Winner announcement of 100 steem giveaway giveaway

in #competition7 years ago

It was a 100 steem giveaway giveaway. I was the judge. The rules were simple (or were they?).


Beat this pirate monkey.

And I declare myself the winner. There wasn't much competition. Thank you to everyone who entered.

Judge & Winner


Well how convienent of you to declare yourself the winner ! Lol! I may have been the only one that entered and i met all your criteria that you asked for ,.
At least i took the time out my busy schedule to actually make a meme , and i also advertised your contest constantly in postpromotion steem chat with my post on the entry that had your link in it . So people had plenty of oppertunty to enter ! Hahha ! Heres my entry :

You know a conselation prize would have at least been in order for at least promoteing you and VOTU , And at least being the only one that entered ! Good luck on your next contest ! Thanks a bunch 😆😆😆
No worries at all ! Dont need the steem , you deserve it for winning the previous contest , its simply the point of the matter . Dont hold contests if your not going follow through in the end .

How would you have felt it @sirlunchthehost or @beanz had turned around , after a week of holding a contest or however many days , and said " we have decided not to give away the 100 steem that we promised as a prize because only 1 person entered named @riskdebonair and we didnt like his entry ! We have decided to keep the 100 steem for ourselves Haha suckers !!! 😆😆😆😆

Thanks for entering. I did state that there might not be any winners.

100 Steem (pocketing the 1 SBD for myself) to anyone who can outdo my VOTU pirate monkey with gun and or samurai sword or other, in ANY form of medium. I will subjectively decide the winner by Friday at sometime or Saturday, if indeed anyone can outdo me.

I'm the judge, and there might not be any winners.

It was all dependent on someone beating my entry from my own subjective opinion. Your entry was great but not fully original content.

This wasn't a well thought out contest.

Thank you so much for entering. I love your entry, I'm just not in love with it.

I'll probably hold off on competitions for the future. I'm in no shape or form to be a responsbile adult.

That is not what you said at all at least not the last part heres a copy from the post and i will also add the link so others can check it out for themselves !

I will give away this 100 Steem (pocketing the 1 SBD for myself) to anyone who can outdo my VOTU pirate monkey with gun and or samurai sword or other, in ANY form of medium. I will subjectively decide the winner by Friday at sometime or Saturday, if indeed anyone can outdo me. Might even split the reward between two winners if I can't decide. Who knows what will happen?!

And heres a link to the contest post you never once stated that there may not be any winners ! :

My fellow steemians can see for themselves ! And im glad at least that not going to do any more contests ! I hope your followers are proud of you ! Haha ! 😆😆😆

The last part is from this post.

Sorry if I have disappointed anyone. The point of this competition was to beat my entry, based on my subjectivity as a judge.

to anyone who can outdo my VOTU pirate monkey
I will subjectively decide the winner by Friday at sometime or Saturday, if indeed anyone can outdo me

Sorry for any misunderstanding.

Like i said in another comment ! By saying "subjectively "or "if" you can then try and read between the lines that you had no intentions of ever paying out anything in the first place then !! You only wanted to have something to blog about for upvotes ( which you thought you would get alot of ) and for advertiseing ! Im sure even if alot of entries came in , you would still not pay out !! As this was just a joke to you , at least im hopeing more people will be more carefull in their wording and clearly state the rules without haveing to read between the lines all the bullshit !

Okay. I'm sorry that you think it like that.

What do you want to bet you'll get even less competition in your next one???

There hopefully will be no next one ! Please see my comments above ! Thanks !👍

I know it may seem suspicious, the winner and the judge being the same person, but honestly... I'm sure there was a perfectly good reason for it all.

Funny, made me laugh.😂

Haha I was thinking of doing something but then totally forgot till I seen this 😂

It would have been a waste of your time ! See my comments above !

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