Community Series #11: What Day Are You Living For?

I am reading through a book at the moment called, The Treasure Principle. The premise of the book is about taking a hard look at the way we go about giving, specifically with our money.

Yesterday there was a question I read that I have pondered before, and I thought it would make a nice discussion topic for our community series.

What do you want people to remember you for?

It is a simple question, and one that has a focus beyond day to day doldrums we may be prone to adopt.

This reminds me of a quote from Matthew Henry. “It ought to be the business of each day to prepare for our last day.”

What is your legacy?

My longing is to be remembered as a man after God’s own heart. What does that look like you ask?

I believe James 1:27 sums it up well. “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”

I love kids, and I love to see people prospering. My goal is to have nothing in my hands when I die, but leave it all for the good of the kingdom.

It is fun to build businesses and income streams that can support family beyond my years - I believe it is a good thing to do so. Yet, let our efforts for success never keep us grounded from the best.

Pilgrims travel light. Our journey doesn’t end here.

Image Source: 1


I'm glad the question is worded that way and not “What would they think of me?" I can only imagine. That's cringeworthy.

I started and restarted my reply, several times. This is not an easy question to answer. It's not like I can go online and find something inspiring or clever to fill in the blank.

I feel like I am writing my own epitaph!! lol

One thing I don't want to be remembered for though is being "good" or doing good deeds etc.

I would want to be remembered for being human.

For believing my years were decided by God, not my genes, not my will.

For foolishly depending on God for mercy, grace and strength through the good and bad times.

For continuing to depend on Him despite my sinfulness, contradictions, weaknesses and doubt.

For foolishly believing that this time and place is not my home.

And lastly, for the one thing I have not been afraid of, death.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
to gain what he cannot lose.
~Jim Elliot

What I hear is a soul committed to obedience knowing full well that in Him we live and move and have our being. :)

That's my scripture...yes. It's no longer "I" but "He".

hmmm...have you read Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge? I just re-read it recently. What would you think of the Mayor's final will & testament?

that I be not bury’d in consecrated ground.
that no sexton be asked to toll the bell.
that nobody is wished to see my dead body.
that no mourners walk behind me at my funeral.
that no flours be planted on my grave
that no man remember me.
To this I put my name.

Uh yeah, I'm about the business of living and I expect to reach maturity one minute after my heart stops. In other words, I never think about such things. But you go right ahead, lydon, don't let me stop you LOL!!

Lol, indeed I shall.

The Mayor’s final will and testament sounds like George Whitefield. “Let me die, and let my name die with me.” :)

enough time passes and we all become just a name, if that :)

And to dust we return. :)

Very important question. Someone told me the other day...
"What defines us is not what people see us do, but what we do when nobody is watching"
This is often a trait similar in many of the people I respect, people that are always humbly helping others even when noone is looking. This is something I will remember fondly about many of my personal heros who have had a great impact on my life.

Great quote.

People of integrity are so special to spend time with. You always walk away feeling like a million bucks.

"You always walk away feeling like a million bucks." Great way of putting it! :)

I think its a difficult balance, yet it is a balance nonetheless. All I know is that at 30 I thought knew I had all the answers, now in my 50's I'm not so sure if my 30 year old self was entirely right.

Sounds like something I heard the other day. “The more I learn, the less I know.” :)

Inspirational post !!
My father died last year, and having donated all his clothes to the Nursing Home he was resident in, my sister and I walked out with just one small cardboard box of all his remaining worldly goods. That's how I want to go out.

Now that is inspiring. Thank you for sharing that!

Interesting idea. What will people remember about one. I have no clue? :) Maybe that I was a good husband, father, friend, teacher?
Bill Gates apparently isn't leaving his kids anything? Wonder what they will think of him?
I'm more interested in the living and just noticed that I wasn't following you?
I am again now.
They was a bit of glitch a few days back and several people I followed became un-followed? It's all a bit mysterious lol

Husband, father, teacher, I like those legacies.

There is something to handing off some assets to the next generation, but

The journey simply doesn't end here its the legacy that continues :)

Very interesting. I would love to read this book. Thank you very much for your story. Now I have to think about the question "What do I want people to remember about me?" ))

Hope you can find it. Blessings on your pondering thoughts. :)

And thank you)) Sincerely)) I think I would like to be remembered as a kind person.

That is a wonderful goal to have.

Friend, thank you for these encouraging and convicting thoughts...

Very timely for me. You've blessed me today.



You are most welcome.

A blessed Lord’s Day to you, brother. :)

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