Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Day 4

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

An avalanche. Seriously? What is Mather Nature doing to you? Did you piss her off? Absentmindedly toss a piece of trash onto the ground instead of a receptacle?

Are you being punished for something?

These thoughts tumble through your mind much like you just tumbled down a mountain with snow. As soon as you slow to a stop you just lie there, absolutely still. Waiting...

What else was going to happen!

After a few moments the shock dissipates and you mentally run a checklist of your body, starting with your toes, gently wiggling each part to make sure there are no injuries.

You breathe a mental sigh of relief after reaching your head. You are positive you will have bruises and plenty of muscle ache tomorrow, but there is nothing serious. You mentally send out your Thanks. Then brush the snow off your face and climb up on top- luckily you are not buried too deep.

Everyone who is still alive (and my snowbound zombies) survived this.

The avalanche was fresh powder and not terribly severe. Although it sure felt like it as you tumbled down, surrounded by everything white. It felt like forever while you were caught in it's massive power, but in reality it all happened very fast.

  • Tucking into the fetal position is not the best idea. You are denser than the snow and will sink.

  • Swimming to stay on top of the snow is the most important thing you can do when caught in an avalanche. You want to do everything you can to try to not be buried under the snow and debris (rocks, branches, whole trees) that is also carried down the mountain. Trying to get to the side and out of the slide is the second most important.

  • Remember that all avalanches are different. If the physics and momentum prevent you from swimming style movements, violently thrashing your body can help, but the point is to do anything and everything to stay on top of the snow. As you feel it slowing, make bigger thrashing movements, trying to keep track of where up is.

  • An avalanche basically swallows you into what feels like a tomb of icy concrete. Any movement has to be done while you are in the avalanche.

  • If you curled into the fetal position and covered your head this was not the best choice, the slide can turn you into a rapidly moving ball of snow , and due to the fact you are three times denser than the snow, it buries you faster than the swimmers. But today you are still alive. This arbitrary avalanche was fairly small, considering, and did not bury you very deep and you were able to dig out quickly.

  • If you find yourself buried, start digging around your face immediately. You want to give yourself as big an air pocket for breathing as possible. Then spit. Watch where gravity takes it. Then you know which way is up.

  • And always remain calm. Panic is the number one killer in any survival scenario. If you panic your blood pressure rises and breathing increases- especially bad if you are buried under a mountain of snow with limited oxygen!

  • If buried, remember the air around you is limited- do not yell for help unless you hear rescue nearby.

As you look around you are surprised that you weren't slammed into a boulder or tree! You do not know where the road is above you, but you do know the cascade took you quite a ways down the mountain.

You realize your backpack is hanging from only one strap- the other was ripped during the fall. And there is a gaping slash through it, which is obviously what is making it lighter.

You take inventory. The clothes you are wearing are unharmed, and your gloves are intact. You have a Bic lighter, two mints, and a multitool knife in your pants pocket. You still have one full steel canister of water, three energy granola bars, a mini bag of doritos, a flaregun with one flare, your gloves, one of the extra gloves you brought for your partner and an extra hat, and a few bandages from the first aid kit and a silver foil-like emergency blanket.

If you were walking toward your roommate you lost your snowshoes in the tumble. If you were waiting for rescue they are still in your truck.

You realize you lost your phone as well. You do some searching but fail to locate anything else.

It will be dark in an hour. What do you do?

Option 1 Make an overnight shelter by digging a snow cave!

Option 2 Use the flare gun! Move away from trees and shoot it straight up. Put your emergency blanket over you and wait for rescue.

Option 3 Climb up the hill, Route 12 is up there somewhere!

I will put the three choices in the comments. Place your choice in the corresponding comment. There is one choice that is best for survival.

In 24 hours I will post the challenge for Day 5 as well as the answer to the correct choice.

Everyone who participates in each day's challenge is a winner! The Grand Prize winner will receive 70% of the prize pool. And all other participants who play every day will receive an equal share of 30% of the liquid SBD Prize Pool, even if you die in the game.

Good Luck!


If you choose Option 1 Make an overnight shelter by digging a snow cave, comment here.

I will choose this option. I'm letting my body recover from the arbitrary Avalanche that I suffered. I want to conserve all my energy and rest my numb state of shock body. I don't want to overthink, assuming there's no more further episode of Avalanche. A temporary shelter that's what I need. I 'll look for route 12 in the morning , climbing the snowy mountain at night is not a good idea although I am really dying to find route 12 and find my room mate. I've got to have patience! I don't want to use the only flare gun I've got. Not right now,it might trigger another Avalanche.

