Poignant or Pandering

in #commentary7 years ago (edited)


One of the first things people will notice about Steemit, almost immediately is: it's a low flame area. I would say that it's a flame free environment, but that would be an overstatement.

...and that's a good thing...to a point.

However the few counter examples one might name would perhaps brings me to the same point this post attempts to illustrate.

It is digital suicide to present a countercultural message to the Steemit platform. Don't get me wrong I don't mean the larger culture. I'm talking about the one right here. After all the very concepts underlying Steem are countercultural in its own way. Still there is a quantifiable culture here.

So what do I mean, "countercultural"? I have to leave that to your imagination, least I become derailed by arguments about that which is acceptable and what is not.

Suffice it to say, if one presents a topic that is unpopular, yes it's written uncensored to the blockchain, but that doesn't mean that it was viewed. The easiest way to handle an offensive topic is to let it slide off into oblivion, and if the post is handled politely enough that is exactly what happens.

If, however, the offending post is well written, and compelling, then comes the downvoting. It doesn't take too many of these to quell these posts, and frighten posters that might otherwise take on some of these hard issues.

Which brings me to the point. Sometimes we need to discuss hard things here, but if as content creators, we have to worry about getting, seen and getting downvoted, were left straight up pandering to the common culture.

I went to one Steemers page this morning and found it filled with vacuous pandering. Not one challenging article. Just post after post, that promised to help you achieve greatness in this environment, but had very little substance. Yet, it had worked out well for this Steemer, making bank on our community.

As Steem continues to grow, developers need to consider these issues lest we end up becoming inconsequential. Perhaps there has to be a consequence for misusing the downvote to shut down legitimate topics.

Let's keep Steemit substantive and relevant.

Content created by Robert B Kirkpatrick for Steemit.
Please read more of my work at Neopatriarch's Steem Page


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How to Draw this Ghost

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