The Economist And The World In 2019

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


The Economist

Many people will remember the infamous economist cover from 1988 (see below) which depicted a phoenix rising from the flames of burning dollars with what people have speculated looks like a gold coin (or perhaps bitcoin) around it's neck that's emblazoned with the date 2018. I have previously stated that I am open to the possibility that the date was photoshopped, although this post appears to verify it as genuine.


Anyway the purpose of this brief post is not to discuss the 1988 edition but rather the impending Nov 30th edition (that is shown in my title picture). If you click the source link you will see that it takes you to the economists website where you can pre-order a copy. Incidentally it also displays the fact that this will be their 33rd issue; in the context of the 33 degrees of freemasonry, the 1988 edition and the Rothchild connection, I felt it worthy of a quick post.

Could the numerical connection be a coincidence? Yes of course and we should all remain open to the idea that it is, equally I feel it worth consideration. Could the economist be trolling the world of conspiracy? Again it's a possibility, but equally with last weeks downward trend in the markets, I feel it wise to keep our eyes and our minds open to all possibilities. At the end of the day the cover is open to a huge array of interpretations and from a marketing perspective, I can't imagine that is by accident. Anyway see what you think.


Written by perceptualflaws
Banner gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth



Haha yes exactly .. if this dude didn't exist people would invent him as some sort of messed up Bond super villain.

Hello, pf:) IMO, the Demiurge (I don't know what it is) controls time within the Matrix/Hologram. All its religions are also, in part, the need to control time and the flow of civilization. Mouthy Buddha's latest on Chinese Social Credit is well worth watching and I commented that the Demiurge parked its butt in China (east of Eden) and managed the flow of time and civilization from there. To my knowledge, it's the only country with an unbroken history. All other countries follow the rise and fall template. The point being, the Demiurge has a plan for 'the end times'...

An interesting coincidence. A few minutes after posting my comment on MB my computer did an automatic hard crash and reboot for no apparent reason...

Hey my friend, hope you're well and have enjoyed a good weekend. Yes I'm with you on the China angle .. equally when we look at recent events in India .. we could view individual countries as singular jigsaw pieces in a bigger puzzle. Indeed, only when they are finally slotted together will they reveal the bigger picture. Thanks for the shout on MB .. I will be sure to check that out, in terms of a holographic reality .. you may be interested in a couple of posts I'm working on, although I think the 2nd one will be more up your street :). Thanks again my friend, I was only checking out your blog earlier today and have bookmarked your recent posts .. I'll be back ;)

the idea of world currency is older than that. Still i dont consider bitcoin a world currency. As for 2019 i expect the market to go down. The upward trend lasted more than anyone expected and if it wasnt for Trump, i believe there would be a crash in 2017.

The money that controls big business, banking institutions, the corporatocracy and indeed the bloodlines that seek to claim dominion over this world .. can be tracked over literally thousands of years. Indeed, the country of Switzerland was founded on the 1st of August 1291. The Templar’s last stronghold had fallen some two months before during the siege of Acre and it’s said that their treasure was hidden in Switzerland. It was this treasure that along with much of the ancient Egyptian gold formed the basis for the Swiss banking system.

The power structure behind this money can then be found moving into a worldwide banking network that includes: the world bank, the IMF, the world trade organisation and the bank for international settlements. The current model of control can be found being fleshed out in the early nineteenth century .. so yes it is a very old ideal. Equally, the purpose of the image was more to highlight the date than to state it was the first time a world currency had been mentioned. Not sure I consider bitcoin as a world currency either, I mention it as other people have spoken about it. That said the concept of the blockchain and crypto's has certainly warmed people up to the idea of a digital currency so I guess we shall see how it plays out.

In regards to Trump, how about this scenario .. whether he is aware or not, if I were the elites I'd allow populism to build, crash the economy and attach the blame to the populists, then surf the wave of resentment into a new age of globalism. Whether any of this happens in 2019 I have no idea and no inside information .. but one things for sure, we are going to find out.

