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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Rose tinted...)

in #contest5 years ago

Hello @bengy! Nice to say hello, a hug

Google Translator

When my first child was born, it was a beautiful girl weighing three kilograms 200 grams, there I started to buy many things pink, in my mind everything turned with pink colors, for my girl, everything had something pink, shoes, blankets, dresses some walls of your pink room, etc. Over the years my surprise was that my daughter told me that she did not like the pink color and that she did not want to wear anything with that color, that she liked the terracotta and blue colors, you can imagine how I felt at that moment, I felt very bad because I dressed my daughter for several years with a color she did not like. I asked him why he had not told me, she replied that it was a pity to tell me that, because he thought it would make me sad, and he did!. But it was good that he told me, you can not live just to please parents, they have to learn to decide what they like and what they do not like, that is part of their growth.
I changed the color of her room and when I went out to buy she put her to choose what she liked.

Cuando nació mi primer hijo, fue una hermosa niña de tres kilos 200 gramos, allí empecé a comprarle muchas cosas color rosa, en mi mente todo giraba con los colores rosa, para mi niña, todo tenía algo de rosa, zapatos, mantas, vestidos algunas paredes de su cuarto rosada, etc. Al pasar los años mi sorpresa fue que mi hija me dijo que no le gustaba el color rosado y que no quería ponerse nada con ese color, que le gustaban los colores terracotas y el azul, se podrán imaginar cómo me sentí en ese momento, me sentí muy mal porque vestí a mi hija varios años con un color que no le gustaba. Le pregunte porque no me lo había dicho, me respondió que le daba algo de pena decirme eso, porque pensaba que me pondría triste, y así fue. Pero fue bueno que me lo dijo, no se puede vivir solo para complacer a los padres, tienen que aprender a decidir qué cosas les gusta y cuales no les gusta, eso forma parte de su crecimiento.
Cambie el color de su cuarto y al salir de compra la ponía a elegir lo que a ella le gustaba.


Oh, I have a similar situation with my girl! She used to love purple and pink... but these days, she has other colours in mind! Although, we never suggested pink for her (we even actively avoided it!)

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