Quiz #3 Wednesday. Price pool growing! This is getting more and more exciting!!

in #contest7 years ago


Welcome everyone to the Quiz!

If you're new you must first read the Rules !!

Okay here we go again!

Question 1 (2points)

What are the names of the city's in the pictures below?



what city two.jpg


what city 3.jpg


what city 4.jpg

Question 2 (1point)

How many sticks?

how many sticks.png

Question 3 (1point)

What are the 3 differences?

photo 1


photo 2


Question 4 (1point)

Vierhonderd + Nineteen + Vingt cinq + Zweiundsechzig + Sju + Doce + 열두 = ?

Question 5 (1point)

What is the country you see on every picture?


What country.png


what country 2.png


what country 3.png

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Don't forget to keep spreading the word and if you like to price pool to grow upvote all the Quizpost from this week. Hope to see you all tomorrow! Here are links to previous Quiz blogs that count towards the pricepool!

RULES explained

Have a nice day, (results will take a little longer in 3 hours I will be updating the new standings)!



shame quiz didnt grow. Will be back

Question 1: Mexico City, Melbourne, Madrid, and Mumbai

Question 2: 38

Question 3: The parking sign and the reflection of the trees in the water (I was able to find two)

Question 4: 537

Question 5: Kazahkstan, Ecuador, and Botswana

Question 1: Mexico city, Melbourne, Madrid, Mumbai

Question 2: 34 sticks
Question 4: 537

Question 5:

  1. Mongolia
  2. Western Equador
  3. Zambia

Question 3:

  1. Parking sign - White rectangular patch on one parking sign/absent on the other
  2. Two ropes hanging down the first red rimmed boat on the left/ one rope on the other

Question 3:

  1. A patch of green hanging on the right hand corner of the bridge/ no green on the other.

You can only post 1 Time @knowledge1

Oh I'm sorry.. I misunderstood and thought I could not edit what I already posted. No problem. Will read the rules again, thanks. :)

  1. 37 sticks
  2. Blue parking sign on right hand lamp post missing words,

oh man, late for the quiz

Yeah everyday at the same time! Come join tomorrow and next week. I'll be improving the quiz and want to make it really proffesional.

I’ve just read trough all those curious questions with a genuine interest… I haven’t got enough knowledge to find the answers in my head. Thus, I am looking forward seeing the keys)))

They arrive shortly


An interesting work

  1. Mumbai, Madrid, Melbourne, Ciudad

Question 2: 36 sticks

Question 4: 537

Q1: Mexico City, Melbourne, Madrid, Mumbai

Q 4: 537

Q5: Mongolia, Ecuador, Zambia

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