the name of the Marketplace should propose a new name and then we can vote on it.

But.. At this point, no one to my knowledge has even offered an alternative, so.. I'd say I don't feel obligated to do much until there's a stronger desire and we actually have a name to replace it with.

I will personally continue to think of a better name or a way in which we could add to the name to further distinguish it and make it more "catchy" and such, and if any of you have any good ideas please feel free to share your thoughts. But for now.. No change on this one.

#6 Should we do groups? How would it work?

3 said yes and 7 N/A, 1 of those requested more information.

7 Were N/A but no one said no, 3 said yes, so we will try to find a way to make this work where it's fair for everyone and if necessary vote on it more in the future in regards to how it might work.

If there's anything you think should be voted on bring it to our attention and we can vote for it in the next vote.

Here are the new issues to vote on.

1# Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?

Technically Plush won the round using my underground castle idea and that was suppose to be our next season base, but a few people seem to have got confused and think we are doing the spaceship from my other short story and will fly around the universe and since I created both stories and I don't think @plushzilla will mind which one we do, I figured why not put it up for a vote?

Should we be in hiding from the grey aliens under the earth in a new castle? Or did we manage to defeat them and take their spaceship to go explore the universe?

2# Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?

The way the UFC and boxing and some sports work is that there is a "defending champion".. Who like holds a belt or something like that.
And.. I was thinking it might be a good idea to use a similar model and have a defending champion? However.. I'm not sure if we can do this without further sponsorship as we just don't have enough funds right now?

By that I mean.. We have enough for a grand prize and 2nd and 3rd, but not enough for a championship prize as well and the defending champion shouldn't get the grand prize from just defending their title, that should go to the person who wins the season. It seems like we would need extra funding to be able to properly have a defending champion? What do you think?

3# Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC?

I think the incentive to earn a lil steem every round is a good one, and I think it's helpful for the smaller players "fish" in this steem world as well.

On the flipside, it is a bit time consuming to track down on steemd how much to pay everyone and also we need more funds as well plus the game has been so popular that I think most players weren't really in it for that aspect of it and it was more like a "bonus" reward.

Which is great and which I love and I think it does bring more players, to know that you can earn a lil bit for your efforts even if you don't win the grand prize or 2nd or 3rd. What do you think?

round results.png

Side quest results.

Apolymask voted for bengy

charisma777 voted for bengy

Enforcer48 voted for bengy

xomegax voted for bengy

Bengy pulls away with a clear win. Nice job bengy. I was really impressed with your entry and I think a bunch of other people were as well!
For anyone who would like to check it out, you can go here.

In closing.. It's been a little bit over a month since the first season ended and I said we would probably be back in around a month. However, I'm just so overwhelmed/busy and there's quite a few things that still need to be done and the break/rest has been very much appreciated so thank you for being patient. <3

I'm not sure I can give a for sure date for the next season to start, but I want you to know it's on my mind almost all the time and I want to get back to it as soon as possible.

I would say.. Expect it hopefully by the latest at around December. I can't promise this, and it actually might be sooner than that as well. It might be in a couple of weeks even. I just don't know and.. I will keep you updated and thank you for showing interest in this community.

This has been a lot of work, and I want to do it right and also find time for my personal life.. So.. I don't want to take on that huge responsibility until I feel I'm ready. Hopefully that will be very soon though believe me I want to start the next season as soon as I reasonably can. Much love!

PS... I'm ready to submit an application to curie soon and would have sooner but did not see their post.. Though I'm going to try to contact them soon and I'd still like to be able to show all the curies the players got during the season.. Does anyone know how I could go back and find the IFC rounds with curies quicker? I don't want to search every single post unless I have to, it would be nice if I could somehow do a search somehow or..?
Thanks for helping if you can and bye until next time! :D

PSPS.. I would just like to repeat that this vote was kind of confusing because of all the varied answers and some people wanted more information or had questions or side points that I couldn't figure out how to properly fit it all in.
I'm not sure how to streamline this in the future, but clearly it needs work.
Like perhaps.. More time to discuss the ideas ahead of the actual votes? Or something like that.. Cause this feels less clean and precise than it could be.
Please feel free to chime in in regards to this, I feel like the voting aspect could use some work and be better.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

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20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777


Thanks for the win, I only hope that it starts to bring more attention upon the @ifc community and contest. When things get back in full swing (and we exit this bear market), we will hopefully have entries and interest coming in a flood!

1# Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?

Oh! I think I made that mistake as well! We should go with the winner, and dive into the ground!

2# Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?

I'm not totally sure that I understand this, but I think there should just be a new champion with no need for the defending champion.

3# Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC?

I ran into a similar problem with the @classical-radio curation account. In the end, I made the decision to make a split of the liquid between featured authors (70%), writing (10%) and account growth (20%).

I guess @ifc could do something similar, with a split between judges/winner/account?

Hmmm.... That's a good idea.. We could split it. And yeah hopefully things pick up again. It's been pretty slow! At least on my personal page and so far this post has not got much of a response yet either. I have a feeling things will pick up more soon. Cheers friend.

Everything is slow everywhere! Even btc transactions and trade volumes are pretty low... Plus a bit of a price crash tonight...

