How I'm preparing to Dip my Family Out of the System One step at a time, for generations.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

This post is a response I wrote to a WONDERFUL summary @jockey wrote about his "Everything You Have Been Told is a Lie" series.

I felt both bleak and heartened reading it. I believe @jockey is entirely right and the only way I see of getting out is dipping out of these systems. [I'm ready to find out more wide-ranging ways!]

Here are some of the ways I've attempted to do so over the past 2 decades:

  1. Except for sewing up we do not use the conventional medical system. FOR that purpose, I trained as a homeopath and didn't vaccinate my children and the 3 of my 4 born in the past 2 decades have had no other conventional medications.
  2. We moved 7 years ago to a smallholding to grow our own food. I'm not so successful at this. My time is too spread out home educating and being a homeopath and trying to educate people about the evils of allopathic medicine. We have previously used organic box companies. The last 4 years we went back to supermarket organic produce but having read your article above I can really see a strong reason to return to box systems where the provider has carefully checked out suppliers.
  3. We home educated the 3 of our children born in the past 2 decades. They are currently 17, 13 and 10. Indeed, they have been unschooled. 17 year old decided to go to school at 14 and decided to try out conventional medicine for any of her problems. She is surprised when her problems are not resolved by a visit to the doctor. Indeed, her usual exclamation is "They didn't do anything!" [mine silent one is "THankfully!"] Our eldest, who was schooled, is partnered to someone who was unschooled from birth and plans to unschool her children, and even my 17 year old says she won't vaccinate [she actually said "It's like growing up in the SAS here, being drip fed indoctrination all day. Of course I won't be vaccinating!" :-D]
  4. With the great influence of my good friend, work partner and fellow steemian @Alanfreestone, I've started investing in bitcoin and begun to bring my [very conventional in most ways] husband on board. I've also talked frequently to my children about the pros and cons of bitcoin and the pros of steemit.
  5. I'm aspiring to pay off our bank debts and gradually have our finances in crypto. My husband was very skeptical at first but I was using my own earnings to invest and I've let him adjust gradually. He was still not quite in the right place for me to feel confident to invest much when bitcoin dipped recently, but next time it does he will be, having seen it recover so well. I think he is becoming interested and starting to understand how it can work. People don't see flat currency for the invention it is. They see it as a solid thing and crypto as something insubstantial and 'made up'.
  6. I built my own independent business as a homeopath [demonstrating entrepreneurship to my children] and I specialise in helping people repair their children's vaccine damage and rebuild their health after suppression and side effects of allopathic medicines.
  7. We moved somewhere with its own water supply.  We don't need to worry about what chemicals are in our water [just the metals!]
  8. We moved somewhere with very limited pollution [comparatively], where there is little spraying and no real history of arable farming.  

I felt like a helpless 'system' junkie until I read @jockey's summary and realised how many ways I'd found over the past 2 decades to enable my family, at least in part, to exit from the system if they choose.

We are still thoroughly knotted up with conventional employment [my husband, but now we are not totally reliant on his job, though it is a stable one], the grid [working gradually on getting off that], education [dd17 is there], banks [mortgages]. 

Thanks for the thought provoking, concise and positive post. :-)


Oh my wonderful buddha! This is exactly what I believe decentralisation and the Steemit platform are about! Together we are stronger than as individuals! I have to write a better comment than this but please feel free to pm me at anytime! UPvoted and resteemed with gratitude! =)


I'm SO chuffed to see this! I was really inspired by your post @jockey and I felt I gushed a bit so was glad of such a nice, positive response! haha.

Don't write a better comment! This one is just great :-D
Thanks for reading my post too and glad it made you shout "Wonderful Buddha!" haha.

Well, you have such a great head start on the majority of the world!
Even getting into cryptos before most people are aware of it!

As to paying off your bank debts,
you may be able to use your cryptos as collateral to borrow the money to pay off your debts. I've invested in SALT Lending, which should be offering their first crypto loans around the end of this year.
I have debts that need paid off too, but I'm not willing to sell my cryptos that I know are going to greatly increase in value, just to pay off debts right now. With SALT, I can keep my crytpos and let them increase in value, and pay off high interest debts with the money that they lend me.

