Is Cryptocurrency Bringing Us Into Deeper Slavery?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Today, I added the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, and a dolphin jumping out of the Ocean

The Symbolic Meaning:

It is the view of beautiful world in a drawer, in a cabinet of many drawers - the Dark Occultists have been telling us by hiding it in plain site in allegorical television shows, movies and books - that there are many realities - and this is just the one we are in. As above, so below. There is a place, that we could have here on earth, where we have the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we choose the Good, through the practice of Natural Law, where we could live our lives in the Joy of Living, through the practice of Spiritual Alchemy.

It would look like helping our brothers and sisters. Standing up for our principles against violence. Taking care of the earth. Using our imaginations to figure out a way to together stand against paying taxes. Putting down the tyranny that is taking over our world.

In such a reality, currency would be irrelevant and unnecessary.

Azoth - the perfect human, stands between heaven and earth, in clean air, with clean water, and a clear and open third eye, like a lightening rod, able to use her holistic intelligence to logically and prayerfully process thoughts, emotions and actions and then act in the morally right way for the given situation, hence creating and harmonizing with the beautiful world surrounding her.


We are very distracted by so many things these of them being decentralized currency... but it is still "fiat" currency. What does "fiat" mean in Latin? Basically, "So Mote It Be."- the words of the Magician. It is the "will" of the Magician, set forth into BE-ing, but it is NOT real within Nature. This means that crypto has no inherent value - you can't eat it, shelter yourself with it, wear it to protect yourself from the elements by clothing your body in it - it does not actually exist, except in the will of the people who agree it exitst. Almost no different than FRN's.

The Monetary System

All fiat currency exists within the monetary system which was given to us by our Annunaki Creators via their Order Following Monarchs, in order to enslave us! We used to just take care of each other and ourselves and the earth without a means of exchange. We could just return to that, but instead we are attracted by another bright shiney object that we are calling cryptocurrency and being destracted from the Truth. We are being led into a much smaller cage, this time because we are making no effort to break free of our chains.

Dark Occultists are our Government

The Annunaki provided their Nephilium Hybrids with the knowledge of Good and Evil. They decided to create a power differencial by which they could use the knowledge against us. They are. And they have. This is our evil government. Why are we not using Force against the Violence under which we live every day? Why are we just burying our heads in the sand of our Virtual Reality?

The Occulted Knowledge

The Knowledge itself is not necessarily entirely evil, although some of it definitely is. Those who want to believe in authority, beyond the Authority of the Creator, use the Knowledge for personal gain rather than for the greater good. It is knowledge, that, if we all had access to it, would aid us in being Free.


People! We are slaves. We have been a slaves since our DNA was tampered with to make us a slave race! Here on Steemit, we are enslaved in a hierarchy of whales who have the crypto and we are the minnows who don't. And here we are falling for it again. I know my post won't be popular. No one wants to hear this story. Hence, we are going deeper into slavery.

How many of us cryptojunkies are out in the streets demanding justice for the people killed by police, in recent years?

Standing up against Fracking, Water Floridation, Chemtrails...?


We are cowards. I have been a coward myself. I am finding my voice now, recently. I am not going out there by myself for sure, but there is no one I know who will go with me. We are conquered sheeple ourselves, but right now we feel self-righteous because we have some different new clothes to wear in our virtual reality.

Where is our Militia? We are the Militia. We are asleep at the wheel. We have allowed a standing army to grow in our midst, called the Police and Military, but we have cryptocurrency?

Why are we not demanding the truth about the Las Vegas shooting? We just let them get away with another false flag operation and believed the official story?

A Cashless Society

The Dark Occultists want a cashless society so they can track and control us - and we are giving it to them through cryptocurrency. This currency exists in the digital world - it is not real. We have voluntarily entered the Matrix. If they pulled the plug we would be left standing here in the REAL WORLD with nothing.

We could use crypto as a process to break free of our chains and change the system ourselves to a true Anarchy, but that's not what's happening, as I see it. Instead we are just happy that we have more than we had before - and more than the other people who don't have it. No one is even attempting to change the system.

Azoth, the Perfect Man

Part 2
Part 1


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There are several things that I could say in response to this post, but I don't know if you posted it for discussion, or just as information.

Well, sometimes people put up a post primarily as information, not as a subject to generate a discussion. I've been known to make comments on posts that weren't meant for discussion, and some people don't like my opinion, so I'm trying not to step on any toes.

@amberyooper - I don't understand. I put up articles to generate discussion. You don't have to agree with me and I certainly don't have to agree with you. I thought you knew that by now. You can step on my toes all you like virtually, but you can't hurt me or change my experience. I am sovereign. I do not depend upon human beings for my validation.

OK, as long as I know that you expect discussion on your articles, then I won't feel like I shouldn't comment on specifics of the post. Thanks for the clarification.

good this post

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