Virgin Pussy Game ~ Want to pay to play?

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

This game open to any and all AGES. 

This is where you can sell your virginity and have fun. This is a game for everyone. Do you know someone hiding a virgin pussy at home? Do you have a virgin pussy? Don't be shy, let's get some mating done. Everyone can make some good money pimping out virgin pussy. 

Please share photo's and the cost of your virgin pussy in the comments

Color is not a factor, or is it? How about looks? Do you only want to mate your virgin pussy with another good looking virgin pussy? Hell, 2 dudes can pimp themselves or guy/girl is okay or if 2 chicks want to go at it, I'm down with any combo. Virgins just want to have fun and make money. 

I have my very own virgin pussy coming soon, I order it via the internet and can't wait for it to get here. There has been a gas problem as of late so it may take a while for my virgin to arrive. Many others were bidding on the same virgin pussy as me and I am not guaranteed to be the owner of the desired virgin pussy I placed my bid on but my fingers are crossed.

Have you looked at the selection of virgin pussy for sale? Did you pick yours based on color or shape? Did it's parents have any effect on it's look or are you just happy with any old virgin pussy?

Here is @berniesanders virgin pussy, I want it so bad. @berniesanders maybe this post will make me enough to purchase your virgin pussy. Damn, I hope so. is where you can check out @berniesanders whole brothel of virgins


How did I know that this post was actually about cryptokitties.....LOL. This is whole post is pure creative genius.

lol, if people were not so offended by my humor I might be able to afford a kitty when this post pays out. All in good fun, the right people will like it and that is all that truly matters.

I will admit, my initial reaction was one of shock, because it reminded me of this article I read recently about some chick who sold her virginity to some rich old fucker for like millions of dollars. But then I was like, "nah, there's no way this is what that is...I bet it's a funny ad for cryptokitties" And so I clicked on it and read on, and sure enough I was right :P

the right people will like it and that is all that truly matters.

If everyone had this same mentality, this world would be a much better place, lol.

Yes, that is where the mix of idea's came from.........2.9 mil and that girl wasn't even that great looking!

Lol the name of the game and first words of the post make you think something bad 😂 Especially whenever you request pictures...

But the twist on Cryptokitties is simply hilarious 😂

Thank you fellow degenerate! Always good times when your reaction can be changed from disgust to laughter in under 30 seconds!!

Yeah definitely :D

Hi @erodedthoughts! I am so thrilled reading your post and share this pussy. Here she is!



How much? You have to name a price too?



(I told you she's strict!)

Don't self vote! You're killing the ecosystem!

I'd ♥ to see some virgin pussies!!

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