in #contest6 years ago (edited)


This is a daily contest.

50 Dogecoins are given to daily winners.
Winners will be selected based on good their answers are, OR using random.org depending on the nature of the contest.


How to participate

  • Have a DOGECOIN wallet

  • Follow (Not compulsory - But you would not like to miss the future daily contests would you?)

  • Resteem this post (I need the free publicity)

  • Upvote (Not Compulsory)

  • There will be a daily question to answer or a task to do.

Today's Question

What is your most EMBARRASSING CHILDHOOD MOMENT and what makes it so?
  • Add your DOGECOIN wallet address to the comment you've made.

  • If I like more than one comment, prize will be split between them or one winner selected with random.org

The Altcoin4U™ GIVEAWAY holds daily with different tasks and different coin giveaways. The Prize Reward will increase with growing sponsors.
Thank you again @anosikev for adding to this contest's prize pool. New sponsors are welcomed and highly appreciated.

If interested in being a sponsor, simply comment below or send me a message on discord.

Username: gamsam#5973


Thank you my friend @gamsam to joined our steem-bounty family! I am not interested in this contest, but i am happy about your active partecipation on @Steem-bounty

Thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

My most embarrassing childhood moment was when i couldn't read a welcoming address i prepared very well for on one of my school's end of year ceremonies . I was about 8yrs old then and was picked to read the welcoming address as one of the sharp and bright students in my class. Prior to the ceremony i had crammed all the words of the address and could recite it off heart. The day of the ceremony came and i was called out with a rousing applause. Surprisingly, i got there and couldn't utter a word. I tried to speak but no sound was coming out of my mouth. I didn't know when i started crying and was replaced by someone that was not half as sharp as i was. My parents felt embarrassed and i was always reminded of it by my class mates throughout my stay in the school. It was very sad!

Dogecoin wallet: DLuVSc79LvB7FWkmDN5W9B4HnQF7h9Mdgq

Sorry about that

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol. That's was a long time ago. Though the experience was quite humiliating but I've gone past it. Thanks.

My mom and i was at the mall, it was weekend so there was a huge crowd. And i have a candy at hand. I have been meaning to open it since we entered the mall. I cant open it because my other hand was held by my mom and on the other the lollipop..

when finally my mom let go of my hand, i immediately quickly open my candy! I began licking it all... and then automatically i held back to the hand in front of me.

Somebody shrieked! For suren it wasn't me. I looked up... I was not holding my mother's hand!! And now everybody was staring back at me.. i was almost teary-eyed for I donr know what to do. I just stood there scanning the room for mom!

Fortunately, mom heard the shout! She instantly tag me away from the crowd.

Lesson learned? Dont bring any candies to the mall!!! 😐🤣😂

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Candy turned moments into seconds I guess

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hahahaha it was really

My most embarrassing moment as a child happened in primary school. The bell rang and I was on my way out the door to be first in line at the tuck shop to buy something to eat. I had my bag on my back and tried to jump over the chain fence and my foot got caught and i feel face first on the tar my bag ripped open and hit me on the head with all its contents thrown across the playground. Needless to say I never made it to the shop and I was in a fair amount of pain too

Dogecoin Address: DGdApqP2GRXg4dqcfX5sCAYZGfqtc2s1hR

That must have hurt

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol you would not believe, both my body and ego was brusied and i was still hungry

The most embarrassing moment as a child was in a soccer game, where I had the opportunity to score twice and in those 2 times the fault, the last one was the worst because there was no goalkeeper and just when I tried to kick the ball I slipped and hit the head of the ball away from there. Then I felt bad and embarrassed because I missed 2 opportunities.

My Address: DN19R6d1X1q53o9sndrKRaWrs9W99UxBPZ

It's funny picturing that

Posted using Partiko Android

in childhood time one day my mom cooking food and i swing in mom back unfortunatly l fallen in fire and my both palm are burn and badly engerd then i m crying in fool loudly and after some time i saw picture of lord krishn which was hanging in wall, i said to all faimly members to this picture (lord krishn) i brunt and i m crying and repeat this word, when my father hang out the picture then i feel relief. means not blame taken myself and mom blamimg the lord.

Sorry about that

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my EMBARRASSING CHILDHOOD MOMENT is i was playing cricket with my friend and by mistake i damage my glass door -_-


That's terrible

Posted using Partiko Android

When i was very young, use to touch my toes to my head, during the time i was in plaster, forgotten the full conversation, and said i can do that.. I'd almost knocked myself out from doing it.

doge wallet: DSPT6oyfgdXCaHr8zcP4oxRTHGUPE7f5Ad

It was when i was flogged outside by dad in front of my friend.

What did you Do?

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually nothing, he was just angry and used it on me

My time as a child EMBARRASSING: I was 6 years old and I was studying second grade and my teacher did not let me go to the toilet, so I had to defecate in my pants and to make the situation more embarrassing the transport forgot to go through me that day and I I walk 3 kilometers to my house.

My Wallet: D7abQ5XnxPZMvZx6e2vftcf8gbCbRFhWsB

Now that's a story

Posted using Partiko Android

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