Milestone Moment + Contest // Let’s Bring More Women onto the Platform - 10 SBD Giveaway!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Whoa guys… I was shocked to learn that I made the number one spot on a “Top Female Dtuber’s list. Which I guess makes me the top female Dtuber in the world right now?? That’s what I’m telling my friends anyway!

A few days ago, @tanbay created a list of the Top 10 Female Dtuber’s. I somehow missed that article, but found out about it through the awesome post @paolajane made. In that video, she talked about how we need more Ladies on Dtube and even gave a specific call out to start making videos!


Anyone who has been following me for a while, knows that I never like to do a “Milestone” post without giving back. This felt like a huge moment for me and I wanted to celebrate it, besides, I love running contests, and I’m long overdue for another one!

Theme of This Contest: Bringing More Women onto the Platform

I can tell you from personal experience, how amazing it has been to bring my sister onto the platform! We have done so many fun collaborations – from ukulele videos to starting the #steemsistershow.

I think it is easy for us to think in “vague terms” about how we should tell more people around us about Steemit and help get them on the platform – but maybe don’t do anything about it. I get it, it takes time to help someone get setup and we all have really full lives.

So to take this from a vague, “I should help get people on the platform” idea to something actionable and specific – I want you think of ONE woman in your life that you think would enjoy this place and potentially become an active user. Maybe it’s your sister, or your mom, or a friend.

NEXT, I want you to take it one step further and think about how you might introduce the platform to them. Maybe you’ll grab a coffee with them, or just text them links to a few of your articles and offer to help get them on boarded. Maybe think of users you would suggest that they follow so they can surround themselves with content they will enjoy. Are there communities or contests that they might enjoy participating in? Basically, what will you do to help them have a positive experience early on?

This Contest Hits on Two of my Passions

There are two things that I say a lot around here…

  • I think we are Steem’s best brand ambassadors.

  • I think we need more non-crypto and non-technical content on the platform.

This contest helps marry both of those ideas. First of all, it gets people thinking about who they know in their life that might really enjoy this place and become a valuable member of the community. Second, the more women we get on the platform – the more we can help bring some balance to the masculine and feminine energies here. It’s not about stereotyping women into certain types of content (because there are lots of technical, amazing women out there), but general speaking, women content creators tend to bring a creative and nurturing energy with them.

This is part of why I have started the #steemsistershow with my sister @maryjaney and have become a founding member of the @museproject. Both of these initiatives are geared around creating the type of content that will help attract more women to the platform, and help them feel at home once they get here.

Contest Rules

I like to keep my contests super simple! You don’t have to make a separate post, you don’t have to upvote this post, and you don’t have to re-steem it. The point is to give back. If you feel inspired to do any of those things – then go for it – but all you have to do is leave a comment.

The Rules

  • Comment with who you want to help bring onto the platform. No need to say their name, just their relationship to you. (sister, aunt, friend etc.)

  • Why you think they will enjoy this platform.

  • What your “next steps” are to help share this amazing place with them! See my notes above for some examples on how you can help get them plugged in.

This contest is not measured on whether you actually bring them onto the platform. I just want to help get people thinking about stepping out of their comfort zone to chat with the people around them.

The contest closes in 7 days at post payout.

10 SBD Giveaway

How will the winners be chosen? I am breaking it into three different winners.

  • 6 SBD will go to my favorite comment. This is totally subjective – but I will just pick the one that really resonated with me the most or I felt the most passion and excitement from.

  • 2 SBD goes to a random winner.

  • 2 SBD goes to a random winner.

I will put all the names of the people who submitted entries into a hat, and will choose two random people to each get 2 SBD! I love the “random chance” model because I think it makes contests a little more fun.

Thanks for Participating!

I seriously can’t wait to read all of your comments and learn about the amazing women you want to bring onto the platform. I’m also excited to hear your thoughts on how to help get these women plugged in to the space and feel more connected. This is something I’ve been thinking more about lately due to my involvement in developing the Muse Project – and so I’m excited to hear your thoughts and learn from you. :)

Xo, Lea


▶️ DTube

wow, that's so cool. happy for you. and
i have already introduced steemit to my sister, because i know she is really going to enjoy the platform and even make better use of it than i do, and i also just showed her your post now and she has started registering already. she has always been a blogger and being on a platform like this with its great reward and the way it keeps helping you to be develop and be better is just absolutely amazing

That's so cool to hear that your sister is in the process of registering! If she has already been blogging on other platforms - she will seriously love it here. The community support is amazing and it actually gives bloggers a way to monetize their content without ads.

I wish her the best of luck! If she has any questions - she can feel free to get in contact with me and i'd be happy to help.

Also, I just want to say that i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply! I got a little behind on replying to comments and want you to know how excited I am that you entered this giveaway! I will be posting the winners later today! :)

I understand you will have a lot of comments to reply, but that you actually replied means a lot... thank you, you are very much appreciated

Wow, I take a little hiatus and come back to @coruscate being the top female Dtuber in the world? whaaaat!

Congratulations, you deserve it. I took a small hiatus as things got busy, but before I left you were posting videos everyday and grinding, it's inspirational! Happy for you, the hard work and consistency pays off.

