Story-time: I'm Not Alex Toth | Comic Update #6

in #comics7 years ago

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I've been having a bit of a tough time always recently when it comes to my art, which is why it's been a little while since I've last updated you about my comic. I think that most creatives can attest to the ups and downs you feel about the work you're producing. My feelings were perfectly captured in an article written by @ bryan-imhoff; he did an update about his comic, "I Thought It Would Be Zombies...", and briefly talked about how you can swing from loving your work to hating it. I'll be working on a page, satisfied one moment and then furiously hating it the next, going back and forth only to finally settle on a "meh" feeling. It's a bit of an exhausting process. I think the hardest part of it all is those negative feelings, for me at least, feel so much stronger than the positive.

I think a huge source of my displeasure at the work I produce is that I'm constantly comparing myself to others. And when you're comparing yourself to Alex Toth (one of the masters of cartooning), it's a setup for disappointment.

The only way I know to combat these feelings of inadequacies is to just keep drawing and to step away from projects to come back with new insights. Solutions arise sometimes after you take a break from things. I don't think I'll ever be 100% satisfied with the work I'm producing but if I was completely happy with my art, I wouldn't push myself to further improve.

Page 1, Inking Stage


Am I Alex Toth yet?

Page 2, Inking Stage


Still need to draw in the artwork for the cards, but I haven't quite settled on the designs for them yet so that's TBD.

Thanks for Reading!

That's all for tonight's update. Stay tuned for a special update coming up; I recorded myself inking one of the pages. Fun!

Ending questions:

  1. What do you when you feel disatisfied with your work?
  2. Who do you aspire to be?

If you want to read the previous updates, you can visit the links below:

Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5

I'm starting on Issue 3 of @drwatson's Lovecraftian horror series, Ithaqa. He has been writing about the series on his Steemit account, so be sure to check his posts out.

If you'd like to keep up with more of my work you can check me out at the following:

Instagram: @la.fumettista
Twitter: @TheresaChiechi


Saw you comment on my post and so glad you did because it prompted me to come check out your art. I really like it! nice "bounce/life" in your ink work and you have some seriously good fundamentals and layouts.

Alex Toth is a bad ass it appears you picked up some very good traits from him but mixing in "you".

You also pretty much encapsulated how I feel on my art as well.

As far as your questions..1 I am always dissatisfied with my work..2 I guess I just try to be me and pic up things from all sorts of artists, I learned I cant really change some things about how I draw its just my innate foundation so I just try to keep improving that.

Nice work and looking forward to seeing more!

Thank you so much! I feel like the voices of all my old art professors haunt/lecture me every time I sit down to draw a page. I try to make them proud haha.

Alex Toth is probably one of my favorite cartoonists, I always go back to him and try to study his pages hoping that by osmosis I somehow absorb his talent. It means a lot to me to hear that you see some of his traits in my work.

The struggles of being an artist! You're never satisfied.

Thanks for stopping by and for reading :)

Toth, shmoth. That splash page is really powerful and well done!

Haha, thank you for the feedback!

Never being totally satisfied is not such a bad thing and I think it's virus that has every good artist..Not falling in love with your work but searching for better solutions always is a healthy way @la-fumettista. Your work is great, love your clear line, just keep up and don't worry, we all go to that hate place from time to time in our work :)

Yeah, it's very true. Thank you for reading and for the feedback :)

You're just a few neurons lining up away from being better than Toth. I can see it.

FIrstly, I love your work it is wonderful, you will self-doubt that is just part of being an artist, but know your fans love it.

Second, I really like the use of the 'card-like' panels with the decorative trim, great with the card reading and very Victorian, which I love of course!

Now questions...
1.What I have learned is to be more prolific and to move on. If I make something or start something I don't 100% like I'll turn it into a study say, rather than continuing on as a finished piece beginning, becasue to me that is 'learning' from what I don't like.

2.Aspire to be? Hmmm An artist at leisure for pleasure surrounded by animals and plants with the time to enjoy looking out windows, sipping tea punctuated by trips to cities for long wanders in book shops, cafe's and museums. And I'm working on it! I don't really aspire to 'be' anything, no fame or recognition, just have fun along the way and be thankful when people like or buy my stuff, but just be happy in the making of it. That's my daily goal and overall aspiration I think.

Aww thank you so much :') It's the hard reality of being an artist but it means a lot to know people enjoy my work.

Yeah, this story is going to be told out of order so I'm using panel borders to signify whats happening when.

I really like your solution to hitting road blocks, turning a frustrating experience into one you can learn from.

I try to do that with Life in general too, make mistakes because you've tried then use the failures as a tool for the next decision. :)

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