in #contest6 years ago

I just realized I haven't done one of these in quite some time, so I figured why not.

Contest time again!

Yey :) So, I was racking my brain for a good theme for the new writing contest and everything I came up seemed so...generic. So dull. I literally got bored by every idea that my own head produced.
And then, it hit me!

Why not do a completely random contest?

As some of my followers may know, I've really gotten into this whole freewriting thing, lately. I'm having a wonderful time painting up stories, based on @mariannewest's clever prompts. It turns out that just getting a random word offered to me really sparks up an interesting tale in my head.
One that I'd never write without that particular prompt.

So, I figured I'd pick a theme at random for you guys to write about!


I've got this really cute app on my phone, called Improv Toolbox, that's used to give suggestions (of objects, locations, etc.) for improv practice and shows. And I figured, I'd use that.


But, as you see, there are 9 categories to pick from, and it wouldn't really be totally random if I picked the category. So, I went to a number randomizer online and asked for two random numbers.
Yey! So, 7 and 4 are going to be our categories, how exciting. Let's do 4 first, which is an 'Occupation' suggestion.


Ooookay, this should be interesting. I really did not expect that. And 7?


Okay, so our Person of the day is Jack Nicholson, how cool.

Now that we have our two RANDOM suggestions, let me explain how the game works.

RANDOM THEMES: Chess Player & Jack Nicholson


  • Write a story. Just let your mind roam free, don't think too much about it. Just keep 'chess player' and 'Jack Nicholson' in mind and GO!
  • Second rule is I want to see FICTION. I'm not looking for facts like Jack Nicholson was a chess player in third grade, I want the story to be your creation, and yours alone.
  • Word limit: max. 1000 words.


  • There will only be ONE WINNER, who will get all the liquid SBD this post raises. I wish I could offer more, but I'm not a whale, so sadly I cannot.


  • The contest will be open for one week – it will end once I cash in this post, so on the 4th of May (obviously hours will depend on your timezone).


  • Step one: write that story! :D
  • Step two: LINK this post in your submission!
  • Step three: Upvote and RESTEEM this post – the more people see and vote this, the greater the prize!
  • Step four: Leave a link to your story in the comments!

Good luck to you all!



Glad to hear that, I look forward to reading your entry!

Interesting prompt, thinking of his movies for ideas.

Thank you, @iamthegray, for your entry!

You're welcome

Haha, I have definitely been there (bored by the ideas I come up with) I love this one! Annndd this is a productive day- thanks to the awesome @son-of-satire I've found two new-to-me great blogs :)
I'm going to plug your contest at the bottom of my post.

Thank you so much for the shout out, it's really appreciated. Thing is you see contests on vague themes such as love or death or whatever all the time, they're tiring. :) I'm glad I could brighten your day :D

PS: Agreed, @son-of-satire is an awesome dude! :D

Great, I look forward to reading it! :)

I look forward to reading your story :)

Bother. I was all ready to post my story, came back to look for any tags that might be required and found the word limit. Have to go away and edit out 130 words now... Back soon.

I look forward to reading! Don't worry if you go a bit overboard ;)

Too late! It was an interesting exercise in ruthlessly editing, and maybe it made it a bit better. I got it down to 999 words!

That seems a interesting contest.

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