Indeed. It's a bit concerning.. Though I'm in this for the long game and I think things will get busier in the future, who knows if it actually will. But.. Hopefully! :D

We'll see! People come running when there is money, but it is a slow change to realise that this isn't just a get rich scheme, but something like a fundamental change in the dynamics of the economy (if it works...)! I'm talking about crypto in general rather than just Steem!

However, that said, there are weaknesses and problems that need to be fixed, and the "gold rush" mentality didn't allow for proper critique of these things. Hopefully now that the cowboys are gone, things can get built!

I totally agree. Well said. But.. Then again.. Who knows what'll happen heh. I'm still very optimistic despite the value of coins going down so much. Maybe it'll jump way up again. We'll see how it goes!

1# Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?

Space. It's different.

2# Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?

Have a new champion each time. We could have a defending champion title in the game if they choose to still participate in the next season.

Keep track of them for a future all-star game.

3# Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC?

Figure out the percentages which you want to give to winners while saving some for @ifc to grow. This is especially important before you receive more delegations.

With enough SP, @ifc should vote on all legitimate entries. The judges' votes will decide the winner. The winner of each round simply receives a bigger upvote from @ifc.


I understand that you are probably looking for yes/no answers, but they aren't as simple as they appear the more I think about them.

Some really good points there.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I agree with pretty much everything you said, even though I voted for a defending champion.. I think after reading your response that it makes more sense to do this the way it is and then we could add a defending champion function in addition to what we have here and yeah.. Sometimes it's not so easy to just answer in a yes/no. Though I think in time we'll figure out how to do this voting process better. Still kinda new to a lot of this stuff.

Congrats @bengy!

@apolymask, I had not realized that 2 of my initial votes were so vague. I guess I could make an awesome politician one day.

1# Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?
I vote for outer space. We kick some Grey ass!

2# Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?
New champ each season. Championship rounds throughout each season.

3# Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC?
I agree with the bigger upvote from the IFC but think it would be ok to give up the winnings. Also, I think it would be easier on you if you only had to keep track of giving a larger upvote to the winner rather than calculating winnings.

Don't know if my opinion counts but here it goes anyway.

1# Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?

No real opinion, but in the ground always feels safer...

2# Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?

I would just do a new champ. Like Bengy said give them a title, curie does this in discord for the weekly comment champ.

3# Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC?

Looks like everyone is in agreement, that it should be split. You just need to come up with percentages for the liquid payout. You could even use a percentage to grow the championship pot...

Word. Thanks for the votes! And yes your opinion counts. Even though you haven't played in the game yet, you have been on our discord and have been a part of the community. So yes. Your opinion counts and thank you again for voting. :)

  1. Spaceship castle in outer space. I don't want to be cowering underground. 😂
  2. New champion. Previous champion can be hall of famer maybe?
  3. Yes keep awarding post payouts. More fun. Championship prize should be a separate thing.

Posted using Partiko Android

  1. I think it should be left to the judge whether they want to comment or not as to why they picked.

  2. No. There are always people that have money to buy people, those that do not have money to buy people, and those that feel buying people is wrong.

  3. No feeling one way or the other.

  4. I agree with the majority no.

  5. In time, when you have it, the choice is best left up to the people with the store fronts, of what the name should be.

  6. No thoughts on that one, so I guess N/A for me.

Here are the new issues to vote on.:
  1. I am fine either way, both have their own uniques storyline ideas that could go with them throughout the season.

  2. Do a Jeopardy type thing in a few years, say after 5 champions are born, have a shortened champion season, like season 5C, inbetween season 5 and season 6 hold a short 5 topic season for the past 5 winners.

  3. To the round winners. At least the majority of the liquid payout. Maybe deduct 10% for the champion payout. Reminded me, sorry for taking so long.

1 Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?

I think the castle under the earth hiding from the greys would be fun, although the spaceship castle traveling and exploring the universe would definitely allow for more creativity. So i would go with the space travelling castle!!!

2 Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?

I would say a winner per season and maybe have like a comeback championship later on.

3 Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC.

You could set the payout of each round at x amount then if anything is made after the x amt chosen that could go back into the ifc.

My apologies on such a delay on my response! Can't wait to find out what is next in the ifc world!!!

Yay, @bengy! I would have voted for you myself! Excellent, excellent entry - you put a lot into it and it showed. Congratulations!

Thanks! I only hope it brings our community some extra exposure!

I'm going to vote again as well since I consider myself part of the community and no one objected last time.

1# Should we do the castle under the earth hiding from the greys or the spaceship castle through outerspace exploring the universe?

Hmm... At first I really liked the hiding under the earth idea, but.. Now I like flying through space more and a number of other people seem to really like that idea as well. So I'm voting for a space ship castle. I think that would be really awesome.

2# Should we have a new champion each time or a defending champion if they are available and we someday get enough funds to properly reward such?

I think we should do this if we ever get enough funding. But.. I just don't personally know how we could properly do it right now where we currently are with funds..

3# Should we keep awarding the post payouts to winners of individual rounds or put it towards the IFC?

I think we should keep giving people the post payout rewards for the individual quests they win. Even though it's a decent amount more of work and we need more funds, I think this is something that is a really cool function. And not only does it incentivize more players, I think it helps the smaller accounts/peoples more.. Sometimes a couple steem here and there helps a lot at the very beginning when you're just getting started.

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