Chimaera: The Deification of Gaming

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


Apes. They represent the foundation of humankind; the first chain of progress in the ecosystem. One shot at having a peek at these creatures, with their flat faces, almost-verterbrate limbs and happy hug times, and one becomes immediately convinced that there is no end to possibilities: if Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories are half as true as he says they are, then humans should be regarded as an evidence of the sheer rave of boisterous, energetic advancements nature has been subjected to. But it is not only nature as a whole that has had to go through several timelines of change, several other phenomena have also come under the rods of dynamism; we could talk of things like architecture (houses and designs), agriculture, governmental systems, technology, Hollywood, fashion (clothes and accessories) or we could talk of something more subtle, more significantly encompassing of these aforementioned change systems:



I remember how, as a child, I used to play 'Mother's cooking pot', "Bread and Butter" or hide and seek with the neighbours' children. We would amuse ourselves by running around, trying to find someone who was, in fact, 'not' missing. But then, with time, we found ourselves getting entertained with plastic games that required you to arrange bricks or climb through some indecipherable obstacles. Despite growing out of childhood, we needed some way to have fun and relax after the boredom of school and all. And voila, something called smartphones and laptops fell on our laps.


Arena of Valor (I like these sort of adventurous battle games because they illustrate these cool stories beforehand that make you so geared up to fight the good fight).

With these electronic blessings, gaming became more fun, more thrilling and more of a problem too, because parents, aunts and buddies would harrumph constantly about how much of a waste of time these virtual hunts for heroism were. We couldn't tell them that we got rewards for all our accomplishments on the field of play, that it was a near fulfillment seeing your game-hero or virtual, sexy heroine tear through obstacles or choke the life out of cyber bugs. They wouldn't understand, they wouldn't hear of it because nothing obtained on the gaming horizon translated into anything real, there was no real hero/heroine hugging your waist, there was no real cash coming in handy in times of need.

Well, that, for a reasonable while, has all changed. People are beginning to find ways to monetize their passion for gaming. But it's about to reach a climax. Gaming is about to be the next best way to both have a good time of fun and earn some actively, charged up currency, crypto or fiat. What am I talking about? Well, I am saying some amazing blockchain platform called Chimaera is about to make gaming a god.


Well, this is simple. Chimaera is a revolution with a mantra centered around gaming in and cashing out. With Chimaera, everyone has a future. For game developers who have pitched several game constructs in their heads, but cannot exactly bring their big ideas to fruition due to the familiar constraints that come with try to make a big break in a financially hostile territory where one has to appease servers and incur cost from account administration, they get a chance with Chimaera to build their own blockchain based games. Now, they will be open to a wide range of tools and cutting-edge infrastructure that will help them make the best of their ideas and talents.

The Chimaera Whitepaper lines up the possibilities inherently available for these developers in the following words:

"The Chimaera platform will provide a wealth of tools and infrastructure for game developers
to build their own game worlds that fit their vision and project. They can fully leverage the
Chimaera technology to build decentralised games and issue their own game currency that can be traded for CHI or other Chimaera game coins/assets secured by the Chimaera blockchain."


What this consequently implies is that gamers will now be able to experience a new world with several other decentralized virtual worlds that satiate their drive for relaxative, adrenaline pumping exercises. The best part of it is that each autonomous game, which will be demonstrably fair and transparent, will have virtual game items that will be competed over, earned and, in lieu of the achievements banked by gamers, be tradable through several simple and safe media. These game currencies incorporated into Chimaera by the many game developers will be susceptible to exchanges between in-games and conversions into real world value equivalents. First, they can be converted into CHI (the highly utilitarian Crypto reserve currency on Chimaera), and then into several cryptocurrencies and even fiat. And oh, did I mention that the decentralized virtual worlds don't need the servers to operate and they run for 24/7?

Without doubt, the Chimaera platform has definitely provided a leeway for other more organic gaming genres to evolve, something like human mining and blockchain-based gaming, just as it has expanded the field for all types of existing games. This is quite a fine way of putting the blockchain technology to use. With the offering of virtual asset ownership, gamers and crypto enthusiasts can control, secure, store, share and trade virtual assets or items that have real world value.



