Have you ever been to the planet they call Utopia?

in #contest6 years ago


Grandpa Willie can be described as a 'close to deranged' old man. He has been telling tales of his trip to the planet Utopia for years now. Dad and mum has never believed his stories and always tried to dissuade him from narrating the story but grandpa Willie is a stubborn old man and told anyone that came his way the story.

I would like to share his story here. He was delighted to know i would tell his story on Steemit maybe someone would believe him at last.

William H. Brooks is his full name. He was a handsome chap in his early years and was also full of ego and pride. He believed the world was at his feet, ready to do his bidding. He had a lot of friends both male and female. He was beloved in the small town of Willow where he was born.

Willie, as he was fondly called by his friends and family was unsatisfied with life in a small town. He wanted to explore the world, go to places he had heard about or read about in books.

One day, he got his chance. He won a great prize of a grand tour around the world. The whole town knew something extraordinary had happened to Willie. Such was his happiness.

So off he went on this great tour. They were six on this sponsored tour. I forgot to mention Willie was a curious creature. He was said to have frustrated their tour guide with his constant out of place questions.

One day, Willie out of his endless curiosity went back to a chapel visited in Venice earlier that morning. He snuck outof the hotel late at night as he wanted to explore the place himself. He stole into the chapel and proceeded to inspect the images and painting on the wall.

Suddenly, he saw a light flash in a corner. At first, he was afraid he would be caught by the guard on duty. After hiding for a while and hearing no sound of footsteps, he cautiously crept to the source of that light...that was the beginning of his grand adventure.

He saw an open hole at the foot of an image of which he could not describe through which the light streamed out. In curiosity, he put his hand through the hole and to his shock and horror, he felt himself sucked into the hole. He screamed for help but no one came to his rescue.

He opened his eyes to see himself falling in an open space. He said words could not describe the sight. He confessed to being terrified and cursing his endless curiosity.

Before long, in what seemed to him to be minutes, he found himself in a beautiful city. There were humans like himself but they were so beautiful that he thought they were not of this world. Everyone he saw was perfect with no sign of any disability.

He concluded he was in heaven. It was only in death that such perfection could be seen. Their dress was so fine with no form of imperfection. He saw no frowning face there, everyone he saw had a happy countenance.

What about the city? It was shining in the light of the sun which was just comfortable to the skin. The buildings were magnificent and looked mordern. No old building did he see that day. It was a perfect little city where everything was organised.

Suddenly, he was seized from behind and turned roughly around. He saw tall muscular men that were so handsome he could have fallen in love with them if not for the stern look on them.They said nothing to him and everyone around carried on as if it was a normal occurrence.

He was taken to a council of seven who were to decide his fate. There he was told he was on the planet Utopia, the perfect place where nothing ever went wrong. No one ever got sick or killed.There was no crime, all citizens were satisfied with just enough wealth to meet their needs.No sign of pollution like that planet earth which is gradually being destroyed by creatures like himself.

It was argued in the hearing that allowing a stranger to live among them particularly one from earth would cause an imbalance in Utopia.

The oldest man there reminded the others of the incident that had happened about a hundred years before when a stranger just as Willie had caused havoc on their beloved land.

Willie tried his best to convince them he would be on his best behaviour. He was satisfied with just a month living with them before returning to his world but all pleas fell on deaf ears.

In summary, Grandpa Willie found himself in our world. Right at the foot of the image, only there was no light coming out of the hole.

He was in a daze as to what he has witnessed. He was reportedly subdued for the next few days which was unusual. Grandpa Willie has since been looking for ways to go back to Utopia. He thinks he was not allowed to stay because he had said he would stay for a month. This time, he would not come back.

Well, i don't know if we should believe Grandpa Willie's tale but i know one thing. If Grandpa Willie disappears tomorrow, i would believe he has found a portal to that mysteryland where all is perfect...the planet called Utopia...it is your choice to decide if you believe Utopia exists or not.

This litle tale was written for the contest held by @calluna. I hope you all enjoyed my little tale.


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