Operation: Dark Sky (discussion)


Wisconsin has a full-scale training exercise that will take place between May 15th - 17th to simulate a long-term mass power outage. The drill known as "Dark Sky" will take place in 7 counties and is said to be intended to test the abilities of private utilities, law enforcement, first responders and the National Guard. More than 1000 participates from the state Emergency Operations Center, the Business Emergency Operation centers, the Wisconsin Nation Guard, county emergency operations centers, municipal command post, the American Red cross, as well as federal agencies will be participating in this exercise.


The document goes on to state:

"The Dark Sky scenario includes a variety of incidents that require local, county, and state-level response operations designed to exercise each participating unit and agency. The Wisconsin National Guard will exercise its joint staff and the National Guard Reaction Force in support of private utilities partners, nongovernmental organizations, and local, county, state, and federal agencies for infrastructure security. As part of the exercise, Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers will conduct door-to-door health and welfare checks in Omro, Wisconsin. "

Omro Community Development Director Dana Racine has gone on record saying "They will only be asking preparedness questions." and "They won't be coming into the house and they won't be collecting any personal information." Omro residents can expect to see soldiers going around neighborhoods on May 16th where they will knock on doors and pass out emergency preparedness information during the afternoon hours...


This exercise is the final phase in a series of other exercise. In November 2017 DMA and private utilities partners conducted GridEx and in February 2018 there was Simcom.

What do you think about this? There are some theories that we all will be hit with a massive EMP that will knock out power, do you think this may be "training" for that? We really would like to hear from you about your thoughts, comments and/or concerns about this below. As always, we thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you would like to see more of our work, please visit or steemit page @truthbeyondlies or come visit our website T.B.L


Wow. I bet there will be a lot of folks going outside to actually see the stars and enjoy the night sky which has been eliminated by light pollution over the years.

mhh, i missed that sorely when i lived in the city but now its about the only thing here to look at lol, and even here, light pollution is so bad i have to almost crawl to the edge of town to find a spot where i can see at least the big dipper, i always wanted to take my chair to arecibo and fry steak on an low fire while being amazed but ... maybe later

the meme lol is lolmao , got some pamphlets lololol


time to upgrade the doormat ;-)

o dear ... resteemed on the wrong account ... wait a minute while i go slap myself ... o well no harm done but actually i keep this for distrobot and votepool only if i run out of over 90% on the other one... can't un-resteem something hm ? gotta pay more attention tsk

I design and manufacture LED street lights with a blue suppression technology to fight light pollution and also protect nocturnal species that are being decimated at a rate that makes global warming look like the aerosol spray scare. It's not making any news, but we are basically killing 50% of the species on Earth that rely on the night sky. Just like the book, "Hot Zone" the Earth has its own self defense mechanisms and we will trigger one soon with light pollution.

you'll have to excuse me if i stick to the main account the other one isnt intended for interacting , ... teknikal slip there ... nice name btw you got :p ... sounds like someting FN herstal could come up with ( google img )
, which is one of the main sources of 'private' income of the southern government of belgium , good buddies with the american military too, i just wonder what they do with the money cos we dont seem to see much of it (they're the main stakeholders, share in the company so technically my government is an arms dealer lol.png

if you were an alien you couldnt miss belgium from space, im sure of that but instead of going towards led (at least to save energy bills ... but who cares right, its not the government paying them) or something even more ecological like reflectors embedded in the asphalt (gives you some kind of space-track look at night because you see the road perfectly well with your headlights on) costs no electricity, wears very slowly, no one can run into it and the maintenance is zero. instead of that they just keep dumping roads everywhere although theres a lot of talk about a thing they call "concrete - stop" but i think thats only because there's no more room here for asphalt or concrete.

