The Whole Donald Marshall Thing... What's Possible?

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


I've been meaning to investigate the claims of Donald Marshall for a while now, ever since @fulltimegeek introduced me to his work a few weeks ago.

And I must say, a first glance at this material can easily cause one to ╰། ◉ ◯ ◉ །╯

To start: I am an analytical person


Facts and evidence and well researched material are very important to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am a sucker for conspiracy theory -- I'm on Steemit, after all, the place where a conspiracy theory is always better than a regular theory. And the Donald Marshall work has that in spades.

However, there's something more here.

In fact, there's SOOO much more to this material that it's rather inappropriate, I believe, to attempt to unpack the whole of any category of his work in a single post.

So, what I am going to attempt to do today is simply open a door. I'm going to light a candle in the entryway to the Marshall material by comparing it to similar, perhaps more mainstream material, to give us a wider view of what may or may not be possible.

Because this is some wild stuff.

The three points of Marshall's that I'm going to address are:

  • Illuminati
  • Human Cloning
  • The Vril

Secret Societies


A lynchpin of Marshall's message is that the Illuminati exist and leverage control over human society.

It is no small thing to admit that secret societies that seek to influence global affairs exist.

By now nearly everyone is aware of the Bohemian Grove, the place where the Bohemian Club, a boys-only group of the most powerful men in politics, media, and business meet every year for a few weeks to hang out.

They do totally normal stuff there, you know? Like planning the Manhattan Project in 1942, having orgies with male prostitutes, and ritualistically sacrificing human efigies to an owl god:


And if you want to see some more really weird elite society stuff, check out opening ceremony at the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Among those in attendance of this ceremony:

Among the passengers were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, taking a 20-minute trip between Swiss towns Uri and Bodio.
World's longest rail tunnel opens in Switzerland

(I set the video to start at 4 min in, but you can find most of the several-hours-long ceremony on YouTube. It's all weird...)

so... yeah.

These are the most powerful people in the world, meeting in secret, doing strange ritualistic ceremonies, and the level of power that's at their disposal is legion, as revealed, in part, by the Vault7 WikiLeaks:

What was once conspiracy is now fact, as it appears the CIA has essentially developed their own NSA without the oversight. Under the Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), over 5,000 hackers have produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other “weaponized” malware targeting everything from anti-virus software to commonly used consumer devices. This includes malware which makes it look like it was planted by a foreign government or hacker. This includes Russia, essentially proving the CIA has the ability to plant evidence to make it look like Russian hackers were the culprits. This potentially disrupts and discredits the entire Russia hacking narrative being pushed by the media.

Wikileaks Vault7 Exposes CIA Deep State Hacking Capabilities

Experimentation with humans and human tissue


I have yet to look deeply into the level of human cloning that Marshall claims, but I am VERY aware of the various experiments that have been done involving humans, human tissue, and animals.

Here is an abstract from as far back as 2013 that details experiments that have been done on mice where aborted human brain tissue is grafted onto mouse brains, and over time the human brain overcomes the mouse brain, making the brain more human than mouse and the mouse orders of magnitude smarter than normal mice.

Forebrain engraftment by human glial progenitor cells enhances synaptic plasticity and learning in adult mice

Human astrocytes are larger and more complex than those of infraprimate mammals, suggesting that their role in neural processing has expanded with evolution.

Human brains are smarter because their astrocytes are larger.

To assess the cell-autonomous and species-selective properties of human glia, we engrafted human glial progenitor cells (GPCs) into neonatal immunodeficient mice.

They grafted human brain cells onto baby mouse brains to see if they would stick (species-selective).

Upon maturation, the recipient brains exhibited large numbers and high proportions of both human glial progenitors and astrocytes.

As the mice grew, their brain INCREASED in human cells, meaning the astrocytes are NOT species-selective.

The engrafted human glia were gap junction-coupled to host astroglia, yet retained the size and pleomorphism of hominid astroglia, and propagated Ca2+ signals 3-fold faster than their hosts.

