Art Prompt Writing Contest #4 Temporary insanity- An original short story - fiction

in #contest7 years ago

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Melissa sat in the kitchen and stared out the window. It was a beautiful bright summer's morning and she watched the sun rise through the trees while sipping on her first cup of coffee. 

"Why does everything always have to change?" she thought to herself.  "Why couldn't things just stay the way they are?" She took the last sip of her coffee and looked at the clock. She realized that she was going to be late to pick up the kids, but she still needed to clean the kitchen first.   

She looked at the mess in the kitchen, sighed and decided to pour a second cup of coffee to build up enough courage to start cleaning.  The kids slept over at her mother's because it was supposed to be their special night alone. They needed time alone. She spent hours preparing Jonathan's favorite meal. 

It was the first time in weeks that she planned something special just for them, but Jonathan had to work late again. He didn't even call to let her know this time, and she sat waiting for him for hours. Alone. When he wasn't there by  eleven o clock, she went to bed.  That's been happening a lot lately.  

Ever since they moved to the farm he stayed over in the city much more frequently if he had to work late. His work was so important to him, and she understood that. He was a good provider and they always had everything they needed. He worked too damn hard and she wanted them to have just one good evening together.  It was their anniversary after all

Long ago they made a commitment that they would always put each other first. These days she never came first. After he got that promotion at work and insisted that they move to the farm, everything changed.   

She was the one attending all the kid's extra curricular activities. He was just too busy.  She made a mental note to remember Lilly's ballet shoes for the recital this afternoon and she had to remember that soccer practice was at four today. She poured some more coffee.  

"Why was money so important? She has tried talking to Jonathan, but he was always too tired when he got home. He mostly skipped dinner, because he had a late lunch with clients, and then just fell asleep on the couch. She felt as if she lived alone on this farm. 

Last night was the last straw. She couldn't spend her life waiting for a man that never came home.  She also had a right to be happy. The kids were growing up so fast and what was she supposed to do if they were all grown up? She has had enough. 

Last night when Jonathan arrived just after one o clock, and she smelled that perfume on him...she knew. She knew that he had been cheating on her. She's been suspecting this for a while now but just couldn't put her finger on it. If she looked back over the last few months, she should've known...perhaps she did? 

When she heard the car in the driveway she waited for him downstairs, and he couldn't take his normal shower.  When she confronted him he did not even deny it. He told her straightforward that he didn't love her anymore.  He wanted a divorce.  No one that made a commitment to her was going to divorce her! 

She told him that they should talk, and while they sat in the kitchen, she made coffee and he told her how sorry he was but he just wanted out.  No one got a time- out from this marriage.  It was just not that easy. 

He rambled on about her spending too much time with the kids, and that she never had time for him....He said that she was too dull, and he needed more excitement in his life...

She lost it.  She grabbed the knife and couldn't think straight.  She stabbed him...she kept on stabbing until he stopped talking.  If she couldn't have him, nobody was going to have him.   

The kitchen was a mess.  She had to clean up all this blood before the kids came home. She took the last sip of coffee from the cup and stepped over the lifeless body on the floor. How was she ever going to clean this mess...and she poured another cup of coffee.   

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Never mind cleaning up how is she going to get rid of the body, nice story

Wowwee, definitely not what I was expecting when I first started reading, haha! Actually I was commiserating with her and the cleaning.
Well done on the shock value :)

Who is the contest officiator?

I have no clue...I tried having a writing contest a while ago and no one entered. I saw this last night and decided to enter. Here is the link

Ah splendid. I like a bad turn in a story!

Ha ha ha.... I assume that you are on day 3 now. Ready and waiting.

Oh no, popped! Popped out today, this morning early on in fact. Almost trouble free. In fact it was trouble free. An amazing thing!

Wow! What a story, it's looking as real life situations in these days in our country. Thanks for the sensitive story. Recently I come to know that you are a cuiry members ,please come to my post too.

A sad state of affairs that story was. It is a shame that it seems to be a common practice anymore. Not the murder part, but the lack of respect for commitment part. Still a very well written story. I would say nice story, but like michellegent would say, what's nice about it. LoL. I like you Author types, can take the mundane start of a day and create such a story.

Thank you. I appreciate your comment. Very very true about the commitment part. People get divorced so easily these days. Sad world we live in.

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