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RE: Energy Dynamics, our Relationship to Life

We are observers, consciousness witnessing life. You've probably had that moment when you gasped in realization that this life, your life is all one big story... an important story, but still just a play of energy. I really find great joy in that you have chosen the sacred path. And if the your pic is any indication you are relatively young and have many years in which to develop your connection to Source.

Your writing style and competency are very good. You lay things out quite well and in a easy to read manner. For you and I the things you discuss are easily understandable but for the novice it's challenging, however, it is your energy that will attract. Those who seek will sense the energy and follow it until they understand. I do appreciate your efforts. I'm going to direct you to some people who are quite well established here in Steemit that will welcome you into their communities where you can thrive. I'll get those names and get back to you. Also I hope to be able to bring you to the attention of some curating programs so you will get noticed and pulled up. Many blessings @phillyc.


Thankyou so much @mistermercury, I'm grateful for your help and your feedback. It's really nice to come on to Steemit as a beginner not knowing what might happen, and then to have people seemingly 'get where you're coming from', and then help find the right direction.

I have had a vague awareness that what I am writing might not be digestible for some, so as much as I can I would like to train a more conversational and simplified style. But yeah, it's an energy thing that's compelling me to write, so I more or less go with that and see how it pans out.

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