Remember how the size of the astroglia is what makes humans smarter? Well, when grafted onto mouse brains, those cells stick and then grow BETTER than the host cells.

Long term potentiation (LTP) was sharply enhanced in the human glial chimeric mice, as was their learning, as assessed by Barnes maze navigation, object-location memory, and both contextual and tone fear conditioning.

The mice tested smarter.

These findings indicate that human glia differentially enhance both activity-dependent plasticity and learning in mice.

Keep in mind, this study is from 5 years ago.

Imagine what is happening now?

Large creatures that remain hidden...


The assertion that a race of subterranean reptilian beings trying to manipulate humanity is a staple of the nutty conspiracy theorist. Any theorist that verges even a little bit deeper than Alex Jones-level stuff runs square into the "lizard people" material.

I'm not going to address that specifically in this post, but one thing that people often claim as a reason for why such a thing cannot exist is that "we would have seen them by now!"

That is the issue I'll address here, because there's a great example of how easy it is to miss an entire species of animal that has been living along side humans forever.

The Panda.


Westerners had heard stories about the black and white beast of the Asian jungle for a long time. However, the first ever evidence of their existence to modern science was in 1869, when the French missionary Armand David received a skin from a hunter.

Giant panda

The first Westerner known to have seen a living giant panda is the German zoologist Hugo Weigold, who purchased a cub in 1916.

Kermit and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. took the Rough Riders on an expedition to hunt pandas in the 1920s, and were eventually able to bag one after weeks of hunting.

Think about that for a second: an animal the size of a bear, who eats an extremely isolated diet, wavers on the dumb side (to say the least), is not particularly fast, athletic, or cautious, and is colored a completely contrary color to its environment, was only discovered by Western science in the 1920s.

How easy would it be for a creature who is highly intelligent, designed to blend in with its environment, and doesn't want to be found, to hide from humanity?

I know, it's not exactly hard science or evidence -- just something to think about.

But also consider the case of the Unabomber. A single, solitary man who was able to terrorize the most advanced country on the planet for over a decade, facilitating the creation and maintenance of an entire wing of the FBI, and were only able to find him because of a tip from his brother.

My point is, there are lots of things out there that we don't know about and would struggle to find, including species of creatures that we didn't even know existed.

Creatures great and small: New species discovered in 2017

While it might seem like we've got the animal kingdom pretty well cataloged, new species are constantly turning up in the deep oceans, thick jungles, or even dusty museum store rooms. Here's our favorite new additions to the Tree of Life in 2017, as well as a couple of "Lazarus" creatures that were believed extinct but rediscovered this year.

This is a list that includes sea life, mammals, and even a great ape, all discovered last year (2017).

What else could be out there?

There's more work to do


Obviously, I haven't delved into the work of Marshall much yet -- some of it is not particularly easy to find. Hopefully I can get the material I need from the most authentic sources possible.

I'm interested in getting to the truth.

But the purpose of this post is to outline what might be possible simply by addressing things that have already happened or things we already know.

There's a lot of things that we're ignorant about in this world, and I like to keep an open mind about what might be possible, research the evidence, and let the chips fall where they may.

Follow me @shayne


I appreciate your analytical approach to a surreal subject. There is so much whacky shit out on the three points you've selected most people run the other way before considering potential veracity. I saw the request for writers to blog on these subjects but declined to get involved. Very deep and very dark. But it looks like you might be able to pull it off, while keeping your sanity, and even shine some much needed light on the subject. Hope you can keep your integrity. Blessings.

Wow. Thank you 😊

Get to follow you just for more.

This is some serious digging mate, have you worked for the Feds before😊?

As in ehhhh. I was reading and my mouth was open

I am your personal FBI agent.

This post has been upvoted and picked by Daily Picked #34! Thank you for the cool and quality content. Keep going!

Don’t forget I’m not a robot. I explore, read, upvote and share manually ☺️

First time hearing of it

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Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

Definitely a lot of ignorance, and people too easily brainwashed, too lazy to think for themselves. We're all being controlled in one way or another. Even here - eyes everywhere!

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