That last bit seems right on the coinage:) There is no way the Zionist rabble-rousers and the Nazi like white nationalists are just a random organic phenomenon. It looks to me like someone is funding both sides and coincidentally they both want what the Demiurges scripture predicts and that is ethnonational nation states (so it can rule them with an iron rod). This gambit, it appears, is the same one used in the last century--with the Communist agenda being the gasoline on the fire--especially considering the body count of the Communist aspect of this manipulation.

Those in the real power do seem obsessed with numerology, dates and the star systems, so Yep the timing and numbers link up.

I do though see a failing plan, if a one world currency and government was the aim, just look at the Saudi Arabia debacle playing out at the moment, and the fact they are suggesting being friends with Iran again, proves beyond all reasonable doubt that those in power around the world, could not organize a piss up in a brewery let a one world government or currency.

I just did a piss take post about them and AI if you get time to pass on by.

Yes they are obsessed with numerology, the dates of the first Iraq war are a prime example. There are always wildcards out there, there could be a solar storm that took out all their technology tomorrow .. many things.

do though see a failing plan, if a one world currency and government was the aim, just look at the Saudi Arabia debacle playing out at the moment, and the fact they are suggesting being friends with Iran again, proves beyond all reasonable doubt that those in power around the world, could not organize a piss up in a brewery let a one world government or currency.

Yeah I see what you're saying, but equally a cornered rat can be at it's most dangerous. That said, they are psychopaths and generally a psychopaths weakness is their arrogance and their lack of wisdom, they have intellect as opposed intelligence and there is a big difference .. the best laid plans of mice and men ;) Thanks dude, yes I will take a look at that.

the best laid plans of mice and men

That takes me back to English literature lessons at school as it was part of the curriculum :-)

I noted the only people saying NWO were Americans, although the pope has tried to push for a one world religion, though yet again I will say quite categorically that Muslims, Buddhists and others will simply refuse.

I fail to see how a world currency at any moment in time will be accepted by all, so yep arrogance will be their downfall if that is the case.

@shepzi...In many ways I agree. But interdimensional archons could and do, IMO...

I like to keep within the realms of reality and what can be proved for now, thanks though for the reply.

Baha'i religion which came out of the Muslim religion, is keen on one world governement and religion.

I have never heard of them so will do some research superb thank you, I love finding out about new things including new to me at least religions.
Thanks again.

I think they could pass it if the economy crashed and the banking system shut down, if you imagine that playing out over a few weeks, .. people would be begging to be rescued, equally like with our current economic model, the first generation would probably get a few sweeteners to ease them into the new system. In terms of guessing what can happen it the future it's often difficult to comprehend in the moment. If my Grandad returned from war to and was told that one day our every move and telephone call would be monitored and tracked, facial recognition, Tv's that watch the watcher, CCTV, smart technology (I could go on) he would have thought you crazy .. slowly slowly.

I could actually see a good use scenario for a one world currency as in the price of a beer being the same in every country, though would it be?

Having traveled extensively across Asia is where I come unstuck with believing they could pull it off. I have been over to Cambodia 30 or more times from Thailand, and it is cash only and no cards for all, so getting a one world currency and convincing those people for me would be next to impossible. As most countries like their own heads of state on the currency to maintain "faith" in said currency if you get my train of thought?.....

Even if countries could print their own heads on the new currency, a one world bank loses control of the production from the off.

Ah but look at India, another cash in hand society .. look at how they are increasingly going to war on cash .. with the banning of large bills (which accounted for 86% of the money in circulation), how people were made to go to the bank and hand in these large amounts (which were often hidden under the bed) and have their wealth registered and basically forced into the banking system .. this would have been unthinkable a few years ago. My friend was out there at the time and there were people that had full time jobs waiting in line to draw the replacement (lower value) notes from bank machines. One day they will take away some of those notes as well .. slowly slowly ;)

Catch a monkey?

