
Post More! Little bits or a lot it’s all good. Keep up the good work!

Thanks, I’ll do my best! It’s good to see you on. Hope the new gig is going well and you’ll have some free time to post too!

This is so relevant to me right now; I think it's a struggle almost every artist deals with. But if we were satisfied with our work we wouldn't continually push ourselves to be better. Still, it's frustrating to put so much effort into something and hate it because it's not good enough.

Yup. I recall reading a quote about how few artists would claim that their work on the page represents more than 20-30% of what is in their head. It’s a lifelong quest trying to increase that percentage.
Artists who see no flaws in their work won’t improve... and are most likely kinda irritating people. 🤨 So I guess I’ll take the emotional roller coaster!

Cool work Bryan. Its a weird coincidence that you bring up Tangled, I have been studying it for story beats for the last couple of days. lol Also, If you want a paint over critique of your pages for the storytelling or even draftmanship, I'd be happy to share with you. Keep it up.

I’ve been meaning to sit down with Tangled for some facial expression studies myself. There’s quite a few different things to learn from it I guess! And thanks for the offer, if you’re ever in the mood I am always open to critiques. I can’t guarantee I’d implement all the feedback on given pages (trying not to fall into my regular trap of redrawing everything & never finishing) but I definitely like to apply learnings to the pages to come. I just wouldn’t want you to think you were wasting your time or I took any offense!

This looks great and posting shorter posts more often is also cool.

Thanks for the encouragement on the pages & the posting!

You're very welcome

highs and lows wherein I'm either loving how the work is progressing or hating it

Generally true for me too. Though, for the most part, I'm happy with the work I get done, or shepherd to getting done, but hate that I'm not doing enough...

Bingo. I feel like the frustration is driven by the fact that this isn’t my “day job” but I of course want it to be. As such any free time I have I actually feel guilty if I’m not working on advancing a creative career. It’s just a constant air of unrelaxed malaise... 😕

Hey man, those scales look awesome, don't let anyone make you feel bad for caring about details!

As for your worry that it's never good enough, remember that finished is better than perfect.

Some of the drafts on my comic are SHIT, but it's better to finish it and then edit it than it is to get discouraged cause it wasn't perfect the first time :)

Plus there's that whole paradox where as an artist once you've finished something, you've become so much better that you want to remake the original but with you know now. What fun! (Said michael sarcastically).

This is really coming along great though, I really like the character designs, and I know that should you choose to finish this, there will be an audience for it!

Thanks, I appreciate it! I completely agree with all the sentiments you've expressed... but in the moment you always have to keep telling yourself those things over and over again!

If you're digging the character designs now... just wait! (This is only a LARPing scene... the real magic ain't even hit yet!)

Very true, we do need to tell ourselves that, and keep being told that haha.

Also I am super excited for the real magic haha

One foot in front of the other, that's the way to do it. Great pages - I am already looking forward to see that clown-gangbanger being beaten to a pulp.

What is an accountability group? Never heard about that.

Myself, @kommienezuspadt and @artistchristian each have comic projects we want to get rolling, so around the new year we agreed we’d share progress with each other every Wednesday! Should someone fail to demonstrate progress for the week, they have to pay 25 Steem. It’s a nice bit of extra incentive mingling both positive and negative reinforcement!

AHA! I thought it was some kind of crypto-freemason-lodge :) Nice and good to support each other that way, I really hope that you all get somepositive energy from it - you are all great comic artists and I really like to see the community create some longer stories. Cool, cool and cool, and Godspeed.

That screenshot of the story view looks daunting. It's hard to approach a single blank page. When you see them all... It's like, What did I get myself into into? On the other hand it gives you that structure to organize and plan around. Like you mentioned with the index cards. I wish I had some really great advice but I struggle with the exact same stuff. Best I can say is enjoy the journey and the destination takes care of itself.

Post more! It's something I've thought about. Where is the balance between disposable social media stuff and longer form stuff? I say post more, gain experience.

As daunting as seeing the whole project is, I actually like having that visualization of progress. No matter how much more there is to do, if I can see progress happening, I’m happy!

I am delighted to see your posts more often and more if they are about your comics.

Thank you! Glad to know more posts wouldn’t get boring!

it's like that for me... except I have no hair and seldom go outdoors...

and you're female? :P

Looking really great; absolutely loving the first panel on the first page, so good!

LOL, guess I forgot that difference. For the record I’m also not a princess. Legal counsel has advised me to not comment on whether I have or have not bludgeoned my enemies with a frying pan.

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