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RE: The Information Finding Championship rules revised and further simplified.

in #contest6 years ago

Yeah.. It is kind of long and I was thinking about making future seasons shorter, however.. I only have so much steem to go around. So that's one reason I made it longer, to try to compensate for the amount of steem I can give, I may make seasons shorter in the future, ESPECIALLY if more funds start coming in.. Though right now.. When I'm putting more than 200 steem into each season, I want it to last longer.
And.. Indeed. That's one reason for the individual round rewards, so that people can win the whole way through regardless of anything else. And then those like yourself who are more passionate will have the best chance and prolly get some cool artwork made of them as well. :D


Totally I was also thinking maybe it could be a 25 Steem grand prize where the contest might last two months and have two contests a week. More of a sprint then a marathon!

Absolutely man! I think its a win win all around for everyone! I'm sure @yeszuzia is also quite pleased with her art work making their rounds around Steemit!

Definitely a possibility. Might be good to try both longer and shorter seasons and see which works better! I think quicker seasons may help and may be a better way to go. This is all new and we're growing as we go.. So I dunno, but I'm willing to try new things and see how it works.. We'll see how it goes! :) And yeah yeszuzia seems to be very happy, and I'm very happy for her. She seems like a good person who deserves some good to come to her. :)

Absolutely! I think if Im still not participating in future seasons (if thats allowed) then I think I would love to volunteer as a judge if its allowed!

Definitely though! No rush @apolymask was just wondering the payout for #10 just so I could send some SP to @yeszuzia for my painting after! :D
Sorry didn't wanna bug ya about it know you got plenty of stuff on the go!

word, bed time for me, will respond in more detail later.

You sure are up late even for AZ time. Talk to you later man!

Indeed. I'm a vampire at times, though trying to improve. Heh. And yeah, I think you'd be a great judge! :) Would be cool and fun to see.

Also I'm not sure what you meant in the beginning when you said "if that's allowed".. If you were asking if you can enter the second season, you most definitely can. I want to see people who played in the first also play in the second if it works! And.. Down the road, years down.. maybe some will play and then becomes judges and then play again.. Who knows. You definitely have the freedom to try though! :D

Sorry didn't see this till now, and seen the Steem sent over! Thanks man! :D

Yeah man like I said before I think its awesome when the judges interact and what not with the group as well!

Makes it funner for everyone I'd say :D

I think it can definitely keep going on. Maybe in the future season we can get donations so you're not giving up much of your own SBD.

No worries! You're welcome. Sorry I forgot to send your reward sooner! I felt kinda dumb, but.. get's a bit tough keeping up with all this stuff sometimes so I appreciate your understanding!

I agree in regards to the judges, and I hope to.. Work on that in the future and try to encourage the judges to interact in the community more.

Also that would be nice! I am forking over quite a bit of steem and losing steem at a time when I should be trying to get as much as I can before it goes up in value, but I believe in this longterm and I think in time if I "build it" "they will come" lol.. To take a line from that old Field of Dreams movie.. But.. It's not even "I" really.. It's "we".. This stopped being just me shortly after initial creation and is now a group effort which is why I stopped alling it "my castle" and started saying "our castle".. So.. If "WE" build it.. They will come. :D And I truly believe that is a possibility, I think in time if we do a good job with this, it will probably and hopefully reward all of us in the long term. ._.

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