Team Steemit on KIVA! Help People Across The World With The Power Of STEEM!

in #community7 years ago (edited)


Help people by loaning them money, not giving it to them. Small loans make a big difference around the world!

A few months back I made a post about Team Steemit on Kiva.

Kiva is a worldwide nonprofit that provides small loans so people can improve their lives. They get the money from individuals selecting which person or persons they want to help.

It's really easy to do.

  • First, you select a loan to fund. There are so many categories, such as agricultural (my favorite), schooling, health, businesses, and more.
  • Second, you fund it in increments of $25 and also a small processing fee (For me it was $3.75 per loan to help pay for the Kiva workers). You just changed someone's life! Good on you!
  • Third, you get updates as they repay the loan.
  • When they fully repay, you can re-loan or withdraw your money.
  • That's it! So simple and so helpful.

    I found out about this when @oleg326756 made a post about it. We even are part of the (currently 10 members strong)Team Steemit loans! (Click here for the invite:

    I had agreed to fund a loan in Nigeria as Steemit member @yaanivapeji had commented on my previous KIVA post and he lives there.

    I decided to loan the $25+ that the post earned to Laraba.

    Laraba in Nigeria's Story


    Laraba lives with her husband and children in a modest mud house in a small village in the state of Kaduna, Nigeria. Her village is a small community where farming is the primary means of income for most families.

    Laraba is glad to be a member of Babban Gona, a partner in the fight against poverty. Building on her previous input loan, Laraba expects to reap maize of up to double the national average.

    As a member, Laraba will receive a Harvest Advance loan, providing her with a cash advance. She will use the loan to purchase more farmland to scale her business and further increase her income. Additionally, Babban Gona will support Laraba by storing the harvested maize to sell later in the year. Now, she does not have to forfeit making a profit by selling her maize at low harvest prices.

    Laraba can now generate earnings of up to four times the average Nigerian farmer’s annual income. She also notes that her happiest memory as a Babban Gona farmer has been feeding her family all the time.

    Paul From The Philippines Story

    I also re-loaned my initial $25, this went to Paul


    Paul is a responsible father of two children. He is 42 years old and engages himself in managing his fish pond in their community in order to provide for his family. He is working hard to give his family a better living condition. For his business to grow continuously, Paul is now requesting a loan of PHP 50,000 to buy additional finger lings for his fishpond. This loan will help his business to accumulate greater profit.

    As a business minded person, these are the types of ventures I like!

    Help people improve their income, help them improve their lives. It also is why I prefer this method of charity. Because I believe that if people are just given things for free, they come to expect it. A few quotes come to mind, but I will keep it simple with this one that everyone has heard.

    "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

    In this context, it is more like “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Loan a man the money to build his own fish farm and you feed him for a lifetime.”

    Sure, sometimes people need help with the expectation of having to give anything in return. After a natural disaster or another unexpected thing that wasn't their fault or result of poor decisions.

    But I believe giving to people in bad situations that are the result of their own choices is often counterproductive. They have little to no motivation to improve themselves or their situation if they know that assistance is forthcoming because they are under the income level to receive it.

    Tony Robbins has a great quote that I always remember. “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

    The people seeking loans on Kiva are actively trying to improve and that resonates with me. So I help them out.

    Here are the people Team Steemit has helped so far!

    Steemit Funded Loans.png

    I would like for you to join up. Here is the link to our Steemit team.

    I will loan whatever I receive from this post in Kiva. So even if you don't want to join up you can still help by upvoting this post. I will update everyone what happens to the loans in the future.

    Hope to see you on our team!


    As a Nigerian living in the US this really hits home. Thanks for choosing Laraba. With all that going on in it seems Kiva is making a difference. I have seen their brochure before but thought nothing of it. Thanks for shedding light on some good we can do to empower others. Happy New Year.

    And happy new year to you too @yomibolo

    Thanks for your upvote earlier @getonthetrain ! I am so glad I decided to come by your blog and see this, as I was thinking I certainly should be doing some charitable work with my steems! This is a great way to do it and I will certainly look more into KIVA!!!!

    No problem! I am here to share this wonderful gift of Steemit! (Not hog it like others)

    Do you know how much interest is charged on the loans to the recipient? Hope it's not a predatory amount. Do you earn anything or just get your capital back minus processing fee?

    They charge a small interest rate, I think it differs but it is mostly to counteract any currency changes and to pay for the person that runs the office in that area. No, you only get your initial loan money back. To loan it costs an extra $3.75 to pay for overhead. So a $25 loan costs you $28.75 and you get your $25 back when the person repays.

    Great you are ended a blessing to us. You have shown an act of charity to the community. I believe that Laraba's life has been changed.
    I'm also part of various community projects and will appreciate your support to local community in uganda

    I will support someone in Uganda when I add this posts earnings to Kiva, thanks to you. :D

    That is a great news for us the steemit community living in Uganda. Thank you again @getonthetrain

    This is such a great idea! Actually I am already in kiva through my company :)

    Geez, you're doing everything through your company :D

    haha I know.. :D, they have a program that sponsor employees to donate at kiva.

    Good for you for helping this people advance their business.

    Its amazing the kind of opportunities crypto allows for people all over the world!

    Hello! I just discover your website and it's so cool that you share your money making journey .. I will be reading them all tmr.

    Oh wow, thanks! I must admit I cross-post between the two. I mean I wrote it already so might as well! :D

    I didn't know about this project at all !!!!
    Need to read and understand it more :-) Thanks for sharing ! (Because Sharing is Caring :-))))

    Join the team, @roxane! Loan a small portion of this cryptocurrency blessing to those that want to better themselves in poor countries!

    @getonthetrain, the link isn't currently working.

    Thanks, try it now and let me know

    Hello @getonthetrain ,, i have been vote you and i have been transfer SBD for u to vote my post. Cek your wallet history hehehehe

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