Things To Note: For Her, Contributed By @olawalium.


Relationship is a very serious thing but a lot of people take it with levity, thinking it is all about the kissing and making love. Relationship requires a lot of hard work, commitment and level head consideration.

This post is to address what the lady/woman is expected to do. Don’t get it wrong, the onus is not resting only on the lady/woman, but on both parties, and both parties need to work hand in hand to make the relationship work. I already spoke on what the guys need to do but like I said, it doesn’t only rest on one party but both of them.


Ladies, for a relationship to be very successful, there must be selflessness on both sides. Most of the time, ladies always want the world to revolve around them. Sometimes nothing else matters to them but just them. You need to build with your partner and that involves considering his feelings as well as yours. You don’t need to focus on yourself because you are the lady, rather focus on him while you allow him focus on you. This is the main reason why you need to be careful while deciding your partner. Don’t rush things.

You need to be able to trust him to take care of you, rather than think he doesn’t have you in mind. He does and you should be able to know with his actions. Both of you must care and watch out for each other. If relationship is all about you, then there can be no relationship. It is called relationship for a reason, not "one-ship" or pact agreement. Relationship involves being considerate and you need to be. A relationship involves two people, not one person. When you act so self-centered, you are only magnifying your level of insecurity. In a relationship, selfishness doesn’t only blind you, it robs you of the ability to sense the feelings of others.


Honesty matters in a relationship, dear lady. Be honest about your feelings; don’t assume he is supposed to know. I understand the place where he needs to know some things even without being told, but where he doesn’t, be honest about how you feel and don’t be dramatic about it. Be honest how he makes you feel, be honest about what you think. Don’t leave him to assumptions. Don’t wait for him alone to figure it out, always meet him half way, he is your partner after all.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Она прекрасна👼👼👼

Applaűdizë. What a balance.
Its [relat(e)][ion]-[ship] for a reason. One person does not relate with self he either relate with a fellow of same sex or opposite and in few cases with other elements but because of the need for companionship, its more used with reference to humans viz-a-viz male and female. So the place of assumption is totally out off it, its a mutual interaction. No parasitic nor symbiotic.
Note: the ship signifies a carriage that brings both parties together and unless they agree [relate] properly, there would be caos in the vessel.
Alot of ladies have even worsen issues with the idea of feminism, well this i beleive is a subject of its own
This a beautiful piece yet again.
Am blessed boss.

Wow!. Absolutely blown away by this amazing comment. It always get better. Thank you so much.

This is beautiful. :)

Am glad to make an effort and more importantly that you like it.

Always appreciated and what a great effort too, i must say. Thank you once again.

I don't know how you always come up with your words. They are really powerful, loaded and insightful. This is a lesson everyone should learn. Don't go into a relationship if you know you are not ready to give everything. It takes a lot of commitment and it is for serious minded people. Thank you gan

Both the parties should be loyal to each other.
Love and understanding is the key to happy and successful life.

As far as my experience say ..."Her " as in a relation alwsys want "Him" to be matter what a little bit of caring or a chit chat or pep make "her" very comfortable and relax about settling in a relationship. And true there must be honesty from both side...if there is any dont keep it inside....a true relationship is about togetherness

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