Goals to Reach by June 14th 2019, Our 1 Year Account Anniversary

in #community5 years ago

As we just past our 1 year mark for the Curation Contest I wanted to look at our next milestone, the 1 year anniversary of this account. In case you don't know the Pay It Forward Curation Contest started on my personal blog a year ago (@thedarkhorse). If you would like some history of the contest you can read It's official, We Are a Minnow! Looking Back.


Goal #1 - SP Growth

Was looking at our growth and where I felt would be a realistic goal it became very obvious that 1,000 SP is fully in our grasp. This will likely happen with our normal posting schedule along with maybe 1 extra post a week...it will be close but I fully expect that it can happen.

Goal #2 - SBI Shares

The next goal might take a little extra effort, but I'm committed to making it happen. I want to get @pifc up to 500 SBI (@steembasicincome) shares by June 14th. We currently have 312 SBI Shares 320 SBI Shares and will need to add an extra 188 Shares 180 Shares (Just purchased another 8 shares to make it round numbers) to make this happen in a matter of 2 months. This is about 3 shares per day needed to reach our goal.

Here is my offer to those who are interested in growing your SBI shares and helping @pifc grow theirs. Anyone who purchases SBI shares for @pifc will get an equal number of 100% upvotes from my personal account. This isn't going to cover the cost of the shares, but will help offset some of the cost plus you will still have your SBI shares for long term growth.

  • Example: You Purchase 10 SBI Shares for @pifc. I will give you 10 upvotes at 100% power with a current value of around 9.0c.

I will cast the votes in order of who bought shares to keep life simple and will vote on comments or posts and commit a large part of my VP towards rewarding those who buy @pifc SBI Shares. If all 180 shares get purchased right away this will take me around 25-30 days to get everyone their votes but you will get them.

Goal #3 - Increased Voting Power

With our leases and owned SP, plus a number of free delegations from some very generous people we are currently sitting at 8,589.1590 SP for total Voting Power. I'd like to get this up to 10,000 SP by our anniversary. With our account growth we will be sitting around 8,800 SP if we reach our Owned SP goal and there are no other changes.

Once I've covered all of the Votes I will give out for SBI share purchases I will personally add another 100-200sp to the account. This will leave us with a need to cover about 1,000 more SP. This likely can be covered by leases, but will have a better idea of this once we get closer.

Weekly Updates

My thought is to give a weekly update post about the progress until our 1 year anniversary so everyone knows where we stand on each of the Goals. Hope to do these on Thursday or Friday so the first update will be less then a week away.

Feedback Please!

We are always looking for feedback so please let us know what you think of our Goals, Our Weekly events (Curation Contest or Pimp Your Post), Ideas you might have for more contests....anything that is relevant to @pifc.

Thank you all for your continued support!!!


Respectable and reasonable goals @pifc / @thedarkhorse. Doing my small part "behind the scenes," to help you meet them:

  • Goal 1
    Already following @pifc with autovotes. Have you ever considered setting up a curation trail for @pifc?

  • Goal 2
    Purchased 10 SBI shares. If possible, hopefully you can upvote comments, as well as posts, as I don't post as frequently as others. As far as I am aware, the benefit of upvotes on comments vs. posts is the same.

  • Goal 3
    Increased my delegation to 250 SP.

Great to have goals and objectives. All the best to the Pay-It-Forward Community moving forward, hopefully into a future where STEEM has much greater value than it does today. 👍

Now ... Back to working on our family taxes and the "nightmare" ... 😧 ... of getting all of our "crypto" transactions properly accounted for ... 😞

First off thank you very much! This is a huge help and really appreciate all of your support.

As for the curation trail, yes I do have an account set up for it and almost put it in motion. My issue is that I'm worried that people will switch into a set it and forget it mentality and stop visiting the entries. I'm really happy seeing comments from people that mention they came to via the Curation Contest to the featured bloggers.

Also was having a hard time deciding how it would be used. Do we use it to upvote featured bloggers, use it for those who make an entry, both entries and featured bloggers, or is it used just to support community members on all of their posts? So many options on this...maybe I'm just over thinking it...lol.

For your upvotes I'm all for voting on comments. 5 of the 10 are done and I'll knock out the other 5 tomorrow when I wake up. Think my VP should be recovered by then. As for the benefit, yes it's the same to you as a comment or post is really the same thing in the eyes of steem.

Yes, I understand @thedarkhorse ...

"My issue is that I'm worried that people will switch into a set it and forget it mentality and stop visiting the entries. I'm really happy seeing comments from people that mention they came to via the Curation Contest to the featured bloggers."

