Things To Note: For Her III, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #advice6 years ago


…continued… from part 1 and part 2.

Relationship is a very serious thing but a lot of people take it with levity, thinking it is all about the kissing and making love. Relationship requires a lot of hard work, commitment and level head consideration.

This post is to address what the lady/woman is expected to do. Don’t get it wrong, the onus is not resting only on the lady/woman, but on both parties, and both parties need to work hand in hand to make the relationship work. I already spoke on what the guys need to do but like I said, it doesn’t only rest on one party but both of them.


Ladies hurt us easily. Their words come out sometimes as insensitive and only when they must have uttered them before they realize the gravity of the words they have used. Don’t be like that. Be careful about your choices of words and how you use them. Put your partner’s feelings into consideration. Don’t try to get even and hurt him with words because you know that is your strong point. Your words are as slick as oil but they cut really like a knife. Be the kind of woman who has the power to tame her tongue, just as we advise guys to be the kind of a man who can tame his hands.

When consideration is taken into a relationship, it is easy to hurt each other less because you will consider your partner’s feelings and you would want to reduce to the lowest minimum the things that constitute hurt and the things that can bring about cracks which could lead to an untimely death of that relationship.


Guys are different. Some other guys, when you hurt them, they give it back to you with their words and scare you. Some resolve to violence. Learn never to bring out the worst in your man. Some are struggling to be a better person, some are struggling to keep some behavior buried inside, don’t test them to the limit. Don’t push them to breaking points. Be considerate, and be sensitive. Some guys, when you even hurt them, they won’t talk, and most times, many people fear these types of men. They hurt secretly but when they blow out, thinking he wouldn’t talk, you will know the trouble you have caused. Ladies, just know that, because your partner doesn’t express hurt over what you do or say doesn’t mean they are not hurting inside. We all have our limits, so we should be tender with one another, more so someone whose presence you love and whose absence you cannot afford.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


@olawalium i believe such situation occurs when there is miscommunication among the partners. Instead of reaching out breakeven point, its better that both partner make a chit chat to get everything sorted.
A little amount of chitchat is ok, but do not let it exagerate.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely. They need to talk things over. They need to reach a level ground and have a bit more understanding too.

If they are humble enough to have a chit chat about it, they might resolve things faster.

Thank you my friend. Always a delight to read from you.

Thanks....the bleeding tongue 😜 you ate always a treat to read

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahahahahaha. Thanks brother.

Chit chat only works in a blame free atmosphere. No reminder of who was or not wrong. The aim should entirely be for a better understanding and accepting each other for who you both are and dealing with it accordingly.
Nice contribution sir

I kept smiling while reading this very post.
smiles i counted and i recorded the word consideration twice and considerate once which means been considerate is a fundamental phenomena which can not be over emphasised in a relationship. If i recall, BEEN CONSIDERATE is one of the very interesting post you had up here and wao i loved it greatly. So which means just like been honest, its also very important to put yourself in peoples "shoes" as fondly said which also by and large has a connection with been honest and fair with your actions and attitude.
So my Key word for today is " Be Considerate"
Thanks alot for sharing sir @olawalium.

I am glad you could relate with it. Yes, when we show considerations, we would be less selfish and we would reduce a lot of hurt. Don't do unto others what you don't want to be done to you.

Thank you for your consistency, duly appreciated.

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