Kiva Loans: Help People Help Themselves

in #community7 years ago (edited)


Help people by loaning them money, not giving it to them. Small loans make a big difference around the world!

I recently got word that Celestino down in Peru has repaid the loan I gave him. Time to re-invest it.

Well, invest is probably not accurate. Loan it again is more appropriate because I receive none of the interest. I do it to help through the portal.


Kiva is a worldwide nonprofit that provides small loans so people can improve their lives. They get the money through individuals selecting which person or persons they want to help.

It's really easy to do.

  • First, you select a loan to fund. There are so many categories, such as agricultural (my favorite), schooling, health, businesses, and more.
  • Second, you fund it in increments of $25 and also a small processing fee (For me it was $3.75 to help pay for the Kiva workers). You just changed someone's life! Good on you!
  • Third, you get updates as they repay the loan.
  • When they fully repay, you can re-loan or withdraw your money.
  • That's it! So simple and so helpful. If you have used a site like Lending Club, it is much the same.


    I found out about this when @oleg326756 made a post about it. We even are part of the (currently 9 member strong)Team Steemit loans! (Click here for the invite:

    I decided to fund part of a $600 loan to Celestino in Peru in December of 2016. They provided a photo of him and a short description.


    “Celestino is 44 years old and has a live-in partner. He lives with his partner and son in Pucara, Jaen province in the Cajamarca department of Peru. The locals here mainly work in farming, trade, and cattle raising. Celestino receives good personal and professional references locally.

    Celestino makes a living raising farmyard animals, such as roosters and hens. He has more than five years' experience in the trade. Celestino is applying for a loan in order to invest in more animals such as turkey, ducks, etc, and feed. Celestino can thus earn a higher income for him and his family.”

    As a business minded person, this is the type of venture I like!

    Help people improve their income, help them improve their lives. It also is why I prefer this method of charity. Because I believe that if people are just given things for free, they come to expect it. A few quotes come to mind, but I will keep it simple with this one that everyone has heard.

    "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

    In this context, it is more like “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Loan a man the money to build his own fish farm and you feed him for a lifetime.”

    Sure, sometimes people need help with the expectation of having to give anything in return. After a natural disaster or another unexpected thing that wasn't their fault or result of poor decisions.

    But I believe giving to people in bad situations that are the result of their own choices is often counterproductive. They have little to no motivation to improve themselves or their situation if they know that assistance is forthcoming because they are under the income level to receive it.

    Tony Robbins has a great quote that I always remember. “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

    The people seeking loans on Kiva are actively trying to improve and that resonates with me. So I help them out.

    I would like for you to join up. Here is the link to our Steemit team.



    I will loan whatever I receive from this post in Kiva. So even if you don't want to join up you can still help by upvoting this post. I will update everyone what happens to the loans in the future.

    Hope to see you on our team!


    I am so happy to see this post, @getonthetrain! Our Team Steemit is going strong on Kiva and hopefully more Steemians will be joining in the near future! and are two of my favourite websites on the entire Internet. :)

    And, it times of negative or near-zero interest rate AND/OR in countries with weak national currencies, quite a few people started using Kiva as an alternative to their retirement savings. Low-risk zero-return conservative form of saving that will make a difference in the world.

    Huh really? I didn't know they were using it that way. In the age of negative rate government bonds, I guess anything is possible.

    This is such a cool idea! I hadn't heard of it, but I think I will have to look into joining that community. I've always been a big believer in the teach a man to fish philosophy, and this seems to be perfectly in line with that.

    It's pretty cool to help the mom & pop business around the world. Hand ups, not hand-outs.

    I agree! I think it's important to help people help themselves. That way they can take ownership of their accomplishments and gain the confidence to move forward.

    Good work you are doing @getonthetrain. My upvotes is small but i will still give it to support.

    In honor of you @yaanivapeji, I will look to help someone in Nigeria with a Kiva loan.

    Thank you very much. This is really big hearted of you.

    Really great way to help some people! I support this wholeheartedly!

    Thanks @shieha, just spreading the word. :)

    Good work, big respect for this. I totally forgot about Kiva, I remember using it years ago to fund a project..

    Thanks @jonnoka - log in and join our team (even if you don't loan now)

    This is awesome man. Don't know how I missed this posts, glad I found it before day 7 :-)

    Also, left you a message on discord, next time you are on.

    Thanks for sharing a helpful post. Really a great job you are doing.
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    I'll cheer you up...^^

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