[emphasis mine]

... as that "danger" exists. However, I would suggest the possibility of thinking of it more as a "better than nothing" option vs. an "all or nothing" option. In other words, if people don't have the time (like me ...) to always go an read every post, comment on it, etc., is it still better that at least their financial support is in place vs. nothing at all?

You presumably want to steadily grow to reaching the impact of a @curie vote, for example. Hard for me to imagine those who support that trail financially are also reading through and commenting on every single post they reward. Our good PIFC friend, @insight-out, just won her latest award from @curie. Perhaps she'd care to "weigh in" on this ...

When saying that, I am thinking of the recent success of the @tenkminnow account. Hard to imagine those who supported that account's curation trail also all visited every single supported account's posts etc. They did what they could, with the time available ...

That said, it is certainly "your" community @thedarkhorse and I am very clear that having different priorities, points of view, etc. are good overall for our Steem blockchain. Then people have options to educate themselves on and pick which one(s) [community(s)] works best for them.

One last thing, my personal preference is to get as much done as possible with one account, i.e. the @pifc account. The more our efforts and attention are split across multiple accounts, the more "dilution" there is in people's understanding, support, etc. So ... I was asking specifically about the @pifc account itself being set up with a curation trail ...

Okay, that's enough out of me, for the moment. I think the last thing I'll do is tag my Steemian friends @newageinv and @macoolette to consider investing their time to come and take a look at your one-year goals. To see if they may choose to also participate in some way ...

Have a great day!

Thanks for inviting me into the conversation, @roleerob!

Although, I am not sure that I understand the issue right. What voting trial means? Does it mean that people set an auto-vote for the @pifc account?

I guess I have a slightly different observation on the goals set. As I see, the goals for June are aiming to grow the account's SP and to make its vote more powerful. Which is great! In that way, the auto-votes could only do good.

But, on the other hand, if I understand it right, @thedarkhorse sees the Pay It Forward Contest as more about the person-to-person interaction, rather than the auto-votes. So, there is something missing here. There are goals on the SP growth (where the auto-votes will only help), but there are no goals set on the community and interaction growth (where the auto-votes will be harmful).

So, there are no goals that are set towards the development of the community, although the community is something that lays in the Pay It Forward Core. Maybe, we should think about that, too? Because, as I see it, if it is all about how strong vote (how much SP) the @pifc account has, the auto votes are only going to do good. BUT, if there are also goals about people interacting with each other and the growth of the community, then there should be also some encouragement on that, too (e.g. best comment award, etc). In that way, auto-votes will not "steal the soul" of the contest, IMO.

So, the question is, what we, as a community, want to accomplish? Be more recognizable? Interact more? Attract more participants? Support others in more ways?

There are so many directions the community goals can go. But, as @roleerob said, @thedarkhorse is the founder of the contest.

So what's your vision about the community, @thedarkhorse?

I hope I don't intrude with my suggestions! And I hope this is helpful!

Thank you for your very thought out comment. The idea of goals related engagement would be great and something I had considered, but I had no idea how to track it. My thought was to write another post asking the community how we can encourage more engagement in a couple days. I try to limit @pifc's posting to 1 time per day to avoid draining anyone's VP who has us set on an autovote and 3 days in a row are fixed posts with contest related posts.

So we are on the same page with the need for community related goals. Just have no idea what they should be or how to track them in a way that doesn't become so time consuming that this becomes overwhelming. I need ideas from the community and wanted the post related to it to be clearly about just that need, not mixed with the goals set here for the "business" end of the community.

in a way that doesn't become so time consuming that this becomes overwhelming.

Yes, this is extremely important. Otherwise, all the fun will go away and sooner or later the contest will become a burden.

I am pretty sure that the community will come up with many ideas, so let's see what suggestions that post that you are planning will accumulate.

Your points are well taken. I will talk about it with the judges for sure.

The one thing I'm pretty set on is the idea of a curation trail for the curation contest that doesn't cover everything. IMO the Pimp My Post votes don't need the curation trail. When I find a we have to much VP and nothing to vote on and I cast a few votes for SBI to help increase our incoming votes vs wasting the VP and sitting at 100%. So by having a pifc trail account people know that they are voting just on the curation contest.

In the interest of time, I’ll reply to both of your comments here @thedarkhorse / @insight-out.

