Steemitri The Mannequin applies to SpaceX

in #community6 years ago

Dear Steemians,

As many of you could notice, in the last months the value of cryptocurrencies decreased a lot.

Imagine that I was already choosing my beloved Lambo (click here to view the post)... at this point I will have to pull out my old bicycle again.

On an economic point of view, we are in a quite challenging period, also us mannequins, so I decided to start looking for a job.
Of course I excluded my old type of job, consisting in posing in a shop. I won’t never EVER do that again.

I want to aim high, even more… I want to go to Mars!
A few months ago I challenged Elon Musk with my SteemX project, but I thought it would be best to collaborate and join forces to explore space together, entering the humankind history hand in hand (plastic hand in human hand).


I found some contacts on the official website of SpaceX and I sent a spontaneous application together with my CV, keep your fingers crossed for me!!!


Here is my motivation letter:

Dear SpaceX Team,
Dear Elon Musk,

Herewith I would like to apply for the position of:

Mannequin for space mission.

My name is Steemitri and I am a mannequin, of the same kind of your SpaceX-mannequin Starman! Maybe I'm a bit more experienced, but very creative and resourceful.

I have 11 months of experience as mannequin-blogger-influencer, and I am the only one on this planet that does this type of job.

I mainly post articles on a decentralized platform of microblogging called Steemit, based on the STEEM blockchain.

Besides writing, I have many other qualities that could be very useful for every type of space mission.

First of all, I can speak various languages and if necessary, I am available to create a new language on another planet.

I can cultivate veggies and plants in general, and I am an excellent cook/chef using my home-grown ingredients. Pasta with homemade pesto is my winning dish!

I have a vast knowledge of plastic materials.

I do not need to rest too much, I never sleep and I am always on alert. Therefore, I do not need a comfortable bed, and neither a toilet. The lack of oxygen is not a problem for me… WIFI however is more important. Well, we can reduce the space needed and consequently also cutting costs.

I do not have a driving license yet, but I know that in space this is not really essential. Furthermore, there aren’t too many obstacles in this environment… the Tesla or the spaceship goes straight ahead until destination without a scratch… except for the case of an asteroid or unknown object crossing its path. If I haven’t reassured you enough, I have a bicycle that can be launched and I will do the rest.

I am a mannequin full of enthusiasm and ideas, who works hard and pays attention to details. I am very flexible in terms of mind setting, a bit less physically, but this won’t stop my strong motivation.

I have excellent references and would be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy with you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I would be grateful if you would keep my CV on file for any future space mission.

Your sincerely

Steemitri The Mannequin

Steemitri The Mannequin
6500 Bellinzona

Together with this letter, I enclosed my CV.

Now I have to send everything and just wait! Wish me luck and fingers crossed that they will call me for an interview!

In the meantime, I start to fix my bicycle to be ready for any eventuality.


Steemitri The Mannequin


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


It is one of the daily posts which I go thoroughly. At least I have learnt a lot of new things.

A Tesla needs a beauty like a Mannequin !
The best to have is STEEMITRI, fully prepared for :

I'm ready!!! Just waiting for the call!

Another awesome post @steemitri!

Grazie mille!!!
I will contact you on Discord in the next days ;-)
I wanted to ask you for advice about a project.
Big hug!

Fingers crossed @steemitri! This is, hands down, the best motivational letter I've ever come across 😁

Hi Dan!
If not SpaceX... let me know if there are some vacancies in Bulgaria ;-)

Hahah, I doubt there are any sophisticated jobs in Bulgaria 😁 But I can now totally imagine a photo session of you working at a Doner kebab storesteemitri.jpg

Oh nice! You know, I'm good at cooking, so that's a great position! I will send my CV there ;-)

Bravo @steemitri, collabora con Elon Musk... e forse è il caso di ricordargli (o magari non sa) che

L’unione fa la forza!

Complimenti per come hai venduto le tue doti linguistiche, raggiungendo l’apice della genialità con

I am available to create a new language on another planet.


Non smetto più di ridere, ajjajjajj

(for me) WIFI however is more important (than oxygen)!

I wish you all the best… you didn’t need luck: you are so creative that you can just create the reality you need! ;)

Un plasticoso lungo abbraccio da @amico!

Grazie carissimo!!!
Vediamo se mi rispondono, haha!

GE-NIA-LE!!!!! Se anche solo ti dovessero rispondere, caro @steemitri, mi ammazzerò dalle risate!! :D :D :D
Devo dire che sei un manichino davvero intraprendente!

Hahaha, grazie!!! Vi aggiorno appena so qualcosa... staremo a vedere ;-)

Ha ha! I'm sure you're gonna make it, Steemitri!!
All human fingers crossed here!! :D

Ciao Anja! I hope so... thanks for your encouragement!
Big hug!

Ahahah! Fingers crossed, mannequin!!! I know one day I'll look up in the sky to wave at you, proudly!
Elon can't decline, because he knows that when Steemitri-opportunity knocks, you need to take advantage of it

I will send you a postcard from Mars!!!!

How great those previous post about the bicycle and lamborggini hahaha, but good stand out more because I know that you can everything you propose, plus I know that you are still on your break so it brings good idess in your return.

Yeah... I had a great experience with the Lambos... now I hope they hire me at SpaceX ;-)

I hope you are selected to see how to put your great experience in the great job as an astronaut, have faith, faith hahaha, greetings friend.

Yeah I need that job as mannequin-astronaut... I will keep you updated ;-)

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