New artwork of our first IFC Champion and a few other updates.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hey again peoples! It's been a bit quiet around here since the first season ended. And.. It's taking me longer than I would like to be ready for the second season.

However.. I have new artwork to share! And.. A few updates about when to expect the next season and such. But first.. Here's the new pic by yeszuzia of our first champion @youhavewings! :)

image11111.jpg Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

Congrats again youhavewings and I love the new image!

Okay so. Next. First update is on @yeszuzia.
I asked her if she'll be able to do art for next season and she says probably not as she is going to be very busy.

She also said she was going to quit steemit and focus on YouTube, however.. I tried to mention to her that I don't think it's unreasonable to try to post to both and that some people myself included have made a lot more money on steemit than we ever did on YouTube, so she said she would think about it. She might be gone, she might not.. I don't know.

Either way, it's time we start looking for a new artist to do our artwork for the next season and right now my eyes are on @jimramones the most, and I will ask him soon. However in the meantime if anyone else has any good ideas, lemme know?

Next update is about when the next season is starting. Last update I said to expect it around December, and.. We're around a week away now and I don't feel ready mainly because I wanted to have a YouTube video ready by the time we started and I've been too busy to make much progress on it and will be busy for a few more days but hope to get working on that video asap. I do still think we can start in December, it just might be a few weeks in and not at the beginning of the month.

The second main reason is because I still have not applied for the support from curie, and I'm not sure if I should start before we hear from them or not.
I also have not found the time to go look for every entry that received a curie, and I'm not sure I'll find the time.. I'm just so busy it's ridiculous.
I still want to, but I dunno.. No one else helped much with that and I might have to submit the application without that info.

Another thing I'm behind on is that I haven't ordered the trophy for the winner of last season yet, I've got one picked out.. I just haven't ordered it. Should be no big deal though, we can start the next season even if that isn't where it's suppose to be in time.

So.. I think that's everything.. I think.. I can still say expect the next season by December.
Just.. Might be a couple weeks into the month and closer to Christmas? But.. I definitely still have a goal of getting it started in December.

I can probably get the YouTube video done in the next couple weeks, and then.. I guess we can start even if we haven't heard back from curie by then and just apply any potential help they offer retroactively.

Oh! One last thing before I go. We could still use some more votes for the last voting session in regards to issues about next season, there's only 3 items to vote on so it should be quick, so if anyone who hasn't left their thoughts yet would be willing to share what you think that would be great. :) A link will be below for anyone who will help vote, and.. Thank you for your time! Much love!

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

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20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777


Looks great! Compliments to @yeszuzia. I love how she transformed the digital concept to water color and added some really special touches like the IFC castle. Looks amazing. I hope she continues to spend time on steemit and doesn't quit. @yeszuza STAY - you are such a gifted artist!

Starting just before Christmas may result in a few less entries, with people not really having a lot of spare time. I know you want to get the ball rolling again, but perhaps the best option would be wait until Jan 5th or so, peoples headaches and hangovers from holiday shopping and celebrations should be just about done, and then they may be looking for something to end the holiday blues by doing something fun for themselves like IFC.. Just a thought.

Oh, and I went and finally left a comment on the questions post. sorry it took a long time.

Those are some good points! I thought it may be more active because people would be on Holiday break, but.. You make some good points.. I will certainly consider it and would also like to hear what others think as well, and ultimately.. Just keep busting my butt trying to the things done I need to get done so that we're ready either way. And.. You know.. We did start the last season in January, so it would be interesting and perhaps good timing in that sense.

Also thanks for leaving a comment on the other vote thread! It's much appreciated. :)

Hype for next season!

Lol. I admit I am usually puzzled when you say "hype" as I'm genuinely trying to keep peoples updated on what's going on, perhaps it's some kind of inside joke I'm not aware of/understanding?

I speak in memes.

I'm not familiar with the meme.. I looked on google and saw a few about hype, but I'm just not sure which one you're referring to.. Possibly this one?


Close enough.

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