I did watch with interest the India affair, and also have friends over there, my mate Nigel told me a lot of people just trade goods now, like rice for meat etc, to avoid tax and government.

For every action and all that jazz.

Yes that is also happening in Greece as well, the law of cause and effect .. don't get me wrong, in the long term I don't feel as if they will ever break the human spirit, but you can see the intent. I think of all these countries as pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, trialing the social monitoring system in China, the stealth banning of cash in India .. observing how the public would react when the banks stole peoples cash in Cyprus .. i.e the bail ins. The rise of an internet of things that promises to track every product in the entire world. Smart dust and smart grid that they want to monitor every facet of our lives .. indeed , if there was some kind of financial meltdown or a war that pushed everyone into the mega smart city, self determinism would become increasingly difficult. It's also difficult to comprehend now, but ten years, twenty years. a hundred years? who knows what they can manipulate future generations into believing. There will always be a large percentage of people go along with what they are told .. equally they will always be a hardcore that refuse to be told, this is a race to the finish line .. but ultimately like you say .. freedom will prevail, although it will need to be intellectually fought for.

Thanks for the reminder. I have no clue what might happen, but everything is possible. Think about Orwell's 1984. Time has gone. We are still not there, but we are on the way to a totalitarian society. To be alert is a good advice.

Thank you my friend, and yes I am not privy to when or how this is going to play out and my advice to anyone is to live your life to the full, with an open heart and without fear, but equally just keep your eyes open. One thing I very much believe is that our current economic model is completely unsustainable and that it's breakdown is a near mathematical certainty .. exactly when that breakdown will occur? I don't profess to know, but it does kind of feel as though the world is holding it's breath. Thanks again @johano

I am completely with you! Have a beautiful day @perceptualflaws!

Ahhh, yes the infamous economist cover!

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Wow, thanks for that. I was also started to doubt the cover legitamacy. The new black cover is very unlike what they did before. Paints literally a dark picture. 33rd issue? This is all getting a bit too crazy.

and interesting find, thanks for it! :)

I think, briefly, some middle ground will be found: neither any Crypto will become new Global (reserve) currency, nor any fiat currency will continue to play its role. more likely, there will be some sort of "fiat-crypto", but not any single one will be dominating (as USD wa so far) - rather it would be a whole "basket" of such. I have further elaborated on my vision here

Thank you for stopping by @vimukti-ananda I will be sure to take a look at your post, I was thinking along the lines of a world currency that works behind the scenes .. so yes "fiat-ctypto" could fulfill that objective .. thank again :)

thanks for your reply. :)

regarding "currency that works behind the scenes", those guys don't really need any.
I think currencies or fiat moneys are just a tools for them, but they don't give a sh1t about money.
if they can make them almost literally out of thin air (with the whole fractional reserve banking or even without it) - why bother at all?

it reminds me some episode from that futuristic movie "In Time", when they demonstrated negligence and indifference to the fictional currency used there (seconds on timer) - which they imposed upon the whole population and which was matter of life and death for many.

Yes, I agree that they don't need any and that they have more wealth than you could spend in a hundred lifetimes. My perspective is that a monetary digital 2.0 (the glue that binds the currencies) will be used as the first stage in a new system that will gradually evolve to become a control mechanism. They have the money and now they want to use the power it has brought them to cement control over every facet of our lives.

here is related stuff recently, which is also talking about "2.0"

first stage in a new system that will gradually evolve to become a control mechanism

yes, I tend to agree with that! your this conclusion just confirms to me that indeed something might be not so very clear and sure about it, for example:

While a lot of people think that Bitcoin may liberate us - it may be the thing that in the future the technology that enslaves us even more...
And it all came from Bitcoin - a little thing that everybody loves.
Sucker-toshi Nakomoto: enslaved us all... 10 years from now ...


... in the end they gonna get their dream of a Cashless Society and they gonna get control over currency, because they've put it out there...
May be this is how they get us to the Cashless Society: by having everybody invest in Digital Currencies...

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