Nature has proven several times that we are not in charge, it used to be the plague or something in crowded areas (the wrath of god for the debauchery ofcourse) or wars if things got too crowded and heated but these day they pick their battlegrounds well ... the eagle and the bear go slug it out over the heads of the syrians (in the name of freedom and fighting terrorists ofcourse) testing all their new stuff on a battlefield far from home where no one gets to complain anyway. Doesnt really help to keep the populace in check. So yea, i share your concern there, when nature strikes back with the next level of revenge there's probably not much to be done against it

Well said.

thank you

That is something I have noticed over the years. I live in a big city but just 5 years ago I was able to look up and see the night sky (moon and stars), now I am lucky if I see the moon at night. I have to go out of town to the country to see it. That is something that the masses do not notice. The last time I pointed that out to someone that was not "awake", with a straight face they looked at me and told me it was a special night-time fog that stops us from seeing the stars. SMH. MSM has really done the job of programming the masses.

Vaya nunca había oído o leído sobre una noticia de este calibre, no se que precauciones pueda tomar las personas, que le parece usted esto amigo? ya que dominas mas el tema que yo.

To be honest, we are not sure why they would have a drill like this. This may be predictive programming. Sometimes before a false flag event they will have a drill for it, like 9/11. When 9/11 happened there was a drill going on about planes flying into buildings. Unfortunately, this is one of them times we have to wait and see what this is all about.

Vaya amigo, son cosas muy raras pero interesantes lamentablemente tenemos que vivirlas y a esperar como dices tu a ver que pasa gracias por la informacion amigo :D

You are welcome for the information. We like keeping people informed and putting together the information so that people can know the full story.

We are long over due for another Carrington level event. When it last happened, people didn't depend on electricity. When, not if, it occurs again, a lot of people are going to die.

It is no secret that society "needs" electric and most do not know how to survive without it. IMO most of society does not really prepare for such events as no electricity. There are ways to still have some electronics without electricity such as solar power. Have you took steps to prepare for life without electricity?

I can't properly prepare for it where I live at the moment, but I am prepared in all other ways pretty well. I'm also in the process of relocating to a better place.

You have a plan and are to your best ability prepared... Awesome. It is hard to prep for "what they might do events". Do you think that this "drill" is something that people should really pay attention to?

We are way overdue for a powerful EMP-like event. It is more likely than a nuclear exchange. The great thing about preparedness is that many of the steps protect you from just about every possible survivable scenario.

So what made you start prepping and following the "truther movement"?

As a former Intel Analyst, I've known things most people don't. The things I've learned made preparedness a very high priority. Ignorance is not bliss. The more I know, the better prepared I'll be. No matter how bad things get too, I plan to survive. My children will survive.

Regarding the truth and liberty, I've always been on that path.

Agreed, ignorance is not bliss... With what I have learned so far (and I do not delude myself there is still a lot that I have left to learn), ignorance could become down right dangerous. Being ready has taken on more meaning in my life in the last few months. We (truthbeyondlies is a team) have been preparing for some time now but I do not feel we are prepared enough...To be honest, I do not think we will ever be prepared enough. I wish I could say I was always on the truther path, but I was very blind and naive to what was really going on, but lucky for me, my partner refused to give up on showing me the truth. Since I think you have been on this road a lot longer than I, I do have a question... Have you ever reached the point when you start questioning if you belong or not? What I mean is I do feel like I fit in with people that are not on this path, which is bad (for me) because I work in the corporate world. I cannot really relate to co-workers (such as most will talk about a tv show that they watch when I do not watch tv and if I do, I am not paying attention to the plot, I am seeing the agenda that is being pushed and/or the symbolism that is in it)... Have you faced something like that?

As part of the exercise, Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers will conduct door-to-door health and welfare checks in Omro, Wisconsin. "

At the very least this is going to be used to normalize "welfare checks".
Our lovely government needs to make sure we are safe...

lmao. There is no way Big Eye in the Sky won't seize the opportunity to introduce everyone to the comforting idea side of early-stage socialism. Really loved the comment. Both of us spit out our coffee when reading that.

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