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RE: Givaway!! - Original art print on wood - The depressed motivational quotes for a passimist's positive thinking

in #contest6 years ago

What a great way to engage the community @shlomit. Not only are you helping find solutions, you are also giving gifts!!! Double whammy!!!

Raising your hands and arms stretched out in the air above your head for at least 15 minutes a day seems to help a lot. I really don't know why, but I feel it must have something to do with opening up the body's meridians, lymph nodes , etc. that are often shut down. Stretch open those armpits!

Also, looking at yourself in your eyes in the mirror, telling yourself all the things you have to be grateful for, really helps to shift the perspective of unworthiness, loneliness and depression, simply by focusing on that which feels good, over that which does not. Also writing these things down in a gratitude journal can help one tangibly see all the blessings.

There are a lot of other things, like walking in nature, dancing, spinning in circles, taking intentional deep breaths....that also can help release the blues from the body.

If I should just happen to win this challenge, please gift "the sun is just a dance away" to someone, somewhere, who you feel could use a blessing. And then, if you do that, please write a post about it and give it the tag #randomactsofkindness.

Here is a taste to pay it forward:

Already following you.


Thank you for participating and for your wonderful, elaborated answer! <3
I did not know about the help of raising your hands up, I am totally going to try that :D
And telling yourself you're worthy and loved in the mirror is so important, though tough in the begining, if doen regularly it get's easier and you start beleiving in it.
The #randomactsofkindness is such a wonderul thing that you do! Helping others actually also helps us and is another way to lift ourselves up. Thank you for helping the community and those in need! And for your generosity <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(already following you as well, of course :) )

It can be tough to say nice things to ourselves when feeling down, but as you say, changing our way of communicating with ourselves, giving focused attention to that which feels good and doing it with consistent deliberation can actually help us find appreciation for ourselves again. It may not be a complete answer, but can be a very integral part of healing.

I'm grateful to contribute to things that can make a difference in people's lives. Building community really is a benefit to us all, as dealing with life really is much more juicy and rewarding when supported and doing it together.

I completely agree <3 <3 <3 <3

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