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RE: This is impossible if Earth were a Ball... (it isn't)

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

@nik4 There are plenty of videos where he does use the measurements, as in LOTS. Whether he sounds like he studied does not matter to me, he has improved his tests consistently over time. There is just so much "other" evidence that for me taken together, you have to be almost a complete zombie to to accept that the earth cannot be a spinning ball. Evidence for me: NASA caught in multiple lies, Water always finds its level, general relativity is ONLY a theory never been proven, Bible describes nothin close to a spinning ball, multiple instances like this where you can see things that you should not be able too on a ball, ships do not go over the horizon (bring them back into view with a telescope), they say we are in a pressure system existing within a vacuum with no solid barrier (never been proven or replicated so more belief and bullshit) , airplanes don't circumnavigate the globe North South normally, military says that snipers account for coriolis effect??? not sure sometimes yes sometimes no on that- i guess coriolis effect turns off and on- If coriolis effect on snipers bullet is real then how does coriolis not effect helicopters and airplanes. Its just one thing after another, the ONLY thing stopping people from acctepting flat earth evidence is BRAINWASHING and Conditioning. Crazy Flat Earth I live on.


how do you explain this if there is a dome over us.
if i had the time, i would record these things myself, i see them often enough, most times while looking east at night

Electrical discharge, plasma.

It could be anything. How do you explain a pressure system existing within a vacuum with no physical barrier? "Meteorites" could be objects shot from the dome, but I really do not know. What I do know is that something does not come from nothing on its own, we just do not and have not seen that happen in nature, once you believe i God pretty much anything becomes possible.

The evidence doesn't prove a total vacuum to exist outside of the atmosphere, there is some air floating around in space.
I figured this one out myself, but there is always some bright spark out there that is one step ahead of me.
Space air coming in hot(high speeds) will light up our sky.

Your main question was why doesn't the vacuum suck? I think its because we not in a container universe and the pull of the earth is to strong.
All books were known to advance in the new knowledge that we receive everyday, why doesn't the bible advance to become a more clear message for all.
We living in a time were people need clear guidance.

The thing is coach, what you said is just a guess pretty much, which is fine- but the "scientists" are TELLING us how everything is. The snipers in the army claim the coriolis effect changes their bullets trajectory due to earths spin, so how come the coriolis effect doesn't effect airplanes and helicopters??? Can't have it both ways. There are artillery guys who say they never used to account for earths rotation. Bible says Stationary and immovable I believe forget exact verse. Its very likely the important parts of the Bible were hidden by the vatican. They need to keep us ignorant to control us like the slaves we are. According to NASA, if they do not use their space suits the astronots WILL DIE.

Per wikipedia (which I HATE) Outer space has very low density and pressure, and is the closest physical approximation of a perfect vacuum. But no vacuum is truly perfect, not even in interstellar space, where there are still a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.
So basically we have our pressure system within the closest thing to a PERFECT VACUUM with NO physical barrier???? Get the F OUT!!! They LIE COACH THEY LIE!!!!

I understand where you're coming from.
Our education system was different to America. Nothing was shoved down our throats especially not false education.
North Korea tells there citizens that they the first country to land on the sun, they win the soccer world cup every year and the list goes on.
Research 144000, tell me your thoughts on this.
The problem is- you can be born a slave but it's your choice if you stay a slave.
We can only send a message across to people not to be slaves but they will have to choose if they want to stay a slave.
I was born at a time where people of colour couldn't go walk in white areas.
At the time, I didn't realize this. We were breaking the law on a regular basis by walking in white areas. Nobody stops us, not even the police. Other people weren't so lucky. The government lied to us on a daily basis. I was a Catholic in my youth, we were the only Christian race that congregated together, when to school together. Most of the Catholic schools were in white areas. You wouldn't dare touch us even if you were a police officer or army guys. We move in power because we were a community. After I found out that the priest were touch the boys and girls, I decided not to do my confirmation.
You choose to believe what you want to through ignorance.
If you not with me, the beast will be your master.

Thanks for the 144,000 suggestion, I will read up on that. I am reading gnostic gospels right now while reading the Bible for the first time and it is interesting that I connect with both yet they the message of each often seems to conflict with one another. Are you a Christian now? I believe the Catholic church is evil as you probably know, not the worshippers just the Church, but the Catholic worshippers I believe are being deceived. I wonder about the Bible because the Vatican had a hand in its creation as I understand.

I went to the beach today with my flat earth sign and spoke to a few people, will put up video soon. It cost $10 to get on the beach and I just realized that the beach is privately owned in NJ, for some reason this seems wrong to me, I am becoming an anarchist I think, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Its hard to break free of the slave mentality, I find myself still very submissive to police because of years of conditioning and habit but they are just people wearing costumes. I am trying and appreciate your thoughts, you have been awake much longer than me, I can and am learning alot from you.

Am i a christian - no, i advanced past all the ancient religions
All i know is that i'm part of 144000 which is mentioned in the bible in revelations.
Its the next step to the future.

We also have private beaches that you have to pay to enter. The government are still the owners and they are called reserves. So for protecting the beach, they charge us a fee to enter and it cost extra if you are fishing there. They are actually mad that the some people can make a living off the sea and are putting fish and other things on the endangered list. Big money going down because the Asians buy our perlameon for crazy prices and of course the people doge the tax man so they just put most things on the endangered list to control the taxes. It basically silent wars going on with real gunfights against the police and the army gets involved sometimes. I do know that the land animals are really threatened, no dispute in that. When a person that does not explore the sea repeats everything they hear in the media about the the fish are disappearing, i just laugh because you cant see all the fish and things because they underwater.

I don't think power corrupts people. If you corrupt, it will show in time what type of person you are. Most corrupt people strive hard to be in a positions of power, that is why you will see that people in power are mainly the corrupt ones.
Dont complain about corrupt people if we don't want to take their place

I don't have a issue with the cops or anybody. My mind set works on restoring the mental balance. So no matter how bad things may seem, i can reverse a situation back to neutral again. When you show your humanity and respect to others, they will respect you.
I believe in law and order, otherwise we will be running around like animals.

I will take a look at your vid when it comes our, sound interesting to watch and find out what the reactions was

Interesting what you say about advancing past all the religions. Have you read any of the Gnostic Gosphel-? Nag Hammadi scriptures are pretty interesting and it seems there is much outside of mainstream religion.
Was tired when I got back, will put out video tomorrow- my brother and I spoke with 3 or 4 people, very very good response from them regarding them asking questions and seeming truly interested in learning about flat earth. I am definitely looking more into 144,000 very very interesting ( and lonely too lol) talk to you soon

I am not arguing the evidence. Just unhappy with all those "big shot" flat-earthers. But that is indicative of the state of the community, people don't like to study physics in general.

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