Liberty or Enslavement? How Blockchain might be used in the very near Future.

in #biometrics7 years ago (edited)

What's the possible implications of BlockChain usage in the near Future?

Quite interesting discussion about how actually the whole Blockchain concept would be used by the government, police, etc. How it could be used for more control, monitoring and tracing each and every transaction, action, movement of each and every person who uses this technology. The new system of total control.

Sounds somewhat futuristic and perhaps for some even like sort of paranoid.  But that's in fact the very possible outcome, since that's precisely what this Blockchain technology provides and facilitates. And then ... isn't it why it has attracted so much attention from all sorts of institutions? From banks, Transnational corporations (and their Consortiums, say, R3), science institutes, all sort of civil organisations to military and governments.

Well, listen, think about and share these thoughts:

"This is the perfect technology to usher in data gatheing and be able to control everything in one place... And then it can never be altered either... 

They'll have everything on you. And the worst thing about it is the fact that it won't even be hard to do. Because they really want to control everybody: they want to control your money, they want to control your credit. As soon as they get rid of cash - they control everything, because then how you gonna get food?... 

The Truth of it is this: as much as Bitcoin is disruptive technology to the government, it can be just as disruptive technology to us! ... Somebody else will be able to use it against us in the same way... 

Your thumbprint will basically be your private key and you'd have a gov ledger spot. If you got social security, welfare, food stamps - all that will be just delivered to you in the ledger. If you wanna go spend your food stamps - you gotta go push your thumb down... 

This will 100% eliminate ID theft. That's how they are gonna use it: "To eliminate ID theft". It also 100% eliminates credit cards fraud... [because] you would just have your ledger with all your credit in it... you won't even have to carry your credit card anymore... 

There are so many ways that they can sell that to general public - it's ridiculous! 

They may not get to implanting your skin, but it may have something to do with your thumb... It won't be a public ledger... The worst part of it: whoever is running the system has ALL of your information and they have the power to cut you off! Because even though it might be DE-centralized within the government, somewhere will be a Central Control of it and they'll say: "Hey, guess what? No matter what we want to happen to you - will happen to you! ... Because we're in control of your ledger... We can just cut your ledger off - and you'll be a NOBODY..." It would be a CRIME not to have a Ledger Address. 

While a lot of people think that Bitcoin may liberate us - it may be the thing that in the future the technology that enslaves us even more... How do you get your Bitcoin out? you get it out in cash... It gives the way to monitor us in a way that never been able to do before. But they'll sell it to us in a stupid way, they'll say: "We'll eliminate the ID theft ... only you can access your assets with your thumb... We'll know it's you because you've used your thumbprint which is your private key..." You think they gather data now? wait till later! that's how they'll gather data: EVERYTHING will be off your thumbprint... 

Whatever they can to implement Blockchain Control - that they're going to do. And it may sound like si-fi - but it's not... 

Just think about how much cash is exchanged on daily basis? How many people get paid in cash and don't report it in taxes? If they eliminate cash - they know exactly how much money went from whom to who. Because everything went from one account to another account that they control. So, now their taxes have just increased, they'll probably double compare to what they make now. Because they'll have oversight of everything that moves, period... 

This is something we have to be aware of 'coz it's coming creep upon us. The same way Bitcoin crept upon you 8 years ago. You won't even realize they're doing it. They may be doing it now! When they talk about "Universal ID" - it may already be happening right now and we may not even know it... But it would solve so many problems for the government ... 

And it all came from Bitcoin - a little thing that everybody loves. Sackatashi Nakomoto: enslaved us all... 10 years from now ... It sounds kinda worrisome, but there is nothing we can do about, unfortunately... 

A lot of people would say: 'if you're not doing anything wrong - you don't have anything to worry about'. You don't have anything to worry about - till they take everything away from you! And you have no recourse...

The guys that run this world already got the idea...

What it really comes down to: it crashes dissent, where people can stand up against whatever they believe is wrong. Because of the fact that, you know, they'll cut you off: they'll turn your Ledger off or block it, so you can't be paid."


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