
It is no secret that society "needs" electric and most do not know how to survive without it. IMO most of society does not really prepare for such events as no electricity. There are ways to still have some electronics without electricity such as solar power. Have you took steps to prepare for life without electricity?

I can't properly prepare for it where I live at the moment, but I am prepared in all other ways pretty well. I'm also in the process of relocating to a better place.

You have a plan and are to your best ability prepared... Awesome. It is hard to prep for "what they might do events". Do you think that this "drill" is something that people should really pay attention to?

We are way overdue for a powerful EMP-like event. It is more likely than a nuclear exchange. The great thing about preparedness is that many of the steps protect you from just about every possible survivable scenario.

So what made you start prepping and following the "truther movement"?

As a former Intel Analyst, I've known things most people don't. The things I've learned made preparedness a very high priority. Ignorance is not bliss. The more I know, the better prepared I'll be. No matter how bad things get too, I plan to survive. My children will survive.

Regarding the truth and liberty, I've always been on that path.

Agreed, ignorance is not bliss... With what I have learned so far (and I do not delude myself there is still a lot that I have left to learn), ignorance could become down right dangerous. Being ready has taken on more meaning in my life in the last few months. We (truthbeyondlies is a team) have been preparing for some time now but I do not feel we are prepared enough...To be honest, I do not think we will ever be prepared enough. I wish I could say I was always on the truther path, but I was very blind and naive to what was really going on, but lucky for me, my partner refused to give up on showing me the truth. Since I think you have been on this road a lot longer than I, I do have a question... Have you ever reached the point when you start questioning if you belong or not? What I mean is I do feel like I fit in with people that are not on this path, which is bad (for me) because I work in the corporate world. I cannot really relate to co-workers (such as most will talk about a tv show that they watch when I do not watch tv and if I do, I am not paying attention to the plot, I am seeing the agenda that is being pushed and/or the symbolism that is in it)... Have you faced something like that?

I don't think I've ever "fit in" really. I've always questioned too much according to other people. I still have a hamster wheel, and it is a "golden handcuffs" situation. IT work is not what I ever wanted to do, but it has paid the bills well over the years.

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