Steemitri The Mannequin signs up to a dating site

in #community6 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemians,

It’s time to get a move on and find a soul mate. Many people told me to wait ... "sooner or later you’ll find someone"... “don't try to find someone because you won't”. They weren’t particularly useful tips. Others suggested that I approach girls at the bar, in a club or even at the supermarket, but it's not that simple for a mannequin!!!
Can you imagine!?

So I decided to take control and do it my way!

Obviously I have doubts: I don't know whether to start a relationship with a human woman or with a female mannequin! I don't have much experience in love, just some intense looks with the shop assistants where I worked and a brief flirtation of about 5 minutes with @noemilunastorta.

I asked @g-e-m-i-n-i out to dinner, but she didn't take me seriously... too bad, I had even written a poem.

Surfing the internet and clicking on random advertisements I ended up on a dating site!

It was a route worth trying!

I started to sign up ... It seemed fairly easy!
02. iscrizione.jpg

I chose “Other”, seeing as I am a mannequin... and immediately things got complicated ...
05. cosa sono.jpg

Can someone please explain all these terms!?!?! The “Mannequin” option was missing... maybe I should contact the help desk. In the meantime I decided to select “Other” again.

I thought I would be asked about my hobbies, my favourite colours, etc., but they moved immediately on to sexual orientation! Do these seem like things to ask a mannequin?!?!?
I decided not to say... I like my privacy!
03. asessuale forse.jpg

Continuing onwards ... I'm interested in women...
04. interested-women.jpg

Finally we got to the general information: name, date of birth, ect.
I put the date that my account was created: July 8, and a random year.

... and finally my profile was activated!

I still have to sort out some details and fill in the blank fields. Maybe I will lie a little bit to sound a bit more clever and interesting!
Will that strategy work?!?!

First of all let’s go see the “Matches” and the profiles of the other female users :-)

The results are astonishing... for a mannequin I have a "match" coefficient of over 80% ... this is really encouraging!!!!

The next steps will be:

  • Update the profile
  • Wait a few days and see if there is any feedback
  • If I don’t receive messages, I will make the first move and see what happens!

I’ll keep you updated!

In the meantime, let me know if you have experience with dating sites or online flirts!

I really need a hand!

Romantic regards,

Steemitri The Mannequin


Would you be able to love a female mannequin whether she was plastic or wooden?

He already has a nice offer from @carolineschell! He'd make a great model for her art!

He needs to be very careful! She may not really want a relationship but just be useing him. Just sayin' :-)
(@twiceuponatime has taught me a thing or three about women!)

Mhhh I'm not Pinocchio 😏 I'm made of 1000% of plastic fantastic! For now the two options are either @carolineschell or a female mannequin, haha!

I wasn't accusing you of being wooden! Not in the least. But I'll bet some of your best friends are!

And please go into your first relationship with eyes wide open!!!!

Ciao Steemitri, io sarei ancora libera ;-))))

Che buona notizia per @steemitri!

;-)))) Bhé un marito cosí a volte puó essere comodo :-D

Carissima Caroline!
Non ti dispiace se "riciclo" la poesia che dovevo consegnare a @g-e-m-i-n-i ?!?!
Intanto penso a come fare colpo su di te :-)

Ahahah!!!! Ok affare fatto ;-D

HAAAAA. How shitty would you feel if you got matched at 80% to a mannequin?

Hahaha, LMAO!!! That's another point of view!

well best of luck in your adventures finding your soul mate. I will follow you. i see a lot of it is in Italilian i believe so that may be a bit challenging on my part. Maybe even more insulting to myself realizing a mannequin speaks more languages than myself. Good day sir and happy hunting.

Hi lovely steemitri, I would like to get in contact. Could you leave me a message, big Hug your plantastic lady 3B05643C-604C-4E29-B218-AB4AF349A25E.png

Hello lady! Oh... mmm ... what... how... why... ops sorry, I don't know what to say or what to do... but here is my phone number: A B C D E F G H ... sorry I'm a little bit nervous...

Always awesome buddy!

Thank you Mister Old Dog!!!

This was so hilarious that I HAD to resteem it!

Any advice from the OldDog?!?!
Thanks a lot for the Resteem :-)

Well I’m curious how this story continues. 😬 I saw just a few days ago on Patti Chiari what happend to a lady that got cheated by a fake account. So don’t get carried away by pretty female mannequins, they might be interested in your Steem only. 😉

Hahaha... Yeah, I have to be cautious ;-)
Ho visto "Patti Chiari" ;-)
Did you know that @the-beard is working for "Patti Chiari"? Just a random info ;-)

You are adorable, hahaha :))) If i were a single female mannequin, I would choose you :)))

Oh... thanks for your lovely words Miss Kalemannequin ;-)

Ahahahah, sempre più geniale.
Io direi che il modo più semplice di fare conoscenza sarebbe fare shopping.. nei negozi potresti trovare tante belle "manichine" e far felice Diana (si sa che le donne amano lo shopping) :D

Haha!!! Beh... effettivamente tornare nel "mio ambiente" potrebbe avvantaggiarmi! Non ci avevo pensato!
Ho preso nota! Grazie! Ti farò sapere!

😂😂😂 ma @steemitri non è che non ti abbia preso sul serio, ma come glielo dico al mio fidanzato? "No stasera non ceno che esco con un manichino!!" è all'antica....non capirebbe!!
Curiosa però di leggere la poesia!! 😊
Bravo bravo sempre originale e piacevole!!

Ok accetto la tua scusa :-(
Intanto penso alla mia nuova poesia... triste e straziante :-(

Ajajjajjajjj, non ci credo! :D

Grande @steemitri!
Non mollare. Vedrai che la tua anima gemella plasticosa non tarderà ad arrivare : )

Beh... visto che abiti dalle mie parti... se per caso hai amiche single, puoi dar loro il mio contatto :-)
... per il momento non accennare che sono un manichino... fammi questo favore, please ;-)

Capisco. Forse hai ragione.
Faccio un paio di telefonate e ti faccio sapere.

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