Things To Note: For Her VIII, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #commitment6 years ago


…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 and part 7.


Commitment is vital and this is why you shouldn’t waste your time and resources on those who are not willing to go all the way with you. Study their content before feeding it to your soul. I know often times we cannot control whom we fall in love with, but I like being practical. I always advise people to think with their heart as well as their head. When reality is staring at you in the face, don’t ignore it. Never trade commitment, never compromise it or drop it. It is vital in your relationship. With commitments, your partner would be willing to go all the way with you, consider you, be sensitive to you and your needs, be considerate, be loyal and strive to be better for you. It doesn’t mean he or she would be perfect, it simply shows whatever pops up, they can deal with it together and then seek to improve.

Seek to be friends with your partner, without friendship in your marriage or relationship, you CANNOT be happy. I once shared a story of my lady friend that got married to a guy she didn’t have close relation with. They hardly talk or laugh, they relate only on the basis of necessity and the guy made it known that her opinion doesn’t count because “I am the man, I make the rules around here”. That is what you expect when you are not forming friendship with your partner. With friendship, there is no class or age barrier, and you just “flow”. Now, they are divorced as it later came to the surface that the man wasn’t really commitment and he came into the marriage with a different motive, and they have one daughter as a result of this marriage without prior friendship.


This is not to say “blind date” doesn’t work, or won’t work, this is to say, even with blind dates, you still need to work your way through and build closeness with your partner. No one will do it for you, only you can initiate it. Even if they ‘gave’ you the lady or the man on a platter of gold, you will have to make your efforts count by building closeness with him or her.

Friendship is important and it will determine how you both will weather the storms that will come with your relationship. Let’s face it, issues will arise, and you will both argue, quarrel and even feel like not talking with each other, but with the friendship you have built over time, you can get through it all.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Wow!! This hits the bull’s eye…Thanks.

Means a lot, thanks for this.

Commintment comes with the trust and bonding that a relation has. Friendship is one thing, when develops in a relation it makes a life easier and it takes you in a diferent world. Trust, bond , love, and understanding..together they make Feiends. ...Friends..i mean real friends 😉

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If you think your partner is doing some mistakes then be polite with him/her and try to convince with dialogue. It would raise your love for your patner

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