Fireflies Quiz - woo hooooo GET THAT STEEM and SBI

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

Hello my sweet little fireflies!

Well - here we go! Are you ready? Don't be nervous - it's an open book test of course! hahahaha Go find the answers and then SEND THE ANSWERS TO ME IN A DM!!!!


If you do - you're disqualified immediately - so... don't do that to yourself :)

You can send me a DM on discord to dreemsteem#0695 . AFTER you send your answers to me in DM - then drop a comment here saying "I CAUGHT MY FIREFLIES"

I'll check your answers! If you get at least 8 out of 10 correct - you're entered into the drawing! (I'll do the drawing on Thursday morning PST) These questions are ONLY on Book 2, Entries 1-12! Haven't read it yet? START HERE They are quick posts to read - all 12 entries will take you no more than 10 minutes total! :)


  1. What was blowing against Talia's legs, reminding her of the summer?

  2. What name did she introduce herself with - to Derek?

  3. What color were her cowboy boots?

  4. What was the seat number on the airplane - of her annoying, new friend? LOL

  5. What's the name of the traditional Georgian drink that is used for the celebration?

  6. There were several things that "hypnotized" her on the trail - what the was the scent?

  7. What was Caleb studying in school?

  8. What "totem" does Talia carry when she travels (it belonged to her mother)?

  9. Why couldn't Talia go back to the other world?

  10. Just for Fun: Are you Team Derek, Team Bryd, or Team Caleb?

BONUS: YEP - if ANYONE gets this right - the first one to drop the answer into my DM will win 20 steem. BOOM! because it's THAT hard to spot!!! (if you drop the correct answer in the comment section, the BONUS will be eliminated and you will not win the prize.)

There was a mistake on ALL the posts for Book 2. It has been corrected, so you HAD TO HAVE SEEN IT before I corrected it today. For 20 Steem....What was the mistake on all the posts for Book 2 ?

(this is a REALLY hard question - so don't feel bad if you didn't notice it. It took me 12 posts to notice it! LOLOLOL)

Did you forget what the prizes were?

Everyone who gets at least 8 out of 10 questions correct will be entered into a drawing for Thursday at PYPT! (most likely the morning show - but I'll let everyone know soon!) There will be three winners:

1st place prize: 20-steem upvote through @tipu on the recent post of your choice (currently valued at $10.72 - that's like a whale vote!!!!!), plus 5 SBI

2nd place prize: 12-steem upvote through @tipu on the recent post of your choice (currently valued at $6.43 - nice orca vote!!!), plus 3 SBI

3rd place: 8-steem upvote through @tipu on the recent post of your choice (currently valued at $4.29 - strong dolphin vote!!!), plus 2 SBI

HOPE YOU HAVE FUN! and if you do... and you want ANOTHER chance to win - head over to @shadowspub's PYPT show in the Ramble discord on Thursday! (Check out @shadowspub's blog for times!!!) The live quiz will be on the morning show and will have even MORE PRIZES :)

Images used in this post:
first place
second place
third place

@penderis!!!! YOU!


I caught my fireflies. Well I mean flies since this is Africa and I set them alight.

hahahahahahahahaha that is the cutest gif :)

yep - you caught them all!!!! you're number 8!

AND..................... YOU ARE THE WINNER OF THE BONUS QUESTION... you never miss anything, do you? LOLOLOL

I caught my fireflies

I may be too late, but why not... ;D
I really liked the story .... please include me in your subscriber list....
I am also curious to know what the mistake was hahahaha
I shall wait for Thursday :)

you are NOT too late! this is all day today and i'll choose the winner sometime tomorrow hehehe not sure when - but maybe an hour or two after i wake up! hehehehe just giving everyone time to enter ;)
yes! i will add you to the subscriber list! :) and someone DID find the bonus question - so i will announce that later (actually two people found it - one was a total guess! @eveningart - but she is so freaking smart she had a brilliant guess!!!! and then - the winner - he's got hawkeyes and rarely misses a trick!!! i dont know why im ever surprised by him!!! i'll announce who that is tomorrow hehehehe)

Speeding through my replies
So curious to know what that bonus question was about 😁

oh! and looks like you are entry #6!!! :)

No.6 it is :D

I am now reading Book 1....fascinating and intense...

Woo hoooooo!!!!!!

That gets me EXCITED!!! :)

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Here’s one more
I just passed it to my daughter to read 😊


@dreemsteem, "I CAUGHT MY FIREFLIES".

When it comes to mistake then in my opinion you've gave the Title of Book1 to Book2 Series too.

Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.

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You have been entered and you are entry #1!!! Great job on the quiz you only got one wrong!

As for the bonus.. sorry! Hehehe that's wrong, but good try! 😊

Thank you so much. And i enjoyed this contest because it reminded me of my school days. Have a joyful time ahead and stay blessed.

Hehehhee I LOVE joy! I try to take it with .e wherever I go! Hehehe. Thank for entering!! 😊 enJOY your day also!!!

Great to read these words. If people lack something then most importantly it's the joy, so if we are spreading that joy to some extent then in a way we are adding fresh air on the Earth. 🙂

Agree, my friend! Agree!!!

I caught my fireflies

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You brilliant firefly fan! You also got 100% on the quiz! Hehehhee

And the bonus question....I just need you to clarify that some more...I didn't understand your answer in the DM

Woo hoo!! Yeah baby ;)
Bonus clarified... autocorrupt snuck in!

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh!!!! And you are entry #4!!!

And bonus.....SOOOOOO close!

You win if the other person who answered the bonus correctly doesn't enter the actual quiz hahahaa

Or... Unless someone else enters and gets it right before both of you hahahaha

But clever clever clever girl!!!!! 😂 I didn't think anyone would catch it...or guess it!!!!

Hehe thanks for the fun- I really enjoyed that xxx

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Hehehehe I am too!!! I love FUN and gifts! Hehehe it makes people laugh and brings a little cheer to.the day!

I hope they do enter! They've got to be a mega fan to have picked up the bonus answer!!

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Or just can't resist a bonus hehehehe

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Hehehehe... bonus.... bonus... doesn't the word bonus sound rude if you say it too many times? Bonus... bonus

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I FINALLY FOUND IT! hahahahahaha

cracking up now - thinking of our DM hhahaha


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EXCELLENT!!! another 100%!!! we have a lot of smart fireflies fans hehee

You are entry #5!!!!

And yes, I will add you to the subscriber list along with @chireerocks (this is a note to myself to remember to do that) hehehe


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Yes mam you certainly did!!!! You only got one wrong!!! You are entry #2!!!! 😄

I caught my fireflies.

of course you did - i never doubted you'd catch all them!!! hehehehe

you are lucky #7!!!! :)

thought you'd like that hehehehehe


Yes you did!!! And 100%!!!!!! Awesome job!!!you are entry #3 :)


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I caught my fireflies...

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Yayyyyyy great job!!!! And you are #10!!! 😄

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