While I am leery of the stability of the post-avalanche snow, I will assume the current state is safe for a snow cave now that the disaster is done and the snow has settled. Having actually dug a proper snow cave, I know they're surprisingly effective, and I know how to do it right. It'll be far better than a space blanket for warmth. Besides, I may discover something useful that has been buried. I can always climb the hill in the morning when there is more light, and I'd rather save the flare for getting someone's attention when I know they're looking. Why waste it now on a gamble?

I like your thought of possibly finding something in the snow...

digging in, being careful not to sweat too much. Trying to stay warm and dry.

I'm digging in, can't risk any other option with only an hour of daylight, I got a blanket , water , and energy bars, I'm good. I'll dig slowly to conserve energy and not get all sweaty.

This journey is really getting interesting.
I choose this option. Since it's getting dark, a snow cave will be the only way for me to survive the cold and wind at night.

Well, from what we've always been advised by our parents, we should always build a snow cave in an emergency, and I think that's what I'll do here.

Digging should be the wisest thing to do. It would soon be dark, and since I don't know where I am, it's best I stayed in a cave.

I will go with option 1 again this time.

I go with this. With little shelter, an emergency blanket might not protect too well. I will build a snow cave.

I choose this option

Choosing option 1

I choose this!

yup. no sense wasting the flare. the snow isnt safe to move around on but ill risk the digging and stay warm.

Option #1 for me. I'm very tempted to march onwards to find my partner, but if I have to trudge thru all this snow for an hour, I'll probably advance only a few hundred meters, if that! Besides, after defeating an entire avalanche, I'm beat, and I need a rest.

I'll dig a cave and have a nice warm rest. Snow has pretty decent insulating qualities, so I'll be quite warm if I stay in my cave and under my aluminum foil blanket.

You are a bad a$$ defeating nature's furry ;)

Heh, heh. In my dreams. Or, actually, in your fictional setting. :-)

BTW, so far, this has proven to be a very interesting series. Thanks for creating it!

An hour is not enough to find a shelter for the cold night, but it's enough to do one by ourselves. Also it's better to play safe that there's no help coming. Thus, I choose Option 1.

This one for me

keep sheltered (throw the water can away lol), and try to cover up and get warm.

You and your water, lol!

When I was partners in a diving school - I went diving once....( I could have gone for free, everyday..)

stay away from water! lol

Option 1

Look how perfect this appeared on my PC!!!


Bwahahaha!!! 😂 😂 I should make that my avatar! Thanks for sharing!

It couldn't have been better had you planned it!

I will go with this option

Man, I can't believe I made it! As darkness falls, I gotta make shelter. It's getting colder and I don't really have enough light to get anywhere quickly.

I choose Option 1: I'm digging a snow cave.

I'm pretty sure I saw Bear Grills do this. LOL!

Option 1 seems correct to me. Building a snow cave fast seems right to me,to protect me from the fierce night wind and cold.

I'll go with option 1.i don't want to waste my last flare.

I'm going with this option.

Option 1 seems right. Who wants to go looking for a place, under such conditions, and almost getting late. I'll make the snow cave no, matter how small.

I choose 1

Zombie mode

I am gonna choose this option (making an overnight shelter).
Lets hope i survive.

I am a zombie not a cat afterall. Ain't no got 9 lives ;)

After some days facing repeated tests by nature. Today, my mind is numb. I am so tired after the snowstorm, I do know the cascade took me quite a ways down the mountain. Although my heart is aching to save my loved one but I have lost my snowshoes in the tumble. There is no way I can climb in an hour with my current tired state and no snowshoes. So I will choose this option.

Yes, your poor body and soul are weary...

This one. I'm shot from falling down the hill. I would start a fire and look around to create some shelter. Save the flare for later or in case the lighter doesn't work. I have enough food and water for the night. Survive the night and begin the climb tomorrow. Getting back on the main road should lead somewhere where supplies could to found.

I’m making a snow cave. We use to make igloos as kids. We’d form each brick but that would clearly take too much time here. But they were warm. We could go without our coats when we were in the igloos as kids. 😊

I started thinking about my choice after I posted last time and wondered if it would make you turn into a snowball! Ha! Then looked it up. Swimming toward the top is the best option. Or trashing to stay at the top. Which, I think your survival instinct would kick in and you would naturally trash around grasping to stay on top of it.

I am exhausted from the tumble and going to dig a cave - hoping that emergency crews have started to work on route 12 and have found my roommate. Don't know if I can sleep knowing that my roommate is in peril, but both of us dead is not going to help either.