Now, THAT is interesting @canadian-coconut. I need to know more about this.
I just invested some more today in bitcoin cash, which is looking promising.
I'm also reluctant to even part with small amounts of my crypto! I keep thinking "If I spent £15 worth of BTC right now it could be thousands and thousands for that small thing in future!" We don't think of flat money this way!
I'm guessing this same impulse is going to keep a lot of us HODLing too!
Thanks for the congrats. I owe my early crypto trading and knowledge about steemit and a whole lot more to my friend @alanfreestone. Quite seriously.
Some people are just 'well met'. Hoping to meet more people here.

It seems that I am sitting in the same boat like both of you but I am holding on right to go through the storm. I really needed to read this comment and article Sally!

Yes meeeeee too! Yay! I couldn't agree more!


hahahah. There's more down here! I was away having a really heavy week ... and came back to some lovely action on steemit!

thanks @mammasitta <3

Let's weather the storm together!

Oh my! Following you both now...
We are trying to make the path for our descendants to stay "off grid" for lack of a better term... You are way behind us in some ways, we are pretty good at feeding us off our land. You are way ahead of us in THE critical way... We put our kids in school. They are adults now, and the oldest has her kids in school... They are probably forever "lost" to us, although we keep enough food and shelter to take them in if / when SHTF. The youngest is more awake, plans to home school but is still hooked into the system. He is a medical professional, and cannot imagine cutting that fiat cord...
Congratulations on giving your children the gift of THINKING. I did not wake up in time, but we hope the grandkids will be able to see the wisdom in carrying on what we start here (permaculture / food forest.)

@fishyculture, thanks for the affirmation. It's not easy to live with free-thinking children! But I don't regret giving them this option for sure.
I'm going to try to buckle down and take the feeding-us side of things more seriously & get us out of the supermarket.
I've followed you too.
It only takes sewing a little seed of thought, letting your people know that school isn't compulsory ... and also, it is becoming more and more popular. Hopefully, your grandkids will homeschool.
I think the fiat cord has gotten a little easier for us to contemplate cutting in the UK due to Brexit. Watching our money losing value is scary and I think we've become aware we are vulnerable to political decisions that really DO add up to our money being worth a lot less and food costing a LOT more. We are not out of Europe yet and we can feel the knock-on effects keenly enough. A bit like homeschooling though, a lot of people don't even know about crypto.

Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to read which actions you took to free your family of the system.

May thanks @rafine. Sorry I'm getting back to you too late to upvote your comment properly.

No problem :-)

You have an amazing head start and I only wish I could say the same. Have you also become aware that to truly get out of the system you need to withdraw from the system legally as well? Meaning birth certificate, licenses etc?

I don't know how to go about that but I am fighting them bringing in a registration system for home education in the UK [which could become a licensing system]. I was part of a team who fought it successfully in 2009-10. We are just ramping up to fight it again. Also, I practice in a profession that doesn't require a license and I LIKE that element about it. People think it would be good to have homeopathy regulated but I find regulating usually destroys the good as well as the bad and you end up with mediocre.
I suppose you mean not registering your child's birth?

You’re on fire!

Yes about not registering your child, but also getting free from your own birth certificate too.

I don’t know the in’s and outs, but mention it for you to check into for yourself. Each country has their own variation, but generally end up with the same effect. Is your birth certificate being traded on the stock market? Are you a person or a living man or woman?

Words have meaning in the law and we are deceived into incorrect understandings because we assume the common meaning of a word, but a leagal meaning is what was meant.

I can’t write much on my phone now, but an example is to compare the legal meaning of the word person with the common meaning and seeing they are radically different.

It’s a rabbit hole and you want to be sure you do things correctly, but if you don’t get yourself out of the system, you’re property.

Agreed. Thanks for making me think about it @aboutyourbiz

I was JUST talking to a coworker about wanting to self-teach homeopathy - do you have any recommended reading?

I certainly do. Check out George Vithoulkas ['Levels of Health', 'Science of Homeopathy'], Samuel Hahnemann 'The Organon' 6th edition. I also like Roberts 'Principles and Art of Cure'. Read it here for free:

Hpathy have a whole e.library here:

I love Phyllis Speight's course book: "A Study Course In Homeopathy"

Just keep reading and reading.

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