CONTEST: My 2018 - This is my Hobby | Thirds Rule Strategy

in #contest7 years ago

Started writing this post just hours before deadline after seeing @anomadsoul Entry:

Allow me to start from the beginning AAAgain...

(takes FIRST sip of triple espresso)

Deadline to submit your entry

"You have from now until next Monday, March the 26th at 11:59 pm PST (Pacific time) to make your post about this, any post published later that that won´t be considered for the contest."

Back in 2014 is when this so called Hobby "Thirds Rule Strategy" had begun. Not knowing that it was a Hobby until recently. You see I was just as curious as most people were around that time who keeps hearing this thing called BITCOIN... Who remembers this savvy college student getting over 24K in Bitcoin in 2013?

(takes SECOND sip of triple espresso and swallows RED PILL)

So that is when I went down the rabbit hole. Researching every hour for days and nights no REAL sleep non stop. Receiving my first BTC by purchasing CLOUD MINING HASH POWER (GHS) online since I was not tech savvy enough to build a mining rig or understand the how to set up a bitcoin miner. I just wanted bitcoin at any cost! I was earning BTC everyday CLOUD MINING and now that I have bitcoin, I was ready to spend some to see how this technology works. Being a NOOB, I hate to admit I got scammed too during that time to a ponzi scheme which I welcome you to read.

(takes THIRD sip of triple espresso)

Better I learned that lesson early on instead of later since the price of bitcoin was around $500.00 USD. I can only imagine how much harder it would of been and possibly much longer it would of took to recover that 1/3. I was smart enough to split my resources into more than one basket. Hence the saying: "Don't keep all your eggs in one basket." I still had 2/3 left and used half of that to trade my way back and replace what I had lost and then some. Getting out of the RED and back into the GREEN is much more difficult. But as that other saying goes "what does NOT kill will only make you stronger" is soo very true. And I am living proof of it and stamping it on the STEEM Blockchain. Hopefully more and more STEEMIANS and others can learn from my experience. I would like to one day hear from someone when the time is right I suppose. Thank you for following along this far and hope you enjoy and find this information helpful now or sometime later. This is how this Hobby picked me and brings to the conclusion of this CONTEST:

My 2018 - This is my Hobby | Thirds Rule Strategy

Am I good at it? Let's just say I don't like to brag...but it is challenging and allows me to be stress free. I did NOT want anyone else losing money or time with this NEW technology or get scammed easily. So I have been telling and promoting my experience of how I was able to come back from that loss and manage Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency in an easy Thirds Rule Strategy to minimize RISK/LOSS. This is part of my daily routine if you can tell or have seen any of my post. Over time I have been able to organize my calendar so it does not interfere with my family but actually teaches them on there own time by reading and following along. Not going to say I am an EXPERT or AMATEUR, let's just say it's NOT my FIRST RODEO! This is somewhat a high priority to secure my capital and others so when I am long and gone, hopefully these coins will continue...Sacrificing time is really what I only fell since I use crypto in my everyday life. I am not materialistic and don't spend much, so I mostly give crypto away instead of spending it. My nephews and nieces get crypto instead of cash or gifts on birthdays and holidays. It's a gift that so far keeps on giving! It really feels good to have this knowledge and resource and ability to do this every day. I do most of this myself by looking at charts and stats while researching everyday on this steemit blog @cassidyandfranks As my friends and family learn about crypto, I wanted them and anyone to follow along on this journey. What goes through my mind everyday is percentages...33%! Don't really need any fancy equipment, just a pen(cil) and paper and a calculator to do some basic math. Kids are able to understand Thirds Rule Strategy. Can't say if this hobby is expensive, since I have successfully ROI'd years ago. (return on investment) I am pretty lucky enough that I guess you can call this part of my job or am the BOSS of. :))) How cool and amazing that I found Steemit last year after watching @crypt0 YouTube Channel. (quick shout out THANK YOU Omar) If you are interested in crypto I highly recommend to visit his Steemit Blog ===>>> So how would I explain ALL of this to an ALIEN???

If anyone GOOGLES "thirds rule strategy" this is what shows up!

This is my PASSION and what DRIVES me to educate others... ( and ALIENS )

  • Newcomers
  • Intermediates
  • Advanced

No matter how much you bring to the table...

Thirds Rule Strategy

Buy Sell Trade 1\3rd

:D my 3cents worth, being Frank


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