Comment of the Day #19 - New face, same spirit

in #comment7 years ago

Comment of the Day contest is Live!!

I'm overwhelmed by the response received by @acidyo's announment to hand over Comment of the Day contest to me. As the new leader of this contest , I aim to do my very very best to give everyone the best CotD experience.

You can read the announcement here in case you haven't done so.

And so without further ado I now bring you Comment of the Day #19!

Please take the time to read the new guidelines as there may be some slight changes.


Quote the comment you want to nominate in the comment section here and add a link to the original one. Can not be your own comment, make sure its on the right day and contest. Comments nominated more than 24 hours later from the the time of this post will sadly be disqualified. Please find a later CotD Contest post and nominate there instead.

You can link a comment by clicking on it's timestamp and copy the url on your browser.

timestamp here


Top 5 comments and their nominators get rewarded as follows.

80% of SBD rewards goes to comment author.

30% of the SBD goes to winning comment #1.
20% of the SBD goes to winning comment #2.
15% of the SBD goes to winning comment #3.
10% of the SBD goes to winning comment #4.
5% of the SBD goes to winning comment # 5.

30% of the total SP reward will be shared among the nominators of the winning comments. Which will be sent via direct Power-up to winning nominator.

12% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #1.
8% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #2.
5% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #3.
3% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #4.
2% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #5.


Similarly to @acidyo, I will vote on all nominations with the same voting power and let the community choose the winning comments through votes.

Yes, CotD contest will be a daily recurring contest to bring back the spirit of "Comment of the Day". I will do the best I can to curate the Contest on the daily. You can generally expect a new CotD once at least every 24 to 36 hours.

Go forth, and nominate your Comment of the Day!


Hi @awesomianist ;)

I would like to nominate @benjojo for this comment

Thank you, I'm touched. I am also very happy to know that human beings like me exist the world over. The amount of giving in the world even today is astonishing. The trouble is, we've never had the ability to just give, directly and simply. I fully expect the amount of giving on platforms like steemit to explode and in so doing, connect and unify us in new and deeper ways. I can think of nothing more important or personally be a small part of that is a great honour.

Here is the link to the comment

I would like to nominate this comment from @frostyamber, which mentions how warmly she was welcomed by the steemit community:

"I don't think its ever too late to welcome someone. :D

Everyone likes feeling welcome and I can honestly say that so far, every single person, that I've "spoken" to on steemit has been very kind, patient with my questions and welcoming. :D"

Thank you very much for the nomination @puffin, it is very sweet of you. :D

ahh, yes. Did you get anything out from it?

Yes I won a prize, not sure what place prize but it was lovely to win. :D

That is great. I am glad you did. I want you to feel welcome on this platform :). Feel free to join and throw comments into this contest yourself. I would be very happy, if you could pick one of mine ;).

I certainly will. Just have to pick the perfect post so you win too. :D

Great to hear .. I mean read ;)

LOL, it has to be a comment you said in the last 24 hours right, just trying to find one that's in the right time frame.

Good point..thanks for sharing

@awesomianist so glad that you are taking over this contest. Good luck and congratulations.

I would like to nominate this comment from @siersod he says the best advice he has ever gotten:

 “Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away”

Good post nominee for comment of the day goes to @teamsteem ..see link he gave a very clear, well thought and succinct comment to Krisnavohra question: why crypto is not yet peoples first choice...his answer is : "Government are the one creating the regulation. Governments are MAFIA. Government aren't a good thing. There's more on this in my writings. Thank you for your input though".
I agree with his comments beacuse Governments are the reason why Blockchain technology is triving and Bitcoin , Monero and subsequently Steem will take over the world.

For some reasons I hadn't realized you nominated me. Thank you! I know you said you would be for some reasons I didn't saw the notification mentioning my name here.

Great @teamsteem .I absolutely appreciate your good work here. Its because of people like you and your team that makes steemit great and give new members like me the feeling of being in a good network. I am bullish about steem , fired up and ready to go. Following you and hope we stay in contact.

Hello @awesomianist , I would like to nominate @edje for his comment:

Inspiring topic and post you've created. I was for some part of my life also risk avoiding. Postpone buying a house, stay longer with my employers than good for me. A couple of years ago I changed my career completely, took the opportunity to let myself go with a package and started a self employment life. Very exiting, but also scary. I manage my fears by thinking positive, not looking back at my decision, take it as it comes. Last years I had my ups and downs, but I love my freedom I created. I can enjoy longer vacations, can decide to sleep in on weekdays and so on. At times when things get rough, I try to look for solutions and most of the time there are solutions, maybe not always those you like, but hey, nothing is always 100% sunny. Of course I still have my fears, but so far I'm able to manage them providing me overall a better life than before the change from being an employee to be self employed.


Thanks so much @jznsamuel for nominating me and @awesomianist for the reward!

I'm so sorry I did see this before, I just discovered this when I saw some SBD in my wallet a moment ago.

Thank You again:

well deserved @edje :)

Thanks :)

Good lucky !

Yes very good

Good luck being the new leader of this contest! Followed you so that I can be a part of it some day :)

Thank you so much for picking up this very important initiative! You will have my full vote every day and I will try to find at least comment everyday to enter.

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