Energy Dynamics, our Relationship to Life

in #consciousness6 years ago (edited)

I was compelled to create this diagram
Energy Dynamics.jpg

Not sure what else to say really, I have been spending a lot of time lately observing my mind and it's tendency to make problems out of things, and declare how insufficient certain situations or people are.

In my experience, in the past when I have become involved in these stories, it means a drop in energy and a feeling of dicomfort or fricton.

It means a forgetting of my state of bliss ,generosity, and spontenaiety

This is my attempt at explaining how we as beings have a lot of say in what affects us, and whether or not a situation or a person can become a problem. If we refuse to take on the identity which has a problem with things, then theres no problem.

It does require vigilance

And lately I have been reflecting that it's not longer acceptable to me, to allow these tiny habits any room in my life any more. So I am paying attention, noticing them, accepting them, not acting on them, and letting them flow through. And they go away just like everything else - because it's our attention which empowers things. Or sometimes it's our resistance. So you might say sometimes I just ignore mind when it wants attention, and sometimes I pay it full attention yet without any identity around the situation. I think both approaches work.

✩✩✩ Let's take responsibility for our attention and intention. ✩✩✩

When I started out on my spiritual path, I was very excited for so much new information and exploration. I began cultivating a brand new spiritual persona, and I made a lot of new friends with this persona. Now I don't have a problem with Identities, but I would like to point out the irony of being identified with being spiritual - in the sense that it is just another restriction and polarization against life. Just like I describe in the diagram. As the journey has progressed, I realize that more important than being involved in some exciting happening - is the deep internal work towards equanimity, and relating to all aspects of life appropriately. You could call this cultivation.

It's hard to see sometimes but life doesn't have the categories and seperations that we have come up with, it's actually just a big beautiful coherent energy field - with so many diverse expressions.

Yet the human habit is to get stuck in the mind, and through the mind identifying with who we are who we are not. And it is through this fundamental division that all the other chaos gets sown.

My reflection is that the mind is not necessarily a trustworthy friend, and we should understand that a lot of thoughts are repetitive and unhelpful. For this reason I strongly endorse meditation, self inquiry, or any spiritual practice that puts you into a calm or balanced state. This way you will be less likely to act out the madness that mind proposes to you, you can simply observe it, ignore it, and get on with living truly and freely.

Thankyou for tuning in friends


Wow! I actually drew something really similar a few days ago. Here it is

Holy smokes, it must be a collective download going on! 🙆📡

My reflection is that the mind is not necessarily a trustworthy friend, and we should understand that a lot of thoughts are repetitive and unhelpful.

Tucking this feather in my thinking cap and heading to the garden.
Perfect always ~hugs~

Thanks for your comment! @borrowedearth I'm looking forward to exploring more of this material :) Aww and a virtual hug too ~hug~

hey there! You have been featured in this week's #MinnowMondays post from the team at @NewbieResteemDay.

Feel free to drop by and check out the post!

We are observers, consciousness witnessing life. You've probably had that moment when you gasped in realization that this life, your life is all one big story... an important story, but still just a play of energy. I really find great joy in that you have chosen the sacred path. And if the your pic is any indication you are relatively young and have many years in which to develop your connection to Source.

Your writing style and competency are very good. You lay things out quite well and in a easy to read manner. For you and I the things you discuss are easily understandable but for the novice it's challenging, however, it is your energy that will attract. Those who seek will sense the energy and follow it until they understand. I do appreciate your efforts. I'm going to direct you to some people who are quite well established here in Steemit that will welcome you into their communities where you can thrive. I'll get those names and get back to you. Also I hope to be able to bring you to the attention of some curating programs so you will get noticed and pulled up. Many blessings @phillyc.

Thankyou so much @mistermercury, I'm grateful for your help and your feedback. It's really nice to come on to Steemit as a beginner not knowing what might happen, and then to have people seemingly 'get where you're coming from', and then help find the right direction.

I have had a vague awareness that what I am writing might not be digestible for some, so as much as I can I would like to train a more conversational and simplified style. But yeah, it's an energy thing that's compelling me to write, so I more or less go with that and see how it pans out.

To focus on one is to lose all.

@amariespeaks and her Minnow Mondays sponsored your post, it's how I found you.

When we find, our heart, mind, body and soul, then we have released our spirit to grow.

It's so true, when we get lost in some detail then the overall flow can be temporarily obscured. I guess it pays to hold things fairly lightly then.

Glad I found this through @amariespeaks' Minnow Mondays! Very helpful insights for me. I tend to be an overthinker which results to unneccessary worries. I need to learn meditation or anything that will just let my mind be that doesn't affect me. Thank you! :)

Glad to be of service :) Checking out your blog now, looks interesting!

Thanks for checking my blog. Have to get back to writing, I've been busy this week.

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