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in #contest7 years ago

Between clenched teeth, I am saying "That is not my bull, but it is my yard!"
I do not have to fake this one! I actually posted a video just this morning on the local facebook page on this very issue. In the little town 12 miles down the road, an old man was killed this summer trying to get someone else's bull out of his yard, This one has been trashing my yard (and everyone else's) all summer, and is now helping himself to the hay I BOUGHT for my cows.
OK, I admit I do not do "angry" very well. If "even" is coming up next, I may have a better selfie...


Pellet gun perhaps, or if that isn't enough a paintball gun. Won't injure him, but it'll sting like the dickens....and you won't have to be very close to use it. Even do it from inside a vehicle....just to be safe.

Thanks! I am going with an attempted public shaming, get the owner to get their animal and mend their fence... We have been using a bb gun to run it off. They owe us for bbs too, now that I think about it... ;) Oh, wait! :(

I live in a tiny town too. Within moments of this happening all the town's 'good ol' boys' and the Deputy (love that guy) would be on it.

Does anyone know who's bull it is?

That's a total bummer, not to mention (as you've already experienced) dangerous. I hope you get some help.

Don't try to deal with it yourself (unless you use a paintball gun from really far away and INSIDE something, as @stuntworksinc suggested).

Good luck!

It looks like a delicious beefy meaty burger to me, hint hint, wink wink.. Just saying ;)

Google "Jack Yantis." I will NOT be asking the local constabulary for assistance... but I also won't get hurt, thank you!

Holy crap. I googled it. That is totally nuts.

Thank you for making the effort!. If you do facebook. please feel free to join our group"Justice For Jack" - all we can do is try to raise awareness.

googled it and that is completely crazy!!!!

Thank you for making the effort, as I said to @carrieallen, we have a facebook group that you are welcome to join. Awareness is all we can do. The family was denied justice, the story is actually FAR more sordid than you can imagine. (This was our little hideaway, living our bugout... Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!)

I am so sorry about this. Crazy world.

That is an understatement. Yet, it is the only game in town, so... deal me in!

That is terrible!!! Bulls are no joke! My friend got chased by one once while hiking and not good at all!!

A little update... thanks to those who expressed concern!

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