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RE: The Real McCoy

in #community7 years ago

My friend, the man who I don't know his name, this is a tremendous thing you did in my eyes and I thank you very very much. I'm touched that you would do this and frankly, I am stunned as I check the feed before I'm getting ready to "take the night off" and sleep ;) ... (now I gladly hit the keyboard to make sure that I show you the proper respect)... I'll trade sleep for that compliment every night of my life. :)

I know that I'm the loudest out here, so you think all of these very cool achievements are mine, but in reality I'm just one of "you". You know who "you" are (and that goes for all of the other "yous" too) ... (say that 5 times fast) lol ...

Seriously though, I am like everyone else that I've connected to in my short time here. I believe in people and I care that my friends do well. I have seen such amazing spirit and kindness, that I wake up every morning excited to see what comes next. I spend so much time on this, not because of money or any praise I might get, but because I have been inspired by my new friends. I want to see you all succeed and I want to help you in any way I can. I think this platform has the potential to change many lives for the better, and I'm hoping many of them includes you.

One day I may know the name of the man that is my good friend here, but until that day comes I will happily be your teammate and do my part to make our team succeed. I thank you sincerely with all the passion I can put into words.

You're the best @themanwithnoname and I'll never forget this! :)


You're welcome! I really am impressed by what you've accomplished and looking forward to seeing where it goes. I need to figure out what my involvement will be on the platform and see how I can help.

I'm glad it encouraged you. I've seen a lot of people who serve that are overlooked. Just my little way of trying to spread a little "right" in the world.

You're amazing!

P.S. I don't have a name because I was never given one, but hit me up on steem chat and I'll come up with one for you. ;)


haha this is funny. and i love the office

I tried to get the clip on here, couldn't find it. Glad to hear you like it as well.

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