We can't but mention this timeless innovation, as it is in it that the true beauty and purpose of Chimaera is actualized. I watched the trailer for Ready Player One, and I was thrilled by the whole idea of the film- a group of two partner players get to be teleported into some anime world created by one James Halliday. They are to competitively find the answers to three tough, existential questions to become the coveted leaders and controllers of the OASIS. It is simply overwhelming to know that Chimaera has incorporated something that feels like the OASIS. And that is the DAUs. This involves a virtual world where players can pool together the resources available in the various blockchain based games to build their own worlds and societies which they get to share with other players in an expansive multiplayer system. This would mean several possibilities for the economic and cultural relativity of players. I understand DAU to be analogous to being in the driver's seat of a car and letting others hop into the car while you turn up the car stereo and engage one another in a nice conversation. It would be nice to see custom based DAUs that would be recognitive of players' preferences, fantasies and cultural idiosyncrasies.


Scaling is quite a problem with the blockchain technology, but Chimaera has been able to solve this major difficulty through breakthrough actualisations of **Trustless Off-hand Scaling (Game Channels and Atomic Transactions) and Ephemeral time stamps. Although my small mind cannot quite grasp the expansive possibilities inherent in these solution methods, I do know that it proffers a seamless payment channel for players who would not need the intervention of third parties to have their claims sent to them, as the trustless system would make sure transactions are "signed by both parties, so that either both transfers happen or none. This prevents fraud where just the payment is made and the item isn't transferred, or vice versa" (Chimaera White paper) . And in case of any dispute or disagreement between players, "then the data in the sidechain allows an honest player to prove to the public that she’s in the right according to the game rules and thus still claim her reward" (Chimaera White paper).

What's more, ephemeral timestamps allows for the improvement of game channels in a way that defends the rights of honest game players. This is not to talk of how the solved problem of scaling through game channels and ephemeral timestamps allows game developers to be able to develop games that are MOBA oriented, that is, they allow for a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.



This day is salvation come to your house- The Holy Book

The monetary end of the several gaming means offered by Chimaera is contained in these three letters: CHI. With CHI as the fuel of Chimaera, the reserve currency through which accounts are created, and in-game or external trading is made possible, the economic advantages are limitless just as its methods of utilisation are endless.

Like Ryan Smith, one of the team members of Chimaera, said on the Chimaera Telegram public group,

So, we can sell CHI for fiat, or we can sell games for fiat, or game items for fiat, etc. etc. etc... For example, say I get an awesome sword in a game. I then sell it for CHI, and then sell that CHI for BTC or USD or whatever. There are many paths.


Indeed, the world is definitely going to be merrier and more colourful with the democratisation of game development and usage that will follow, in the wake of the Chimaera blockchain technology. Take for instance, my brother is an astute developer who has the dream of one day developing a game that would take the world by storm. And my ex-colleague, Michael Asaju, is a gamer who expends every single free time he had at the office to play any kind of game. He has told me several times to join the great league of virtual champions, and I have always mocked him in turn asking him to tell me how much he has successfully made from his colourful video friends. I remember how he will stammer and tell me that it is possible to play and earn with these VR games. Well, it turns out that he was right because with the advent of the Chimaera platform, I, my brother and Michael Asaju can now think it, build it, play it.

You want more information about the Chimaera blockchain? Well, this video is both illustrative and explanatory.

This is an entry to a contest rendered by originial works. Here is the contest post.



This is a fantastic article, congrats on the well deserved win!

I am sorry my reply is coming late. I have been off the blog for a while. Thanks a lot @mjo. It's an honor to have you visit my blog. And thanks for the vast encouragement you gave everyone for this particular contest.

First place! congrats. great post!

Thank you. Really grateful.

Congrats, a well deservered win.

Congratulations! You did a great job.

Gracias. I am surprised myself

You definititely reserve it

I am glad you think so.

I am staring at my screen open mouthed.... Is there any area you don't write so well on?
About chimaera, I ain't a gaming person, infact, at this moment I don't have a single game on my fone, so, I would pass....
The reward token "CHI" reminds me of the the Igbo word "Chi" which means "luck" in some contexts, so maybe If I join this gaming platform, my "chi" would smile down on me?.... Lol

Doris, you are everything wonderful. Thanks for this immense support. I can almost cry right now.

Congratulations Funmi, you write, no doubt, flawlessly well. Since I read your article on the probability of Shakespeare being a woman, I knew you will be taking Steemit by storm.

Once again, congratulations.

Wow, that's quite some throwback. I can't say thank you enough for believing in me. Sometimes, all one needs is someone who believes in her. Your faith in me has sparked quite a strong will in me.

It's my pleasure Funmi. I am glad you feel more motivated by my words. I am following you closely already and hope we would develop some more better relationship on this virtual space. Did you study English?


Interesting choice of words sir!

A deserved win.👍👍

Really, thanks

Congrats on your truly deserved win. It can infact only get better.

I am grateful for the kind words

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