Soviet Russia was not communist -Part Two- how they violated the economic and social principles of communism. (In almost every way)

Soviet Russia was many things, communist was not one of them. They violated the ideals of communism in many ways. Here I will outline many of the common transgressions.


Equality is Keeping What You Produce

The main idea in communism is keeping what you produce and being equal as a person. Soviet Russia (especially in the age ruled by Stalin) went against these ideals in almost every way. Once you look at every small detail of what the USSR did, you will see that it was a state capitalist dictatorship, claiming to be communist to stop the revolts. North Korea AKA the Democratic People's Republic of Korea does the same.

Classes Should Not Exist

If classes exist, you already messed it all up. Communism can be summed up in one sentence, a stateless classless society with no private property. In my last post I showed that Stalin more or less "owned" the "nationalized" infrastructure and thus had private property. Now how many classes did Stalin make? Eight, Stalin made Eight economic classes, based on the food and other rations given out. Members of the "communist" party were able to go as they pleased, especially into areas and mess halls only they were able to. They had far more control and resources, they became a sort of ruling class, a big red flag for real communists. Next came sailors, they got more simply because many thought them the "aristocrat of the Revolution"- Emma Goldman They were held above in both socially and economically. Next were soldiers, they got a large amount less than the sailors, but enough to survive well enough. The next were workers for the military, getting food and tobacco to produce weapons and supplies quickly. The next came the regular workers, divided into three categories skilled artisan, laborer and a few that get nearly the same amount of food. Bourgeoisie was the last class. Getting barely enough to survive and usually could not get a job or housing.

In a real communist society these classes would not exist at all. (A future post will be about real communist societies that have existed, as many on the last post claimed that ideal impossible.) Soviet Russia had as many classes as in capitalism, and even decided that way by the same reasoning as in capitalism. Communism realises that all jobs that are important to humanity deserve to be paid equally, based on how well you did the job, not what job you did. This alone is a difference enough to discredit the claim that Soviet Russia was communist.

Socially the Members of the "Communist" Party Were Held Higher


Above is a membership card called a red card, it signified that you were a member of the "communist" party. This card allowed them to eat in a mess hall specifically made for them, get warmer and better cloths, if they were high enough rank even their own private dining room, and better housing for your family. In Petrograd Soviet (a capital city) the best hotel in the city was turned into a housing for the families of men in the communist party. This spread throughout cities in Soviet Russia until every city had housing like this, putting members of the party above everybody else. This caused anger and riots. Emma Goldman was there at the time and heard the workers. As Emma Goldman wrote what they said, “We don’t mind working hard and going hungry. It’s the injustice which we mind. If the country is poor, if there is little bread, then let us all share that little, but let us share equally. As things are now, it’s the same as it used to be; some get more, others less, and some get nothing at all.” They grew angry and many fought back, this caused even tighter restrictions on their rights.

Kaliningrad - a castle "considered" for housing in the 1960s, blown up instead because it symbolized facism.

The goal of communism is to abolish a ruling class. Instead in Soviet Russia they tricked the masses and the only thing that changed was the names. In communism all people must have equal rights. If a ruling class exists at all it can not be considered communist, even if it calls itself that.

Before the Russian Fake-Communist Revolution

During the revolution the proletariat in many places achieved small-scale communism. They appropriated land of the rich and made it into communal (common ownership) land. They grew food in the country and in the city they distributed goods and manufactured. However, that changed when the soon to be Soviet Russia's government forces built a military. Workers unions had formed unions which just became another unit in the massive governmental movement. Any who tried to stop it were labeled "anti-revolutionary" and many were killed or exiled. They crushed all opposing parties and created a state soon to be known as the Soviet Union. Labor unions that workers once relied upon simply became transmitters for the orders of the state. They took control of the lives of the people, all because of their interpretation of Marx, distrust the masses. It was so close to real communism, but the people were tricked and unprepared after the revolution. They did not expect those calling themselves communist to imprison them in the same sort of system they broke out of.

They built up the military and destroyed many villages near them. Wars and the destruction of farms caused a great famine. This allowed them to gain an even tighter control of the people. The people worked as hired men on their own won property. The government set the prices and the government decided who would get paid what. This was one of the greatest failures of the 20th century.
They even changed the definition of traitor to::

“Any acts committed by citizens of the U.S.S.R. detrimental to the military forces of the U.S.S.R., its independence or the inviolability of its territory, such as espionage, betrayal of military or state secrets, going over to the side of the enemy, fleeing to a foreign country or flight [this time the word used means airplane flight] to a foreign country.”- The USSR lawbooks


Any traitor is exiled or shot with all his property taken away. Anybody doing anything detrimental is now a traitor and would be shot or exiled. This decree from 1935 is far from what it was like before the state took power. The USSR was formed out of many countries that could not survive Nazi Germany and/or America alone. Its iron grip over the media and the people allowed it to lie in any way it wished to keep the people from revolting. The intentions in the very beginning may have been good, but they may have just been power hungry capitalists wishing to take advantage of any people they can trick and control.

More reading

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please keep your flags off replies to my comments.if you have a beef with someone leave me out of it. i don't flag people. it is a flaw in the platform that it can even happen.

you may not care and that's ok, but anyone who gets in my way with a flag has my eternal enmity. please, i implore you, stop.