Just thought I would pop in and say hi as I've been away.. But while i'm here It would make sense to enter your contest!

I'd like to bring my sister onto the platform. I feel like she has always wanted to try her hand at blogging, and steemit would be a great start and give some nice incentives. The community here is much better than other platforms(my opinion) and that alone is a great reason she should start here. I'll be seeing her this weekend, and definitely gonna chat her up about it. I know she loves doing hair and makeup, she might be interested in making some vlogs.

Wow, @chasegapo!!! I've missed you and i'm glad to see you are back at it and Steemin away again! So cool that you want to bring your sister on here. The community is supportive and people have a real chance to earn an income with enough work and perseverance. It's a game changer for creatives!

Ps... I just want to say that i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply! I got a little behind on replying to comments and want you to know how excited I am that you entered this giveaway! I will be posting the winners later today! :)

This is awesome! Truly to compare the number of male to female on this platform low. we need more female folks here for many reasons. We women have alot to offer to the platform

Congratulations @coruscate
I'm not surprised though as you're amazing! I wish I could become a successful Dtuber

Great initiative. Very well intentioned and delivered.

I'm curious if the basis for this is due to general sentiment/gut feel that you don't see enough women engaging the platform, or was some type of more formal analysis done that makes this obvious outside of the top ten lists? I might be in too much of a niche, but I've never sensed there was much of a disparity in male/female ratios. Maybe it's more the the case in other communities, and I'm sure you have far more exposure than me.

I think a GoT theme song collab would bring tons of women to dtube ;)

I'm pretty sure we make up only about 8% of the population here. Although, I never feel the disparity. Everyone is an avatar to me. But when I do come across women, they usually tend to be pretty much my favorite steemians. Not sure why -- maybe it's because I am one, maybe it's because I relate more? Maybe it's because I have a secret bias. But most of the women I know on here are rockin'. Whereas not all of the men I know on here are rockin'. Although most of them are as well. So for me it's a mixture of formal meets informal review of the subject.

I think some girlsies are getting too carried away with the idea, like it's some kind of problem. I think the only problem with it is it would be cool if we had more women in crypto. But the ones I know (@heiditravels, @coruscate, @whatsup, @bethelea, @patrice, and more, are incredible women.

Great reply (as always), but one notch up here for bonus points.

I know you just need comment.. But I still prefer to write a single post because just a comment can not express whole of my thought. I hope you like it. This is my entry
Anyway, congratulation !

Aww your twin sister sounds amazing!! i bet she would love it here. :) You had such a beautifully written post.

Also, I just want to say that i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply! I got a little behind on replying to comments and want you to know how excited I am that you entered this giveaway! I will be posting the winners later today! :)

It's ok, my friend.

My friend, Jess, signed up for a Steem account very recently and is waiting for approval. She heard about it through my facebook page when I posted one of my Steemit posts about the Steem Creators Conference. She had a bunch of questions that I did my best to answer and I also sent her some links that helped me out as a beginner. She is a travel blogger and I told her that this can be another source of income for her alongside her normal blog. Not to mention the awesome community of Steem and the travel creators here which I will help plug her into.
Another girl I recently met in Mexico City showed some interest in travel writing because she travels a lot and I sent her some info about what the platform is.
I'm excited to help bring more and more people onto the best social media site in the world.

So cool that your friend Jess is signing up for Steemit! Did she get approved yet? If you let me know her username, i'll stop by and give her some love!

If she is a travel blogger, then she will love it here! The community is so supportive and it actually gives bloggers a great way to earn income without ads.

Also, I just want to say that i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply! I got a little behind on replying to comments and want you to know how excited I am that you entered this giveaway! I will be posting the winners later today! :)

Hi @coruscate I definitely agree that we need to bring more women to this platform. What we need to consider though it also how to support them once they are here. I did a few videos on dtube and sometimes I managed to get a dtube upvote so this helped me to reach more people. This does not happen all the time though and there is nothing as discouraging as seeing that almost noone saw your video... we should create a community that would really check the videos of others and comment and support the other members. Maybe 1-1 mentoring could work as well? Just throwing ideas here:))

Ooh, have you heard of @steemsugars? Doing something similar and they got a pretty big discord running so far. It's amazing!

Congrats on becoming the top female Dtuber, Coruscate!

My twin sister just got her PhD in oncology (specifically studying treatment for breast cancer, which runs in our family). She will be starting med school in the fall at Northwestern. She is 27 years old and the most articulate person I know. I will be bringing her to this platform to talk about her life and her work because of your video.

Don't know why I didn't think of this before. She's gonna be a star and will be able to pay off some of her debt from school. Thanks!

Wow, your twin sister sounds like a cool gal!! I'm sure she would have all sorts of interesting things to blog about considering her speciality and level of knowledge. If she can use Steemit as a way to share knowledge and pay off some student loans... then that's pretty awesome!

Also, I just want to say that i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply! I got a little behind on replying to comments and want you to know how excited I am that you entered this giveaway! I will be posting the winners later today! :)

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