Saturday Colorchallenge Indigo AlchemysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Back in August, I did this drawing
And here's the post I did for it.

I was copying this Alchemical Drawing called Azoth, which basically tells the whole story of Alchemy, as you can see from the previous post and this article, by Samuel Scarborough.

I made a few adjustments - like I made my own face in the challice, and I made the Queen riding the Whale, a mermaid, and the King, a Sphynx.

So, I decided to glue the drawing, into this drawer I found on the street.

And I am going to extend the drawing, as a painting, to fill the whole drawer.


Lately, what I am thinking about is how we were once animals who lived peacefully in accordance with the earth, most of us vegetarians, and we could live here, as animals on the land.

Then the Annunaki came here and made us into chimera, violating Natural Law, to make us into a slave-race for their own purposes and made us not be able to live in harmony with the earth, made us into their slaves and alienated us from our brothers and sisters - animals, trees, rocks and earth. They created a hybrid species called the Nephilum, and made us at war with all other species, and then left us here.

Many people believe we have entered the Age of Aquarius, but actually that won't start for another 100 years, or so.

The Nephilum have continued to rule us. They are the ruling psychopathic bloodline referred to by Fritz Springmeier in this article... and the Annunaki may still be here, at the earth's core.

They have created a tear in the space/time continuum and they feed off of us and steal our children for their vile practices and mind-control us into living imprisoned lives to serve their agenda...

and right now we are going into such deeper slavery because we no longer follow Natural Law at all. We are more or less solopsists who believe morality is relative to our whims. We do not practice the one suggestion made by all secret societies as the most important "Know Thyself." No! Instead we want daddy cop & military to be our external control. Hence, we are living in a police state.

We don't believe in or know Truth anymore because we have lost our ability to reason. We have allowed govern-mind schools to take away the trivium, logic, latin, astrology, astronomy, art, theater, and now even hand-writing from our curriculum. We are allowing water flouridation, chemtrails, gmos, fracking. Truth is that which is happening and that which has happened, but we are letting ourselves be dumbed to believe that we don't know what is happening and we are falling for it and allowing it and practicing it because we are satisfied with less and less quality and more and more distractions. We are devolving in consciousness, as a species.

Recently, in my community, like a plague across this country, we have begun to bully and eject those people who are weak and mentally ill from our midst. I believe I am going to be working as an in-home assistant with the elderly soon, and I am not looking forward to that. Talk about people who are lost and likely with tv's on trying to make sense out of this terrifying world.

Whole generations of children are being stolen through the common core curriculum - and we are going much deeper into slavery and possibly extinction...

I even hope for extinction, because I would rather die than live in such deep slavery, and I want us to be gone to stop destroying this beautiful earth.


Very interesting story and exceptional art!

Hey @michaelstobiersk - there will be a Free Your Mind Conference in AZ in March - you might be interested...

I love how you upcycled the drawer!

hey thanks! I walk the alleys with my dog and grab stuff like this. I just got 4 wooden cabinet doors the other day.

I love how you recycled the drawer too! That gives me ideas for some of my pieces.
I think that all we can do with the crazy stuff that is going on around us is be a positive beacon of hope and peace and love and creativity and inspire people and bless their lives.
I’m in a nursing home 3days a week to see my mom who has dementia and you are right about the TVs blasting in people’s rooms. Usually in the common area it is mostly old sitcoms or movies. The workers try to do their best but usually they seem understaffed and overworked. Some are bright lights though.

You are right. However I am currently in a state of processing new information, so I just have to get through it and integrate it. It does not come naturally to me to be a beacon of light. That's something I have to pray for the power for.

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