[EPISODE 5] Quest In The Realms – an interactive Bananafish production!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Look who’s there, a wandering adventurer looking for the Bananafish treasure! This episode is part of the interactive story/treasure hunt called “Quest In The Realms”. If you landed on this page because you’re trying to solve the mystery, don’t hesitate and keep delving in the story. If you came here through random loitering, what are you waiting for!?



Was her hair red? You could swear it was blonde. Maybe it was just the lights, or lack thereof. But she’s there, between the aisles, and if she’s heard you follow her inside the abandoned guitar shop, she doesn’t seem to care. After all, she seemed happy to tease you over here.

The shop is lit with candles and they smell like dead roses. Rotten guitars line the cracked plaster walls. Broken strings dangle like dead limbs. You follow the woman to an aisle full of moldy sheet music and then she disappears. You call out to her, but she ignores you and reappears deeper into the abandoned store, where the light of the candles barely reach.

By now, the smell of the candles fills your mind. You can’t help but imagine yourself touching her, being with her, dedicating yourself to her.

Mendo, get a hold of yourself man, you think. Then your artist voice speaks up. This could be one hell of a song. You should write lyrics about this whole thing. You remind yourself to remember to remember…

Then she’s there, standing in front of you, shaded by the darkness. She is close enough that you see her long, dark fingernails. Girls these days really go all out on the goth thing.

“Creepy place,” you say, trying to hide your fear. The hair on your arms stands on end and a shiver runs down your spine. “Let’s party or what, babe?”

She takes a single step forward from the shadows, and you see black tights, torn at the knees. She’s wearing a plaid skirt and you reach out and grab her by the hips. You pull her close, ready to kiss her. Her face emerges from the darkness.

She’s smiling, her teeth black and rotten. Her skin is bloated and wet like a submerged corpse. Black goo dripping from her mouth.

“PARTY TIME!” she laughs.

Turn to 7





For art and soon to come out lyrics!

The plaid skirt should have been a dead giveaway. Run, Mendo, run!

Posted using Partiko Android

Two imagines in my mind: Ghostbuster, the scene of the ghost in the library, and Shining, the scene of the woman in the shower.
A real pleasure to read. Very immersive.

When I read your comment, I thought of this.

That's it! 😁 (there was also one with a maid)

I was delightfully scared! The situation is not good for Mendo!

This guitar shops seems like a great place to have a fling. I'll let you know if it ever happens.

Then again, I better make sure I'm not falling for a girl like this -->

She’s smiling, her teeth black and rotten. Her skin is bloated and wet like a submerged corpse. Black goo dripping from her mouth.

Supremely creepy!

Today's lesson: Sometimes candles are for romantic lighting and sometimes they're covering up a disgusting smell. From here on out, I'll have a two candle limit. Any more than and I'm OUT! 😂

RThe shop is lit with candles and they smell like dead roses. Rotten guitars line the cracked plaster walls. Broken strings dangle like dead limbs.

I love the descriptive passages in this episode and also the fact that the hair color is left ambiguous so I can keep my fantasy of a leather vest wearing brunette 😂

Ha ha, and then the ending shocked me out of my flashback to teenager-hood ;-) Well done.

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