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RE: Constrained Writing Contest #22 + Winners of Constrained Writing Contest #21

Congrats to the winners. I am really sorry that I couldn't participate in this weeks contest. Stupid real life :) . This weeks prompt is full of possibilities, I will most surely participate, just need to get in touch with my muse :)


Stupid real life

I... feel you. :|

You two had a fight or something? Hope you two work it out! :D

I'll apologize like every guy does. She is just mad I haven't called her for a while :)

I see... I see... Mine only sticks around for a couple minutes a day... then leaves. :|
I don't know what to do anymore... Maybe make her a romantic dinner? Bring her flowers? :|

Mine is more of a beer gal. She is at her best after 5 or 6 beers. Speaking of which.... of to celebrate st. Patrick's Day

write drunk, edit sober, eh? ;P
You have fun now, bigshot. :D

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