First, to @thedarkhorse, I understand what you are saying about a separate “curation only” trail. So … I grudgingly accept that I suppose, as it takes into account a limitation of the design of the Steem blockchain overall. And, at the same time, the way in which you personally want to / have chosen to manage the main @pifc account … I still believe, though, the “average Steemian” would find a single account simpler to understand and follow …

A “curation trail” @insight-out, is more than simply setting up an auto-vote. An auto-vote allows you to make sure any post from the “auto-voted account” is going to have support from you, whether you have the time to actually go read and comment on the post. Or not …

A “curation trail” takes this idea to another level, whereby you are also then auto-voting on any account the “curation trail” account is voting on, i.e. that they are "curating." By so doing, we are making it possible for others to increase the value of earning the support of the “main” account. My referenced example is the well-known @curie account. Throwing his support “behind” the efforts of the @curie team is a “whale” like @hendrickdegrote, who has elected to auto-vote the @curie “curation trail” … Hope that helps.

That said, @insight-out, great input on the overall “vision” of the PIFC community “core,” etc. No question the ideal is to obtain both the financial support of other accounts, as well as investment of their time to write meaningful comments on posts / other comments (see the CEL weekly post, for a great illustration) ... We’ll see what @thedarkhorse has to say, although he rightly is also gathering input from the judges, without whose support the “vision” begins to fall down. It’s a “team effort” …

Great exchange that, for me, highlights the fascinating potential of the Steem blockchain. When we start mixing the nobler aspects of human relations with financial incentives / motivation, well … You never know where we might end up … 😉

On into my day. Have a great one “over there!” 😊

although he rightly is also gathering input from the judges, without whose support the “vision” begins to fall down. It’s a “team effort” …

So very true. The Judges put in effort with no promise of anything in return. They are truly giving freely and the last thing I'd want to do is alienate any of them by going a direction that upsets anyone without them having a voice in it before the changes are made. Much better that everyone has ownership of the direction of things. I also answered insight-out which you may want to read.

@roleerob all 10 votes have been made. Thank you for the SBI shares for PIFC!

Nice job @rolerob! You have encouraged me to do the same!

Auto upvotes and 250 SP delegated!


Posted using Partiko Android

I like your project! Always have, even though I don't really participate like I should.

10 SBI shares to help you reach your goal!

Thank you for the support. Not to give you a complete pass on participating...but while I'd love for everyone to be creating entries for the curation contest it really does take support from people who are helping out from behind the scenes too. Votes to help us grow, these SBI shares, and the delegation you gave all allow pifc to do more for others and it takes these efforts from a lot of people to add up to use making a real difference. I can't wait to see what goals we are making in a year for our 2 year anniversary and then the year after that. With the compounding effect of steem I feel that there is a lot of potential here to help a lot of people thanks to the support we get.

BTW, you will get your 10 votes from my personal account right after I finish up with Rob's. Will be easier to knock out 1 person at a time.

Haha. Take your time. Im not doing it for the vote though i wont turn them down :-)

Happy to help and maybe i wont neglect actually participating

I know it's not for the vote, but it's a nice way to recoup some of the steem quickly and make your SBI shares much more profitable long term. Trying to make it a Win-Win for everyone involved.

Hope to see an entry from you next week. This week is closed at this point.

I will make an effort to participate meaningfully.

See you then.

All 10 votes have been cast. Thank you very much for the support!

If you want to buy more the same offer will be available.

4 of 10 votes cast. Should be able to do the rest tomorrow.

About to post "Pimp Your Post" for pifc, it's an easy one to drop a link and gain a little exposure and see what others are posting about.

Edit: Now at 8 of 10 votes cast. Letting VP recharge before the last 2 later today.

You guys are doing great work. These are very realistic and obtainable goals. I will try to do my part and help you out!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for any support you can give.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Great. You guys are doing a great work and i guess it is higj time i set my goals also

!sbi status

Hi @pifc!

  • you have 376 units and 50 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 4319073138202 or 2.719 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.544 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 56.31 % has come from your subscription level
  • 0.80 % has come from your bonus units
  • 29.03 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 13.86 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    To reduce blockchain clutter, you can also check your status in our Discord server!

Hi @pifc!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 4.313 which ranks you at #2665 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 2 places in the last three days (old rank 2667).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 212 contributions, your post is ranked at #88.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Some people are already following you, keep going!
  • The readers like your work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

!sbi status

Hi @pifc!

  • you have 477 units and 50 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 6101035038528 or 3.813 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.763 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 55.70 % has come from your subscription level
  • 0.98 % has come from your bonus units
  • 29.95 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 13.37 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    To reduce blockchain clutter, you can also check your status in our Discord server!

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