An accidental post = bonus deep dream for you (@cyclops!)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I accidentally posted something on my blog when I meant to post it elsewhere. Steem blockchain being what it is, that means I have a post here whether I like it or not so might as well put it to good use. Here are some variants of my original Cyclops art (see my @cyclops blog for more posting on this, including the original post-it note pen & ink art), never before published - this is my original art run through the Deep Dream Generator, then the result painted over in PhotoShop to bring out some more depth, then that result ran back through the Deep Dream generator.

Here is the base image for this round of Deep Dream Generation (this is my art, ran through deep dream, then I painted on top in PhotoShop):
cyclops 2nd gen.jpg

Here is the result of running the above through the Deep Dream Generator using two different style images:


Wouldn't have found this if it wasn't for Gina bot ratting you out. :P
Either way, really love the Deep Dream Generator cyclops. :D Last one is my favorite.

Congrats to the winners!!!

this comment makes not as much sense now that I edited this post lol

I'm gonna have to flag this non-payout post now for agg*******ment.

Hey look, two of the topmost top curators in one place. Perfect. Nominate me for curator, will ya.

Show us your skills in the #curation_links channel in the discord server....

Ah ha ha nice one dude

haha :D

A good post recovery here!

Awesome! Very creative

The second piece looks fierce, I'm glad you posted this here, I like it (^_^)

sorry to hijack your thread but I've posted elsewhere to no avail: what's up with dTube? none of my videos play any longer. and as you pointed out, there's no deleting posts or videos here. so now I've got 14 useless posts with links that don't work. yay! interestingly all the videos hosted at my website still play. "but that's not de-centralized! boooo!"

yeah dude I have encountered same myself and what digging around I have done points to the unsatisfactory and disappointing conclusion that I am pretty sure they paid hosting ran out already. Basically the way DTube works is a portion of the post earnings (25%) are taken from each post on Dtube and this is used to fund Dtube operations to include paying a percentage of that out to the IPFS servers actually hosting the video. It appears that even for some of my videos that had decent payout, they don't stay up very long. Pretty sad, and ultimately makes DTube more or less useless if this is what is going on. I am not 100% certain but it seems to make sense after I reread how DTube works

carlitos! not you too! live in a dream or some such person said that my old videos going away should be taken as a sign that I must create something new every day! animations with hundreds/thousands of frames that take weeks to render? do that every day? then it hit me: he's talking about SELFIES! like steemit needs any more selfies.

:) well first you have to finish the time machine, then this sort of thing is not a problem

ok, tried re-uploading two of my videos to dTube--and they work. likewise those old corresponding posts with the original videos play now! how bizarre. tedious but doable: just reload everything? then do it again in three weeks when their shelf-life expires at dTube? be nice if the expired posts also went away as there's a lot of rubbish piling up in there. weirdest of all is the way I have to draw attention to this glitch by hijacking someone else's thread. all posts directed to the dTube tag get no response whatsoever. there's a tower-of-babel aspect to this place and a bewildering sense that one really isn't getting through. everybody's a salesman here but there's no service department? 'fraid if I see one more talking head I'm gonna barf.

there might be a broader issue going on with IPFS. I have not been able to get some brand new dsound things to play for me today as well

Similar thing has been happening to DSound for the past three days. Other users reporting that music has no sound. I lost all my uploads... weird!. Since @jonnymondo mentions DTube havin trouble, might it be something affecting the whole ecosystem?

Good morning!


actually I have now ran into this myself, have not been able to get some dsound posts to play today that were brand new. btw did I tell you to DM me on Discord @gnashster#6522? I intended to in response to your previous comment and now can't be arsed to verify if I already did so, hope you understand lol but please do DM me :) much love - Carl

Hahah no worries Carl, I'm always in a hurry myaelf. i will dm you later today! Have a great day!

it is definitely possible it could be an issue on the IPFS side I suppose

Yeah it seems to be a problem many people are hitting. What a shame, yeah. I wonder if there might be a good solution for "sponsored" hosting for videos you'd like to keep up past their alloted bandwidth and pay something nominal for, somehow.

I'm not sure what's i'm meant to see but I kinda see a clown who's in a competition for standup comics... hmm interesting dream you have there...

I want to thank you for your support and over at #comedyopenmic and I want to encourage you to put in an entry. I'm sure you know the rules but just to reiterate anything funny goes and everything is encouraged. I promise you have a funny bone and entering the contest is great fun.

I am thinking about entering with my @cyclops account. Doing a standup routine wearing my cyclops mask from the perspective of cyclops.

That sounds awesome. I eagerly await your entry :)

WoW, dear friend.
a very creative idea and a very successful painting / editing.
I congratulate you. I like to see such beautiful ideas and artifacts.
see you again :)

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