The Radioactive Holiday Adventures of Mr. Cuddle Bunny

in #contest7 years ago


The Radioactive Holiday Adventures of Mr. Cuddle Bunny - a Children's Book by @drwillwho

I posted the above picture 7 days ago with the post title "INSERT TITLE HERE" and no text in the post body except the words "THERE ARE NO WORDS". I intended this to a be a secret / not-so-secret caption contest, as my responses to comments on the post made pretty clear I think. I also dropped some hints about this contest on PAL / MSP chat on Discord, as well as on I resteemed some posting about how there was no secret contest on my blog - some of these posts came from my own alt accounts but I do want to thank @mikepm74 and @dillemma for making some kick ass posts about how I was not running a secret contest. You guys rock! These are the best posts about a secret contest that @carlgnash was not running, ever, in the history of the universe. These two posts are still in payout and they are hilarious - give them some love!

One of the great things about running a secret contest with no published rules is you can decide how to divvy up the contest rewards after the fact. I had slotted 10 STEEM in for the reward payout and had left a clue to that effect in @zuul's post about the contest:

Incidentally @doctorcrypto earned a 1 STEEM bonus prize for publicly deciphering one of the contest clues here. There were several other similar bonus prizes that could have been claimed if anyone had publicly deciphered one of the other clues I had scattered about, but those bonus prizes went unclaimed. I left a clue to the location of the secret contest post in the memo of the prize payout to @doctorcrypto and noted this fact in the comments of @zuul's post as a hint for future secret contest hunters - I know @aussieninja saw the hint in the memo and even found some of the other contest hints but unfortunately the actual secret contest post seems to have eluded the ninja from down under.

I was initially thinking about doing a 5 STEEM prize for 1st, 3 STEEM for 2nd, and 2 STEEM for 3rd place. What I ended up doing instead was 5 STEEM for first place and then a 1 STEEM participation prize for every other valid entry as it worked out perfectly with 6 total entries.

THE WINNING ENTRY: @drwillwho The Radioactive Holiday Adventures of Mr. Cuddle Bunny
I love this. This is the kind of kids book I want to read to my Things, I tell you what. @drwillwho is pretty hilarious and left a really funny comment in response to my enthusiastic reaction to this entry - I ended up liking this second comment so much that I took it to prom:

Here are the rest of the entries ordered by username alphabetically- thanks for playing along everyone!

@amberyooper: Tarantulus Giganticus has Fallen
The above entry from @amberyooper came with the following explanatory text: "The remains of the death spider, Tarantulus Giganticus. This one was named Shelob." Well of course it was named Shelob. Aren't they all? This was another strong contender. Tarantulus Giganticus has a great ring to it.

@funkylove: The remains of an amazing creature that capture my mind
This one is pretty literal and descriptive of what actually happened. It did capture my mind. I hope I get my mind back at some point but it is still a prisoner.

@juliakponsford: Talons of decay
The above entry from @juliakponsford came with the following explanatory text: "I know you said they are teeth but they look more like talons". It is interesting to me that two contestants made this same leap of imagination. I had not seen this myself initially but now that I look at the picture I can surely see talons of decay :)

@spc: Death and Decay where the Dandelion Lies
This one is pretty literal and kind of along the lines of the title I almost used for the original post before deciding to crowdsource the whole thing and turn it into a secret contest. This has a nice poetic ring to the alliteration.

@torico: esoteric artifact, exhibit A
The above entry from @torico also came with the explanatory text "magickal flying slothicorn claw. the original appendage was cut off in a gragon duel, but grew back the next day." This was a strong contender. I like the terse but mysterious nature of this entry.


Why this picture makes me feel so uncomfortable? O.o

yeshhhhh i like :)

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