Yes! Always hold onto hope :)

Yep! You need to rest and recuperate if you are going to accomplish anything when it gets light out.

Yes I will choose this option because it seems the wisest choice among the 3.

option 1. every try walkin in the dark without snowshoes? it aint happening. Your buddy is in a car. You have nothing. build the snow cave like your life depends on it, cause it does. If you have to sacrifice your steel can and dump the water out to make a shovel do it.

your flare gun will only go up in the sky and come back down. If no one is in the area, no one will notice.

I choose this one

I think there's no use walking around in the dark with no snow shoes. I'll do this, so I can rest, and I'll save the flare for later. Hopefully there'll be no more Avalanches, although I'm quite worried about it.

If you choose Option 3 Climb up the hill, Route 12 is up there somewhere, comment here.

Climbing up with not many things to do it is near impossible but this is what I would try to do because I still have an hour left to try and then fire the flare or use the emergency blanket. Remembering that my lover is still out there will provide me the urge to keep trying.

The drive to save your loved one can be stronger than even self protection <3

Even if it's getting dark, I think it's better to be as close as possible to my roommate now... I choose option 3: Climb up the hill, Route 12 is up there somewhere. What's the worst that can happen?

By the way, Glad everyone survived!!

The avalanche is likely to attract people to its location and they'll come using route 12. Let's go and meet them.

That's one way to look at it!

An hour is still an hour. I would dare to climb back up to get on the road, with a slim chance of staying the night in my partner's vehicle with her saving her life, as opposed to somewhere off the road where nobody will come by except maybe a hungry wild animal.

I can carve out a snow cave anywhere along the road in a little bit if I really need to but I would at least be back on track and still have a chance to reach her in time, if she isn't dead already.

I choose option 3. At the very least, getting closer to route 12 would make it easier to be found. It's also not night time yet. I will need the flare gun just in case I get caught by darkness. Or better yet - If i find my partner, I can use the flare to attract rescue to both of us.

might at least get back in track and time is running out. going back the road is the best chance to find help.

I’m almost sure that this is not the smartest move, but the whole point of me going out of the house was to find my roommate, who’s not particularly good at survival skills and was stuck in his/her car.
A few hours ago, I might have died by choosing to stay in my own car, and even if I chose to keep one window open and periodically turn the truck on for warmth, I had a full tank and plenty of blankets. My roommate might have had neither when he/she got stuck. Finding him/her (was the gender ever specified?!) alive today would be a miracle. Tomorrow morning... improbable.
If help is on its way for him/her, then trying to move towards him/her would take me closer to help, as well. Also, moving I might find help or other people on the way. And I can still dig in half an hour, if I don’t seem able to orient myself or get very far.
Also, I’m guessing a flare would be more effective at night.

Gender was not specified so you as a player could imagine who you wish

I choose option 3... i left the safety of the house to seek my truelove ;)... no getting shoved by the avalanche with only an hour left in daylight is going to stop my destination.

Love has no restraints :)

I would choose this option. One because there is still time to use the gun. Two, it is best to keep moving and three there is a good chance of secondary avalanches so you will not want to remain where you are, that's a death wish.

I choose option 3.

I can’t believe I’ve made this far. Gotta keep going. My hubby is up there I know it!

I'm Dead I am just enjoying the Entertainment Now........................

We have a couple zombies playing, you can join the snowbound undead ;)

You will still receive a portion of the the pool for playing daily :)

If you choose Option 2 Use the flare gun, comment here.

Flare gun and emergency blanket

I choose this. With the tools I have left, it will be impossible for me to dig a snow cave in such a short time. If I were to have a shovel, then I can consider that.

It is clear that it will be dark in 1 hour. And being that I have no shovel to work with, I'll have to go with option 2.i really need an external help

I choose this.

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I uploaded a great photo, you want your color challenges to be successful, I wish it

I choose option 1.
But I suppose option1 does not exclude using option2 used a bit later. First I will dig a snow cave - a good way to keep warm. But then why I can't use emergency blanket being in a cosy cave? Or I can not make a shot with my flare gun after dark, when it becomes more visible?

Build an igloo, so I go with option 1. I will take my editor's advice about some things I forgot to mention in my manuscript, that the heros need to rest sometimes to gain back their strength. And an igloo and keep warmth better than we think. I saw it in a video.

Edit: I see that I tumbled deep into snow choosing the fetal position, but I learnt my lesson and hopefully I survive some more.

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