
No problem! You can just continue along with our conversational thread! I hope you don't mind, but with the amount that we have been interacting recently, I feel like we are friends!

And I am very interested about those first impressions and perhaps failed attempts!

I feel the same, plus it will be great for points in the engagement league I just joined.... Here's the general gist of what I had before.

I received my account March 5th this year, after waiting almost 4 weeks for the account. I didn't do a whole lot for a couple months. I visited the site and was trying to get a feel for it and figure out how and what to do.

I was a little intimidated and depressed at first because I'm not a great writer or content producer. Then I happened across the dApp and thought I can do this. I'm good at answering questions, and it's much easier than creating something. I posted a few answers to some questions which got me started (don't think I even had a payout). Then I posted an introduction post on 5/18.

I experimented with a lot of stuff in the couple months after that, everything from bid-bots to restream services, several dApps, joining a lot of contests, and communities on discord, it just wasn't really clicking. Then on 7/18 I made it to 15 sp, so I decided to give away some SBI as a celebration to some people who had helped me out along the way and ended up turning it into a competition, the Thank You Economy. The contest went well, and we are in our fourth week, @rentmoney put me it in the @pifc contest and I ended up entering the @pifc contest as well,(won that one) which basically exploded my engagement. I think this is the main reason I have been able to go from 15sp to 61sp in 30 days. I have found that engagement is my key.

I was also picked up by the Mesopotamians @doctorworm project that @tcpolymath has started, basically to help boost new users. It basically gives me a .12 upvote for my posts and has some mentoring and project support.

One highlight is that I won around 6 steem from @papa-pepper's wild and strange contest. This funny guy, who is awesome at engagement helped me come up with an excellent idea and it won.

Wow! That's a great story! Sounds like a lot of cool users connected with you!

I also didn't really post much for about two months while I figured out what this site was all about.

A lot of people have said that commenting is the key for newer users, but I also thought you did very well with your goldenseal article. Even though it might not make a lot of money, do you think that posting articles still has some value?

It definitely has value. If I never write a post, how am I going to get better at it? I have a theory, that the best way to learn anything is to just do. If you just try it, you will learn, you may fail but you are still learning, sometimes it's that you learn what not to do.
Contests, comments, and engagement are in my beginner's opinion one of the best ways for a new user to get started. Really unless you are a professional writer, photographer or media personality it's hard to gain enough of a following without a large amount of engagement and money.

Right! Contests and comments and engagement are my jam! I think thats basically what the small fish games are going to be about.

Do you respond to every reply you receive, without fail?

No not every single one, I try to hit most of them. Have you ever tried to leave the last reply with you or janton? I swear that is his strategy, never let anyone have the last word in a conversation. I've tried it and after 30 or so comments I finally gave up.

lol, I saw his chair post, that is classic.... he's wondering how you got his address. I started to reply and tell him you worked for the NSA, but that's how crazy rumors get started.

BTW watch the fast reply app, I have had several comments and votes that just queue up and not send. I havn't been able to identify a pattern yet, but it will not send on this thread anymore.

Oh now that is interesting! Its utopian built, so if we can get some screen shots of a bug theres pretty good payouts for the post reporting it! Seriously going to get back into utopian this month, got my computer all set up today, only 3 trips to walmart and one to office max ;p

You seem like you use steem as as a social outlet, how interested are you in big upvotes?

Well, at this point I probably wouldn't decline payout.... It's probably the only way I'll be able to set up a witness or invest in Steem, sweat equity...

I do use it for social, other than LinkedIn and church it's my only social outlet. I mostly just work....

You're going to have to give me the lowdown on I set up an account a couple months ago and linked it to my github, but have done nothing with it. I saw some big payouts on there though.

How's this, the vote goes through but the comment never posts. I've had several of these. I also had several votes that did not go through, but I think figured that out. I was playing around with the slider(new toy), and if I have it set low the vote never posts. The best I can tell, (I wish I could get access to the steem SQL so this is a guess and only a guess) since my vests are relatively small if I set it to vote below 0.001 then the vote never goes through.

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