Constrained Writing Contest #22 + Winners of Constrained Writing Contest #21

in #constrainedwriting7 years ago (edited)

constrained writing contest.jpg

Most writing contests give you a writing prompt or at least a couple of words to work your idea around, which is why I decided to host a slightly different contest.

A constrained writing contest

Instead of being given an idea or a writing prompt, you are allowed to choose the topic completely by yourself. But, varying from week to week, you will face different challenges that limit your writing.

You will be required to omit certain words, use a specific word in every second sentence, use a given sentence unchanged, write a story with a certain amount of words... or a combination of all.

Winners of constrained writing contest #21

The winners of this week’s Constrained Writing Contest are:

svashta’s note: You came up with a completely new world and a new race that is incapable of seeing anything but white and blue. Your story gave us everything: You showed us how this race lived and how they adapted to their condition (by using different shades of blue), and you showed us how struck they were when they found out there's more colours out there to see - but they just can't.
Your story made me question how people with tetrachromacy see the world.

svashta’s note: Imagine going to a wedding where everything is red. Wait. Not just red. Imagine it blood red. And imagine the bride loving it! That's what @simgirl's story had me thinking. Might just be me who came up with a creepy twist, but @simgirl's choice of the color red sure was fitting.
All weirdness aside; Splendid writing, as always! Especially because you made me imagine the reaction of the wedding planner when all their effort gone into color coordination just went poof when they learned the bride can only see red.

svashta’s note: This story was absolutely packed with action! Twists and turns, blood and gore, violence of all kinds - and yet still you brought up the character's beloved orchids. It was as if time stopped when I read about the orchids.
I very much enjoyed your story, yet it appears you have forgotten to tell us your character only sees two colors.

Proof of payment:

With that out of the way, onto constrained writing contest #22!


We're continuing with easier prompts for now! :D

Here are the rules I've come up with for this week;

  • Write a story in which you never use the "-ing" form
  • The story must be at least 250 words long and in English

And as for the usual mumbo jumbo, here's the rest of the rules just about every contest has:

  • Upvote this post
  • Post a link to your entry in the comments below
  • Include tag #constrainedwriting among your other tags
  • Should you wish to help raise awareness of the contest, please consider resteeming this post (it is by no means compulsory)


I will pay out this post's payout in full, both SBD and STEEM!

  • 1st place: 45% of post's payout
  • 2nd place: 27% of post's payout
  • 3rd place 18 % of post's payout
  • Judge takes 5 % for his/her efforts
  • I will take 5 % for hosting, writing and editing the contest

*Note: In case I receive any donations for the contest, the payout percentages apply to the donation itself as well.


This week I am the judge of the Constrained Writing Contest I am responsible for picking the winners on my own discretion, but I promise to try my best and be as objective as possible.

What's that I hear? You wish to be a judge too? Well look no further!
To apply for a judge and make up your own rules, simply send @svashta a hearty hello on

*Disclaimer: I will only allow fellow writers as judges to keep the competition high quality.


  • Entries are accepted until this post's payout
  • Your entry post must be newer than this post

Good luck!



I had to start the moment I saw this in my feed! :D ~

Thank you for the contest, and a big congratulations to the last contest's winners!

So happy to have you join! :D Awesome! :D

I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

I Will be We will be very happy to have you on board again! :D

Thank you very much for your entry! :D
Will have a read, just as soon as my computer decides to reboot (silly Windows updates).

Absolutely honoured... a first for being first. Im glad you liked my alien take on a very real human condition. I love this contest and will be entering the "ing"-less #22.

will be entering

No -ing!! :P haha :D

Congratz for the victory again, you deserved it ;D
Looking forward to your entry! :D

Congrats to the winners

Wow, that was harder than I thought and even after proofreading I found a couple words needed fixed, after I posted it. Hope I caught them all, lol.

Oh and a huge congrats to the winners. Woot woot.

Congrats to the winners. I am really sorry that I couldn't participate in this weeks contest. Stupid real life :) . This weeks prompt is full of possibilities, I will most surely participate, just need to get in touch with my muse :)

Stupid real life

I... feel you. :|

You two had a fight or something? Hope you two work it out! :D

I'll apologize like every guy does. She is just mad I haven't called her for a while :)

I see... I see... Mine only sticks around for a couple minutes a day... then leaves. :|
I don't know what to do anymore... Maybe make her a romantic dinner? Bring her flowers? :|

Mine is more of a beer gal. She is at her best after 5 or 6 beers. Speaking of which.... of to celebrate st. Patrick's Day

write drunk, edit sober, eh? ;P
You have fun now, bigshot. :D

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #50. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

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