He spammed me......also in this "capitalist system" it is allowed, so I can use it to my advantage for more money......I do not see what's wrong with using his own system against him.

I don't care what the system is. i didn't have anything to do with your spat. if you don't care whether or not you are making enemies unnecessarily, then you are not going to make it very far in a crapitalist system or a godless, anarchistic free for all.
you flagged something related to me. he hurt your feelings, so, you involved me. i would recommend you use better judgement in the future.

He didn't hurt my feelings he spammed me so it took longer to see other comments and wasted my time......I really don't care how close he is to you if you spam me after I answer your question I will downvote the spam is it really that hard to understand?
I'm a bigger account and he is capitalist, I can use my resources to do whatever I want to him as long as I avoid detection of the bigger accounts. That is capitalism, I will provide an example of pure capitalism until the system is changed. Good luck.

i don't care about any of your spats. you have attacked ME. i encourage you to stop wasting my time, NOW.

If you wanted me to stop "wasting your time" just don't reply.........That is not your goal you just want to have the last word.

not good enough. you came into my space. you'll do it again. you have no respect for any but your childish flailings. i have absolutely no interest in having the last word . i just don't want to see any of your nonsense having to do with me, my posts, my comments or the air i am breathing. again, i implore you to leave this alone.

This is literally on my the fuck does it not have to do with me.......

Also you replied so you don't actually want it to end.....nice try tho

you screwed with my comment, now i'm screwing with your post. i don't know how to explain in simpler, more explicit terms. maybe i could use words of no more than one syllable. do not mess with my posts. switch off. that clear?

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I swear you must be retarded.

The USSR (which contained many more republics than just Russia) was socialist.

I guess the "Communist Party of the Soviet Union" means nothing.

You seam to be confusing present time with the past and vice versa so incase you don't know, current time is not the past and the present date does not negate the past.

Russia and U.S.S.R. were communist/socialist.

Fucking swear people get stupider and stupider.

The democratic peoples' Republic of Korea..... AKA North Korea.....North Korea is democratic.....

Please stop being stupid............................... Names literally mean absolutely nothing and if that is your only argument please never talk to me again

Exactly What you call capitalism is not capitalism.
What is called Crony capitalism by some could be called crony socialism.
What is called socialism is not social.
Only an individual can be social, I should say only an individual can DO social things.
What is called tolerance is intolerance.

Must I go on?
What is called the free market is the opposite of the free market. Do I need to explain?
What they call government does not exist, it's just as real as Santa Claus.

We live in a world of words, and we are ruled by those words. Most words are used by evil to put humans against each other. Picking out a few words only distorts the whole picture, and is only used to subjugate "the other"

Every ideology is poison if it's force on the everybody to think the same. (Catholic, socialism, democracy....these are a few of the cults and cult(ures) they all are collectivist.
The only way (i believe) is to stop forcing people to do things your group or you, think are "good"
I.m.h.o. the only way to have peace is accept that other people have different opinions and that they don't need to be forced to have the same opinion as you or your particular cult, cause forcing your opinion on how someone else should live their life is the opposite of peace and will always end in
evil prevailing.

"What is called socialism is not social." socialization is common ownership of the means of production
looks too autistic not gonna read the rest

O.K. Strange that you can judge it to be too autistic without reading it. Sounds like magic powers.

I don't mind the labeling or that you won't read it. Have a nice evening (or maybe it's daytime where you live)

Yes because north korea claims to be a democracy then it must all be fase.

Keep up your propaganda.

fucking swear.

"Yes because north korea claims to be a democracy then it must all be fase."
Could you speak English please?

Good luck with that.

You never had an argument as to why they were communist other than they said so. I told you why that is false. Please stop being retarded

keep up with the ad hominem and the red herring.
just proving my point more and more.

"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2]"

I called you stupid because your argument is horrible not the other way present an argument or I downvote any other comments.

Oh your going to flag my stuff to try to censor me? Do what you will but understand I am known for making posts calling out flaggots that try to censor people over opinions.

So do what you do and I will do what I do.

Keep up the propaganda and resorting to fallacies when confronted on your bullshit.

I haven't made a flaggot post in a bit so I guess its about time.

I called you stupid because your argument is horrible not the other way around

Yeah you attacked my argument not resorted to name calling and dodging or points. LOL

If you truly feel your in the right and im in the wrong then what is the point of flaging me? don't you want all of the steemit community to see how you are right and I am wrong? If you are right like you claim, I don't see how censoring my comments will help prove your not in the wrong. If you feel im wrong then why not let the world see it?

Flagg posts and you will be the next flaggot post I make and you will get a bunch of attention (might be good or bad IDK), so yeah have fun with your flaggot threats as they have no effect on me.


All anyone has to do is look at your other responces to other people to see you do nothing but resord to ad hominem.

Flag it to decrease your reputation I answered your argument twice in my last post and told you that I had. Now stop being a troll

god damn.

single missing letter from a typo comes off as not English?
Its whatever yo, keep pushing your propaganda.

"then it must be false" still fucking retard.... also what the fuck was the point of that sentence supposed to be?

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